Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1116: Zong Yun's anger!

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Lin Feng's impression of Zong Yun Da Neng was not bad. Zong Yun Da Neng had helped Lin Feng, Yu Fan, and Han Shuo and three people repelled the pursuit of a group of dead men in black.

Of course, a large part of the reason why Zong Yun Da Neng came out to help was because Lin Feng contributed the cheats of Soul Sword to Zong Yun Da Neng.

And Yu Fan also handed over a piece of fairy tear unicorn iron he got to Zong Yun Da Neng.

However, this kind of powerful person in the cloud can also be considered. After receiving something, he will not turn his face and do not recognize people. After frightened the dead in black, he took Lin Feng and three people to the Xingyun Pavilion, explaining that Elder Xingxuan took care of the three of them. Elder Xuan secretly violated Zong Yun's will.

"It's not bad to be able to follow him by practicing!" Lin Feng nodded.

At this time, Zong Yun Daneng, who was not far away, also saw Lin Feng. He quickly walked over and clenched his fists, saying, "Lin Gongzi, don't come unharmed after many years?".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Everything is fine, I would also like to thank Zong Yun for his care for my two friends."

Zong Yun Da Nengdao said, "The two of them worked hard, and I also cultivated some thoughts. It was just a matter of those years. I am really sorry. I asked Elder Xingxuan to take care of the three of you, but I never thought that this person would dare to treat him. Secretly shot ".

This matter Zong Yun Da Neng was extremely annoyed. First, Elder Xuan Xuan shot against Lin Feng. Isn't that hitting Zong Yun Meng's face?

Secondly, Lin Feng ’s talent is so amazing that in a short period of time, he has grown to the point where he even looks up to him. The Nebula Pavilion has missed such a demon who is likely to make the Nebula Pavilion rise. It must be said that it is a great regret. .

Zong Yun Da Neng ca n’t wait to break Elder Xuan Xuan ’s corpse, but the Master Xing Xuan Patriarch is higher than his Zong Yun Meng in the Xing Yun Pavilion. Shot against Elder Xingxuan.

Lin Feng said, "It's all a thing of the past. I'm too lazy to deal with a small person like Elder Xuan Xuan now!"

Lin Feng immediately took out several pieces of jade symbols and gave them to Yu Fan. Han Shuo and the two let them defend themselves.

Then he took out a white jade box, which contained a 50,000-year-old medicine king.

Compared to Yufu, Zong Yun Da Neng is certainly more interested in this medicine-level elixir.

Zong Yun was able to open the white jade box, and his eyes lit up after seeing the elixir.

Lin Feng said, "This medicine king, Zong Yun can accept it. The key moment is to save lives. With such an elixir on his body, be prepared!"

Zong Yun said in a powerful way, "It's really ashamed of such a precious thing."

Lin Feng said, "Zong Yun Da Neng, I gave you this medicine king because you took care of my two brothers Yu Fan and Han Shuo. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and hope Zong Yun Da Neng can teach you in the future. they".

Zong Yun Da Neng Dao said, "This point, Mr. Lin is at ease. Yu Fan and Han Shuo are working hard. Although their talents are not particularly good, but as long as the skill is deep, the iron pestle is ground into needles, and the hard work is practiced. ".

"Okay, your good words". Lin Feng clenched his fists.

Later, Lin Feng gave Yu Fan and Han Shuo two bottles of healing remedies. He did not give them to him. Cultivation, certainly many people think of killing them to win treasure.

Have another chat.

Lin Feng left.

Entered the space-time wormhole with the people of Supreme Peak, and soon disappeared.

"Zong Yun Da Neng and Lin Gongzi have been talking for so long, you said, will Lin Gongzi mention the things of that year?". An elder in Xingyun Pavilion whispered, looking at the gloomy Xingxuan elder.

"Shouldn't it? What kind of existence does Lin Gongzi have, and even the ancient giants can kill them. If he wants to kill Elder Xuanxuan, he can do it with his finger. Why doesn't he see Elder Xingxuan? Actually it is because of disdain. Will you crush an ant when you see an ant? ". Another elder from Nebula Pavilion said.


