Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1129: desolate

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He was struggling, even if he was scrapped, even if he suffered a fatal injury, he was still unyielding.

Among his eyes is endless hatred.

He watched his clan be killed.

But helpless.

Today, he can't get rid of this fate.

This made him feel endless pain, he has too much reluctance, but now, he knows that everything has to be put down.

Death is accompanied by letting go of everything.

Although there are too many things in the mind that are hard to give up, what can they do?

His body was twitching violently.

Before Dantian was abolished, his body was nearly exhausted, and now all the pillars are gone, life is passing.

"Sir, this guy is the existence of the rank of command. How many people besieged him has not been successful. Now that this person has fallen into the hands of the adult, we are here to congratulate the adult."

Dozens of monks behind him all greeted the leading monk.

The leading monk could not help revealing his complacency, his right foot was suddenly forced, and the blood from the nose, eyes, and mouth of the alien alien race was flowing more.

"Why insult a dying person like this?". Lin Feng came out of the mountains and said indifferently.

"Maybe it is psychologically distorted." Guan Wan said lightly.

Seeing Lin Feng and Guan Guan suddenly coming out, the leading monk sneered, "Why? Could he still want to be a good man? Want to save him from success? Or? Want to save someone from Lao Tzu? Take away? ".

Lin Feng flicked his sleeves and said, "This person's heart has been broken by you, and his blood is defeated. Where else can I live? I don't see you as a person before I come out. Well, this person I want, take How far can the person holding you roll! "

"Boy, are you crazy? You dare to let our grown-ups go? Don't want to survive?".

The group of leading monks immediately shouted loudly, and many people looked at Lin Feng's expression with a stern expression.

Many people looked at Guanlian.

Then there was a lewd voice of laughter.

One said, "Sir, these two don't know if you dare to run into you. We might as well kill them. Anyway, there is no one in this vast ancient forest. If you kill them, you won't leak the wind, and, based on your experience Look, the chick next to the kid is still an undeveloped place. Don't adults want to enjoy such a superb woman? ".

The leading monk laughed and scolded, "When the old man is done, are you guys on wheels? Don't think I don't know your thoughts."

"Haha, adults are brilliant, so our minds can't hide them." A group of people suddenly smiled indifferently.

Obviously, this group of monks did not put Lin Feng and Guan Guan in their eyes at all.

The leading monk said, "Go ahead, kill the boy directly, grab the girl, and wait until we are finished, then kill it!"

"Yes, adult."

After getting the order, these people directly rushed towards Lin Feng and Guan Guan, there were more than forty people in total, their strengths were quite tyrannical, and they looked fierce and evil.

"Look, you should be a monk of a top force, and it is still a righteous force, but it is even more abominable than a demon. It's okay. Today, I will cut you off, and it's a way for the sky." Lin Feng sneered.

"Big words! Ashamed!"


Dozens of monks have rushed to start brewing powerful magical powers to attack Lin Feng.

"Confinement ...".

Lin Feng looked indifferent, and the five swallowed martial spirits turned into action, condensing the strongest imprisoned magnetic field, and everyone was imprisoned by Lin Feng's imprisoned magnetic field.

"Ah, I can't move"!

"This kid knows how to do magic and imprison us!"


Many people cried in horror.

Lin Feng raised his right hand, and the sword gasped.

puff! puff!

The sound of tearing came out, and a famous monk was beheaded by Lin Feng.

They were imprisoned and had no ability to resist.

"Boy, you are dead"!

The leading monk was a strong man of the ranks of the ancient giants. Seeing so many subordinates beheaded by Lin Feng, he immediately roared and rushed towards Lin Feng, trying to rescue more than twenty people who had not been beheaded.

But Lin Feng did not give him this opportunity at all.

He struck out with a stroke.

With the sound of tears, a famous monk's body was torn in an instant.

More than twenty people were killed by Lin Feng in the blink of an eye, and then Lin Feng's attack collided with the attack from the leading monk.

Both attacks were attributed to annihilation.

"Go together and behead him." Lin Feng said aloud.

This leading monk's practice is terrible. Lin Feng feels that this person's strength is much stronger than him.

Lin Feng is worried that this person will run away, so the probability of beheading him will be greatly increased by joining forces with Guanlian.

Guan nodded and united with Lin Feng to attack the leading monk.

The two sides fought for hundreds of rounds in a row, and Guan finally found a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to shoot on the right shoulder of the leading monk.

His right shoulder exploded in an instant, and the blood was dripping, and the leader monk was seriously injured.

Lin Feng and Guan Lian cooperated quite well. After Guan Lian wounded the leading monk, Lin Feng displayed eight seals to ban God and seal him.

The person couldn't move, and Lin Feng was directly dropped on the ground.

"Let me go, do you know who I am? Dare to imprison me? I say my identity, it will scare you!" The leading monk growled angrily, his face twisted.

Lin Feng shot a ban and even sealed his mouth.

Then Lin Feng and Guan Lian walked to the heavenly alien clan leader lying on the ground.

His breath was extremely weak.

"It won't last long ...". Guanlian said.

Lin Feng nodded. He looked at the monk of this alien race and asked, "What last words do you have?"

"The two of you are different from other monks. Thank you for letting me leave with dignity." His voice was extremely weak.

Obviously, his life has come to an end.

Lin Feng can feel the fire of his life.

It will go out anytime, anywhere.

The eyes of the alien alien leader became more and more blurred, and his eyes seemed to be unable to open anymore. He raised his right hand hard and grabbed into the air.

He murmured, "I miss my hometown, there are green mountains, green water, love my wife, loved ones, and lovely sons, but I will never see them again ...".

After saying this sentence, with endless regrets and desolation, the right hand of this alien monk fell to the ground, his body was motionless, and he was dead.

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