Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1128: Tianwai

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"Let's go and see ...". Lin Feng said.

Guanlian nodded and flew away with Lin Feng towards the distance. Soon, they found a group of monks besieging a monk with a special appearance.

The monk's hair is pale blonde, the skin is much whiter than ordinary people, the eyes are deeper, and the eyes are Mediterranean-like blue eyes.

"This person looks so strange, why do so many people besieged him?". Lin Feng wondered.

Guan Guan said, "He is a foreigner from heaven"!

Lin Feng was taken aback.

He had heard about the Tianwai aliens before he entered the Tianjiao battlefield, and now he finally saw the so-called Tianwai aliens, and there are indeed some differences from the Tianwu mainland.

Lin Feng asked, "These aliens are called demons. What is their origin?".

The outside world is rumored to be a demon, but Lin Feng is a more rational person, and he will naturally question this statement.

seeing is believing.

"The alien tribe entered Tianwu with Tianmo when the Devil was in turmoil. To be precise, their planet was occupied by the Demon, and they all became slaves of the Demon. The Demon enslaved them and formed them into a large army. Therefore, the Alien Clan also participated in the war of the year, but then the Alien Clan turned against each other, fighting against the Demon with the monks of the Tianwu Continent, and finally defeated the Devil. However, the alien Clan can destroy the spaceship across time and space, they It can only stay on the Tianwu Continent. As for why the Tianwai tribe will be in the Tianjiao battlefield, it is unknown. "

Guanlian said.

"According to your statement, since the aliens of the Tian and the monks of the Tianwu Continent united to fight against the Devil, they should live peacefully with the monks of the Tianwu Continent. Why?" After talking about this, Lin Feng shut up, because He thought of the reason.

Guan Leng sneered and said, "People, many times more terrible than demons!"

Lin Feng did not refute Guanlian because he agreed with Guanlian.

There are Tianjing and Tianshi in the body of the Tianwai people, which naturally became a nail in many people's eyes and a thorn in their flesh.

"Tianwai Demon, just grab your hand and catch it"!

"Intensify the attack, and destroy the celestial demons and corpses"!

Many monks shouted loudly, using powerful magical powers or offering magic weapons to siege the alien alien.

"Even if I die, I will take you people to be buried together!"

The monk of the alien race roared loudly, and he was already dripping with blood.

Obviously, he could not hold on for too long, he rushed to a group of monks, and his body exploded directly.


With the sound of the explosion, devastating energy swallowed many monks.

At least four or fifty people died tragically.

But there are still three or four hundred people scattered around.

After the tragic death of the alien alien, the Tianjing and Tianshi in his body were not destroyed. Many monks were crazy and flew towards Tianjing and Tianshi.

"This is Lao Tzu, who dares to grab with Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu wants his dog's life"!

Many people are yelling and threatening others, but it is useless. Hundreds of monks are fighting together, and monks are constantly being killed.

"Benefits blinded my eyes ...". Lin Feng shook his head slightly.

The fact that the Tianwai tribe is defined as a "demon" is obviously a crime that many large forces want to force them to be imposed on them by the Tianjing and Tianshi in the Tianwai alien.

Seeing the monks fighting together in front of you, you can know how terrible sin greed is. It was originally an ally, and in a blink of an eye it is an enemy who fights to death.

Lin Feng and Guan Guan left.

Seeing Lin Feng's mood down, Guan Guan said, "It seems that you have moved your heart."

"I just have some emotions. Many people have completely lost their nature for the benefit." Lin Feng said.

It is hard for him to forget the tragic life of the alien alien.

"The Shou Yuan of the Tian Alien Clan has a long history. It is said that it is one hundred times the Shou Yuan of the monk of the Tianwu Continent. The Tian Alien Clan that I just saw was ordered, so he was killed. If he meets a group of Tian Alien Clan, who is killed is not necessarily ".

Guanlian sneered.

In the next few days, more and more monks gathered, because this area is the area where the aliens are infested. Many people want to hunt the aliens and take the crystals and stones from the body. The Tianwai aliens fought back and slashed many monks. The conflict between the two sides became more and more serious, and many top arrogances also arrived.

Huangfu Qingtian, mask monk, Gongsun Wuxu, Ning Litao, Yingzhantian and other extreme arrogances came one after another.

There are also top-level arrogances coming from the demon clan, such as the demon dragon of the three-headed cobra clan and Xue Muxian of the swallowing demon toad clan. These two men had attacked Lin Feng at first, but later failed, and then they did not return to the Dapeng royal land go with.

There are also masters on the magic road.

The four eldest sons of Magic Road, Master Yu, Cang Gong, Yun Yun, and Blood Son, all came one after another.

Here comes a mysterious monk from Evil Dao, lingering in the mist and seeing his face clearly, but this person is definitely a terrifying existence.

Obviously, nowadays, all major forces are already eyeing the Tianwai aliens. They call this "hunting." They never regarded the Tianwai aliens as humans, but as a kind of prey.

With the addition of these top experts, the Tianwai aliens have been hit hard, and the Tianwai aliens have been beheaded and killed.

"There is a commander-level master of the Heavenly Alien Clan. He has been under siege from a dozen top arrogances. Now he has been hit hard. Let ’s go find him. His Tianjing and Tianshi are not ordinary heavenly aliens. Crystal and Sky Stone are comparable. "

Many monks are searching for the leader's whereabouts.

Lin Feng and Guanlian saw a great war, and hundreds of monks surrounded a dozen celestial aliens. The celestial alien ancestor led by him was a middle-aged monk. Now, he was penetrated through his left chest and was seriously injured.

"This should be the leader," Lin Feng said.

Guanlian nodded.

Those people were very extraordinary and broke out. After three days, Lin Feng and Guan Lian saw too many killings, and aliens were constantly killed, but many aliens chose to explode before they died, pulling many monks on their backs. .

Five days later, Lin Feng and Guan Lian heard the sound of fighting in the mountains, and they quickly skimmed away.

Dozens of monks surrounded the three people. It was the same leader that Lin Feng and Guan Lian had seen a few days ago. Two aliens were killed, leaving only the last leader. After Lin Feng and Guan Leng came over At that time, the commander was already lying on the ground, and Dan Tian was abolished. He even had no chance of blasting and pulling the rest of the people to be buried.

"Don't you run very well? Why don't you run now?". The leading monk's face with a grinning expression stepped on the face of the head of the alien alien.

His face was smashed, and blood suddenly flowed from his nose, eyes, and mouth.

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