Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1117: Murong Tenjin, the strongest person under the gods (7 more)

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After flying in the space-time wormhole for about three days, Lin Feng and others finally came to the periphery of the Tianjiao battlefield.

The entire Tianjiao battlefield is surrounded by a huge ban. Tianjiao battlefield has its own rules of order.

Now that the prohibition has not been opened, it is necessary to wait a little longer.

There are constantly monks entering the outer area of ​​the Tianjiao battlefield. After arriving here, Lin Feng and Shi Weizhu and others separated.

Because Lin Feng was worried that he would be targeted, and Shi Weizhu and others were not safe with him.

What's more, even after the Tianjiao battlefield is opened, when it enters the Tianjiao battlefield, it will be randomly sent to different places. In this case, it is naturally more beneficial to Shi Weizhu and others to separate early.

Shi Weizhu, Wang Ying and others also knew that Lin Feng ’s situation was actually quite dangerous. Before Lin Feng left, he reminded Lin Feng to be cautious. Lin Feng nodded and swept towards the distance.

The outer area of ​​the Tianjiao battlefield, the mountains are continuous, so Lin Feng was surprised that he saw an old acquaintance, and countless Taoist thief heads looked around.

"Dead Taoist, don't run, and finally let Lao Tzu find you, Lao Tzu will smash you corpses", some monks roared angrily, rushing towards the infinite Taoist.

"It's the dead Taoist who dug our grandpa's grave, don't let him run away." Soon, the monk's fellow disciples were also disturbed and chased angrily toward the infinite Taoist priests.

"Infinitely your uncle Goddess". Daoist Taoist ran away. After seeing Lin Feng, the unscrupulous guy pointed to Lin Feng and said, "Everyone, this kid is also with me."

"You go to catch the kid"! The leading monk pointed to Lin Feng.

"Dead Taoist! Drafting Uncle"!

Lin Feng could not help scolding.

"It's the **** Taoist, grab him quickly."

"And his colleague, also have to catch together."

Many people have discovered countless Taoists. The dense monks threw over, making Lin Feng feel like crying without tears.

How could there be so many monks hate the infinite Taoists?

How many ancestral graves did this grandson dig?

Now the hurting self is also affected, and the angry crowd will naturally not listen to his explanation.

Lin Feng and the infinite Taoist monks fled towards the distance, and finally got rid of a group of monks.

"Dead Taoist, do you lack morality? Do I want to kill Lao Tzu?" Lin Feng looked viciously at Wu Dao Taoist, and really had the urge to punch this grandson into a half-hearted attempt.

Infinite Taoist said, "There is a good saying, it is called blessing and sharing, there are difficulties when we are together, we are also old friends, naturally we must abide by the ancient people's reasonable sayings, there are difficulties when we are different, shouldn't we take Dao Ye as a friend? .

Lin Feng said, "Okay! It ’s a blessing to enjoy hardships, right? We just had a hardship, should n’t we be blessed now? You dug so many graves, you must have a lot of babies, right? Our brothers. Ok, just add two to one, and you should give me half. "

Infinite Taoist rolled his eyes and said, "Is that for my own sake? I contributed my strength to the cause of archaeology. What I did was for the benefit of future generations, but was misunderstood by so many people. It ’s okay to misunderstand me, and I do n’t care, but even your kid, Dao Ye and my best friend, misunderstood me, it really makes me sad. ”

"Good friends are all sharing babies. Apart from pitting Lao Tzu, you didn't take out one of the babies. I also said that Lao Tzu is your best friend. For your baby, come and share it with Lao Tzu."

Lin Feng's big hand grabbed the infinite Taoist.

Infinite Taoist ran towards the distance and shouted, "How can there be any baby? I am a Taoist, the Taoist pays attention to the two-sleeved breeze, I have nothing on me, but there are a lot of good things on you, hurry and share with Dao Ye."

Lin Feng has seen shameless but has never seen countless Taoists so shameless.

Perhaps this is the so-called dead pig, not afraid of boiling water?


At this moment, a breath of terror permeated, and a huge ancient ship dashed out of the void.

"This is the Void Ancient Ship of the Daxia Empire ...".

Infinite Taoist squinted his eyes and saw the sign on the ancient void ship.

Lin Feng said, "It seems that these archaic forces are coming!"

Indeed, as Lin Feng said, these archaic forces began to arrive one after another.

Lin Feng has never heard of the vast immense three thousand states and many ancient forces.

After all, Lin Feng has gone to very few places. Even Zongmen Zhutianlu cannot remember all the forces of the three thousand states. To be precise, Zhutianlu mainly records the forces of the seventy-two northern states.

There are also some more well-known states, such as Xianzhou, Nanzhou, Youyun sixteen states, Zhongzhou and other top powers.

The remaining unknown states do not mean that these states do not have top power.

In fact, the opposite is true.

Many lesser-known states have top powers in the hidden world.

Those heirs of the top forces rarely move outside.

However, it is not to say that those forces are not strong enough. In fact, those forces in the hidden world are even stronger than the Taikoo forces in the three thousand states of the famous Tianwu Continent.

Three thousand state powerhouses gathered, and in the void, an ancient and powerful breath prevailed, and even a number of powerhouses of reincarnation realms appeared.

boom! A man shrouded in endless divine light walked like a god.

His arrival has eclipsed many of the strong men of reincarnation.

Even at a long distance, Lin Feng felt an urge to worship.

The strength of the coming person is too strong.

"Tianjin Temple! Murong Tenjin!"


Many people moved.

There are very few descendants in the Tianshen Temple itself. For example, the younger generation of descendants, Sheng Tian, ​​is the supreme arrogant, desperate, and almost invincible in his age.

And this Murong Tianshen's reputation was not lower than that of Emperor Shengtian in Tianwu Continent today, and even louder than that of Emperor Shengtian.

Because in the Tianjiao battlefield, the top of Tianjiao Mountain, there is still the immortal mark of Murong Tianshen.

Murong Tianshen is the terrifying existence of talent ranked first after the opening of the Tianjiao battlefield.

Now that this person has been practicing for 3,700 years, no one knows how strong a person is.

There are rumors that Murong Tianshen is close to the realm of God.

It is also said that Murong Tenjin is the first strong man under the gods.

If it were not because the Tianwu Continent could not break through the gods, Murong Tianshen had already become a real god.

Murong Tianshen has not left Tianwu Continent now because he is still precipitating his cultivation behavior, and wants to continue to grow himself and increase his savings before becoming a god. More horror.

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