Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1126: Catastrophe!

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Many forces sent people into the Tianjiao battlefield to ask what happened, and soon after, news came.

Someone climbed onto the Tianjiao stage, stepped on Murong Tianshen, the avenue resonated, and was rewarded by the origin of the avenue and the road map.

This incident caused a great uproar.

A monk branded the scene here on Tianjiaotai with a crystal ball.

I saw countless people gathered here, on the ninety-nine heavy stone steps, Murong Tianshen glared.

On the Tianjiao stage above, a young monk stepped on the top of Murong Tianshen, full of provocation.

"This……". Many people moved.

One is because someone boarded the Tianjiaotai to shake their hearts.

The second reason is that this person dare to step on Murong Tenjin's head, which is really incredible. After all, Murong Tenjin is known as the first strongest under the gods.

Who dares to provoke Murong Tenjin?

But the monk who climbed onto the arrogant stage dare to do so!

"It is said that when he was going to climb the 99th heavy stone stairs, he was hindered by Murong Tianshen, so after boarding the Tianjiao platform, he immediately fought back and stepped on Murong Tianshen ’s head. The order of the Tianjiao platform would be This scene is branded and will be retained forever. "

Some monks said so.

"Permanently retained ... Murong Tianshen will be trampled on his feet all the time, which is really suffocating. Originally attracting worldwide attention, he stood above the sky and looked down at Tianwu Continent, but now he is trampled on the feet by a young monk and his face is wiped out. The gods also blame themselves for preventing others from advancing. This is the kind of hatred that prevents others from practicing, but it is endless. "

A strong man of reincarnation said gloating.

Many people looked towards Murong Tianshen and wanted to know what their thoughts were in Murong ’s mind at this moment. Now Murong Tianshen is kneeling in the void, closing his eyes and raising his gods, as if everything is happening to the outside world. care.

"I really can sit down"! Many strong men frowned slightly, and finally returned their gaze.

Deep in a mountain range.

Lin Feng set a ban here and opened up a cave house.

Then he entered into it, enlightening the catastrophe technique, which was ranked ninth on the Three Thousand Avenue.

If you can successfully cultivate this gate of Three Thousand Avenues, then cultivation will definitely be greatly improved.

Because this gate of Three Thousand Avenues is too tyrannical, of course, it is not an easy task to enlighten this Gate of Three Thousand Avenues. It requires a strong insight. Lin Feng took out the nine-color illusory stone, and left and right hands were holding A nine-color unreal stone.

Under the influence of the nine-color unreal stone, Lin Feng quickly entered a state of "Epiphany".

Once a monk enters the state of epiphany, he can often overcome the difficulties encountered in cultivation in a natural way. If not, epiphany will not seem so important.

Cultivation enters an epiphany state is the dream of every cultivator.

After a lot of people realized it, they woke up and cultivated their behaviors to "sublime naturally" and greatly improved.

Now Lin Feng, under the state of epiphany, is constantly simulating the operation of the catastrophe technique.

But I have to say that this catastrophe technique is too difficult to practice.

Even under the state of epiphany, Lin Feng was too slow to understand the mystery.

"Road map ...". Lin Feng had a new idea. He tried hard not to think about the practice method of catastrophe.

Instead, immerse the mind in the Tao map.

Gradually, Lin Feng and Dao Tu merged together.

The entire road map is made up of dense runes. If these runes are decomposed, it is the recipe for the practice of catastrophe.

But now, Lin Feng did not let Daotu decompose, but still called them the runes connected together. This time, Lin Feng had a new harvest.

These runes are connected together to form a disaster world. In this disaster world, there are sky-tribulation, space-time storms, flood outbursts, natural disasters, man-made disasters, etc.

These are disasters!

Now that Lin Feng has merged into the world of disaster, he seems to have become a disaster.

In Lin Feng Dan Tian, ​​a rune is interwoven, this is a rune of catastrophe.

These runes are getting more and more and gradually merge together.

Turned into a supernatural power.

"Daotu integrates into the magical array"!

Lin Feng was very impressed.


The Daotu flew out and decomposed into runes. The runes of Dao merged into the magical array formed by the catastrophe.

Supernatural powers are getting better and better.

The original supernatural powers are just entry level.

Now it is promoted to "Xiaocheng level".

After being promoted to the Xiaocheng level, the magical array formed by the catastrophe technique began to revolve around the Supreme Way.

In Lin Feng's body, a wave of violent turbulence surged out.


The mana in the body swept through the body like a flood.

"Breakthrough! The Nine Layers of Creation Realm!"

Lin Feng got up and smiled.

There are too many benefits this time.

Not only did he get the three thousand avenues of catastrophe.

Xiuwei also broke through to the ninth heaven of the realm of creation.

And now I am afraid of my name, and it is already well known by countless people in three thousand states?



The bonfire was burning, and a golden barbecue was set on the bonfire.

The aroma is seductive.

"Shoot ...". A streamer flew in the distance, and a woman wearing a black gauze landed.

This woman, tall and enchanting, has a beautiful face, and a pair of eyes, like the eyes of a coquette, charming and charming.

"Do you mind if the slave family is here?" The girl's voice was charming, and the voice was crisp inside the bone.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Naturally, I don't mind. It's also an elegant thing to meet a beauty like you on such a dark night."

"Giggle ..." The tempting beauty smiled and said, "Is Lang Jun confessing to the slave's house?".

Lin Feng looked at this tempting beauty with great interest and said, "Are all the women of Devil's Dao, as bold as you are ... charming?"

This woman Lin Feng paid attention when she was on Tianjiaotai and was a master of the younger generation of Devil.

"The best women like me are naturally rare in the world. My name is Guanlian, you have to remember."

The witch Guanlian Jiao said with a smile, she was very bold, and her eyes were very teasing to look at Lin Feng, without any scruples.

"For a beauty like you, it is naturally unforgettable." Lin Feng said.

The witch Kuan Guan said, "The slave family allows you to brand the slave family, and the name of the slave family is imprinted in the soul, because the slave family will be Lang Jun's woman in the future."

Witch Guanlian stretched out her right hand and gently stroked Lin Feng's face.

Lin Feng was the first time to see such a bold woman, but she could n’t hold her back for a while, but Lin Feng did n’t want to act too courageously. She stretched out her right hand and hugged her to the attractive little waist.

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