Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1127: Witch wan

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Guanlian giggled, and the flowers twitched, and she moved the lotus step away from Lin Feng.

Then he said, "What do you want to do to the slave family?".

"Don't you say you want to be my woman? I don't overdo what I do to my woman?" Lin Feng looked at Guanlian with a smile.

"Then you have to wait for you to marry me before you can let you do whatever you want. Before that, stop thinking." Guanlian grunted Qiong nose.

Lin Feng said, "It is a very normal thing to happen before marriage to a very beautiful thing between men and women, is it good?".

Guanlian Jiao smiled and said, "I am not a casual woman."

Lin Feng took a closer look at Guanguan and said, "Isn't it a human to get up casually?".

"You ... to fight!"

Guanlian bit her lip and glared Lin Feng fiercely. With such a look, it really had a different flavor.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Let's be considered, and talk about your purpose of coming to me. Don't slap me with words that want to be my woman. I don't believe it."

The charming eyes of the charming couple looked at Lin Feng and said, "Of course, I really want to be your woman."

Lin Feng looked at Guanlian.

Guanlian's eyes also looked up, sincere and bold.

Seeing those charming but true-looking eyes, Lin Feng even believed the words of Guanlian in her heart.

"Why?" Lin Feng asked.

"Because, a person who has lived too long will be lonely and lonely, but it is really difficult for someone who is single for too long to meet a suitable person, and after seeing you, I think you will It ’s my man. ”

Guanlian said very straightforwardly, this is her character, and will not hide her feelings, passionate and unrestrained deity.

This character makes people love, hate, admire and admire.

Lin Feng sighed and said, "It's not a good thing that a man is too good, there are always too many women to post."

"The other women are all vases, can you compare with me? Believe it or not, I can beat you to find teeth now?".

Guanlian waved her pink fist and said.

"Witch Kunlian, I'm like this name, one of the most powerful young people in the magical generation. I also want to try your cultivation style?".

Lin Feng jumped out, reached out his right hand, and grabbed directly towards Guanlian.

Guanlian did not evade. She smiled and said, "Your flesh is unparalleled. I want to try to see if I can break your flesh."

She bullied him.

Seeing Lin Feng is about to catch her.

Suddenly, Guanlian split into two, Lin Feng caught empty with one blow.

Then Guanlian shot, and on the left, Guanlian pointed to Lin Feng, and on the right, Guanlian shot with a palm.

"Two Guanlian? The breath is exactly the same?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

This kind of magical power is very powerful, and it can hide from the sky. Lin Feng has such a powerful perception that he can't sense which one is the deity?

Lin Feng resisted Guan's attack with both hands.


Suddenly, he felt as if he was hit by two Yuanding big clocks flying in mid-air, and was directly hit and flew out.

The two Guanlian jumped up and flew towards Lin Feng in the midair, one left and one right, and attacked Lin Feng again.

Guanlu's magical power that was divided into two was really powerful, which made Lin Feng in trouble, but Lin Feng also had the technique of cracking. He sacrificed the imprisoned magnetic field and enveloped Guanlian.

Under the strong limitation of the imprisoned magnetic field, Guanlian's actions were restricted, and it was almost impossible to move.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "See how you resist now."

He swept his fist towards Guanlian.

At this time, two Guanlian became a Guanlian.

After the two-in-one, Guanlian resumed her actions, avoiding Lin Feng's blow.

Then she quickly came to Lin Feng and said with a smile, "It seems that you are going to be beaten down by the slave family."

Lian Lian punched Lin Feng's chin with a punch.

"You really are willing to start."

Lin Feng backed away, avoiding Guanlian's blow, but Guanlian disappeared without a trace, and the next moment Lin Feng felt a coldness swept from behind.

Startled in his heart, he hurriedly turned sideways, dangerously and dangerously avoiding Guanlian's punch.

At this time Guanlian wanted to close his fist, but Lin Feng did not give him a chance. He picked Taixing's hand and grabbed his wrist directly.

"Great winding technique".

I never imagined that Guanlian's body became extremely soft. His slender straight legs clamped Lin Feng's legs, and his left hand strangled Lin Feng's neck, making it difficult for Lin Feng to move.

"What a big winding technique, actually locked me." Lin Feng felt that the mana was difficult to run up, and could not help whispering.

The method of Guanlian is indeed amazing. During the battle, Lin Feng temporarily ate some small losses.

"Do you know how powerful the slave family is?", Guan Lian said a little proudly.

"Awesome is awesome, but it is not wise for you to choose to fight me close, because even if I can't run mana, the body is strong enough."

Lin Feng smiled, and his body turned around, facing Guanlian.

Looked at Guan Yan's blown cheeky face and seductive pink lips.

He kissed quickly.

It really doesn't have a taste.

"rogue"! Guanlian's pretty face suddenly turned pink, pushed Lin Feng a few meters away, and quickly got up from the ground.

Rub your pink lips with your hands.

"Can it just fail for the first time?" Lin Feng looked at Guanlian with a smile.

Guanlian gritted her teeth and said, "You shameless!"

"It's you who said you want to be my woman. I kiss my own woman, don't you break the law? Male ... Huan ... Female ... Love ... It's a matter of course." Lin Feng shrugged.

"I don't want to care about you." Guanlian grunted angrily.

Lin Feng saw that Guan Guan was angry, and felt that she had just gone a little too far. She felt a little sorry and said, "I'm wrong. As long as you don't get angry, I will agree to do whatever I want."

"This is what you said, then owe it first."

Guanlian grunted, this woman is sometimes charming, sometimes shy, sometimes bold, sometimes hooked, sometimes pure ..., really the best among the best.

Lin Feng said, "Then remember it first, after playing for so long, I should be hungry, and have something to eat."

Guanlian nodded and shared the barbecue with Lin Feng sitting in front of the campfire.

"I don't see it. Your barbecue technology is not bad." After Guan Yan took a sip, she looked very enjoyable and couldn't help complimenting.

"That's natural. If you want to grab a woman's heart, you must first grab the woman's stomach." Lin Feng smiled.

"Hum, whispering, I don't know how to cheat too many girls and children," Guanlian snorted softly.

The two of them accompanied their mouths while eating. Guanlian seemed to be able to eat more than Lin Feng. The barbecue was digested by her for more than half, making Lin Feng stunned.

At this time, many monks flew in the distance.

These people glanced at Lin Feng and Guan Guan, without stopping, speeding up and flying towards the depths.

Soon, another monk flew by, and there weren't many meetings. After four or five consecutive monks flew by, Lin Feng and Guan Guan frowned slightly, and they felt things didn't seem right.

Something must have happened, otherwise, not so many monks would fly in the same direction.

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