After hearing these elders ’comments, Elder Xuan Xuan snorted, then said with a sneer," What is Mr. Lin? The discussion behind him also called the other party, Mr. Lin, how can he call his name directly? See how scared you are Really? What a shameful thing, Xing Xuan is really not a character in that kid ’s eyes, but what about this? I ’m living well now, but the kid ca n’t live long, he and Huangfu Qingtian have The battle of life and death has now offended Taiko Ning's family. It will definitely die. I knew that boy would be a scourge. Fortunately, I didn't join our Nebula Pavilion. Otherwise, I don't know how much disaster it will bring to our Nebula Pavilion. "

"what did you say?". The voice of Elder Xing Xuan just fell, and a roar came.

Many people looked over.

Zong Yun Daneng looked at Elder Xuanxuan with an angry look.

Originally, Elder Xingxuan forced Lin Feng away, so Zong Yun was able to hate Xingxuan Elder.

Zong Yun Da Neng has forbeared until now he has not taken action against Elder Xuan Xuan.

But today, he heard the yin and yang strange words of Elder Xing Xuan, and the anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed.

"Now there is a good drama to watch. Zong Yun Da Neng brought Lin Feng to the Nebula Pavilion. If Lin Feng was still in the Nebula Pavilion, such terrifying strength, there is Lin Feng supporting Zong Yun Da Neng, Zong Yun Da Neng is likely to be in the third Years later, the new pavilion leader stood out, but Lin Feng was forced by Elder Xuan Xuan. Elder Xing Xuan ridiculed Lin Feng just now, but was heard by Zong Yun Da Neng. It seems Zong Yun Da Neng's anger , I ca n’t suppress it anymore. I do n’t know how Zong Yun Daneng will treat Elder Xuan Xuan? ".

Many people in the Xingyun Pavilion looked at Zong Yun Da Neng and Xing Xuan Elder, speculating in their hearts what might happen later.

Elder Xingxuan pretended to have Master Tuo Tuo Lan's backing, he didn't fear Zong Yun Ma might, because among the heirs of the Patriarch, Tuo Tui Mao had the most crowds, and Tuo Tui Mao was also the most likely to become The new patriarch, as a disciple of Tuoye Mighty, Elder Xuanxuan was naturally confident.

Hearing the question from Zong Yun Da Neng, he said, "Zong Yun Da Neng, I don't seem to have said the wrong thing? Lin Feng that kid didn't join our Nebula Pavilion, it is the blessing of our Nebula Pavilion. Pavilion, our Nebula Pavilion will be affected by him sooner or later "!

"Making my Nebula Pavilion miss such a genius, it is still plausible, and you will not admit it wrong. How can a person like you be eligible to be the elder of my Nebula Pavilion? Today, this seat will abolish you and deprive you of the position of elder."

When the words fell, Zong Yun Da Neng raised his right hand and patted towards the elder Xingxuan.

At this time, Elder Xuan Xuan's complexion finally changed. He didn't expect Zong Yun Da Neng to really dare to shoot. He shouted, "If you dare to shoot me, my Master Zuo Tuo Da Neng will not let you go." .

"Well, if you offend Mr. Lin, your master will be affected by you. It is not an easy thing to want to be the new pavilion master. He can't be the new pavilion master. What is the fear of this seat?", Zong Yun Daneng sneered and took a palm shot on Elder Xingxuan's Dantian, flying Elder Xuanxuan out of the tens of meters.


The elder Xingxuan Dantian was broken, and his whole body was destroyed.

With a thump.

Elder Xingxuan fell heavily on the ground, his hair disheveled, full of expressions of terror and despair.

"I was scrapped, I was scrapped, how could this be?", Elder Xing Xuan's voice was sad.

He was a strong man in the Yin-Yang realm, high above him, and now he is abolished. It is more painful than killing him.

The elder Xingxuan is now ashamed. He knows that his life is completely over. He thinks that he is relying on Master Tuo Tuo to support the arrogance in the sect, no one in his eyes.

Therefore, many people have been offended and they have been abolished. How can those people spare themselves?

The elder Xingxuan was more and more afraid, his eyes glared round, twitched a few times, and then motionless, he was scared to death.

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