Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1130: The so-called justice and evil!

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Lin Feng and Guan Guan were silent.

They looked at the face of the dead alien monk, speechless for a long time.

Before he died, he still missed his hometown and loved ones, but he couldn't go back after all. He died here, showing endless sadness.

What a shame.

They have never done anything wrong, perhaps the only thing wrong is that they have Tianjing and Tianshi in their bodies.

These two treasures let many people peep.

So, destined the tragic fate of the aliens.

"Quiet." Lin Feng squatted down and touched his right hand gently on the eyes he had never closed to death, so that he could close his eyes. Older people said that if people open their eyes when they die.

Then, too much unwillingness will be left, so it is impossible to reincarnate.

Lin Feng didn't know whether this statement was right, but he knew that letting the dead look at the respect is for the dead.

"Your Tianjing and Tianshi, I will not move, if there is a chance, I will return it to your tribe."

Lin Feng lit his body with sky fire.

The body was burned to ashes, Lin Feng took out Tianjing and Tianshi.

It is because of these two things that it has caused countless monks to besiege the aliens.

Lin Feng is not a saint, he has his own seven emotions and six desires, but Lin Feng also has his own principles.

He will not kill the innocent indiscriminately for the benefit.

Imagine that the person who was cruelly killed was a relative, how would you feel?

Everyone should have their own bottom line.

This is the essence of being a man.

But too many people have already thrown the bottom line of life outside of Jiu Xiaoyun.

For the benefit, innocents can be killed indiscriminately.

It can kill human life.

You can do nothing without evil.

You can do bad things.


"The Shouyuan of the alien family is very long, but what about the longest Shouyuan? After all, they can't see their loved ones, loved ones, they don't care about being able to live forever, and the most important thing is whether they can be with their loved ones. ".

Guan murmured.

Lin Feng said, "These words were spoken from the mouth of the magical girl, which made me feel incredible."

Kuan Guan said, "the devil is not a devil many times, and behind the justice in the eyes of many people, there may be hidden many unknown dirty"!

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Indeed, as you said, the true and evil demons are all relatively speaking. This world of cultivators is really cruel. Maybe if you stay for a long time, you will forget justice and forget evil, but, The bottom line in my heart can never be forgotten. "

"There are not many monks who can stick to the bottom line and can do it!" Guanguan said with emotion.

Lin Feng looked at the monk imprisoned.

He lifted the ban that sealed the person ’s mouth, and then Lin Feng looked at the monk coldly and said, "Now talk about it, what should I do with you? Did you kill you directly? Or kill the meat on you Piece by piece? Until you bleed to death? ".

"You can't treat me like this. I'm a yin and yang person. If you dare to kill me, you are definitely dead." The monk shouted.

Yin-Yang religion is a well-known force on the Tianwu mainland.

This force is an ancient force that can contend with the Swire Jiang family.

This shows how terrifying this is.

Taikoo forces are also divided into three, six, nine, etc.

The Yin-Yang religion is the most powerful Taikoo force.

Most people do n’t dare to offend Yin and Yang religion.

"So, are you threatening me?". Lin Feng looked at the Yin Yang monk lightly.

This humanity, "I am not a threat, but a warning. I am Xuan Song Yuchen, the elder of the Yin and Yang sect Song Jingzhao. If you dare to kill me, there will be no good ending.


As soon as Song Yuchen's words fell, Lin Feng raised his right hand and slashed out with a sword, directly tearing a piece of meat off Song Yuchen's body.

"what……". Song Yuchen suddenly issued a painful scream.

He didn't expect Lin Feng to dare to treat him like this after showing his identity.

Song Yuchen stared at Lin Feng with a grudge, and shouted angrily, "Boy, have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this?".

Song Yuchen was born in Yin Yang teaching weekdays is also arrogant and domineering.

In addition, he is also extremely powerful in his own cultivation practice. In 280 years, he has reached the eighth level of life and death.

Such cultivation can naturally go sideways.

Therefore, after becoming a prisoner of rank, he did not return to reality from the attitude of being high, and then he could not understand the situation and was still so arrogant.

But Lin Feng obviously does not eat Song Yuchen.

"Oh, uh ...".

Sword spirit flew out, Song Yuchen's flesh was cut off piece by piece.

Song Yuchen finally showed a frightened expression on his face.

Because he found that Lin Feng was not scared by his identity.

"Forgive life, let the conditions open, just ask you to spare me my life"!

Song Yuchen looked at Lin Feng in horror and begged loudly.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "How can I spare you like you?"

He never stopped his hand, and his dense sword flew out.

Song Yuchen was lingered in the scream of screaming.

After Song Yuchen's death, Lin Feng took away the storage ring of Song Yuchen and others, and then left together with Guan Yu.

There are still many wars in many places in the forest. This battle cannot be stopped. The greed in many monks' hearts has long completely overwhelmed their conscience.

It is naturally impossible for them to stop.

In the evening Lin Feng and Guan Lian rested in a valley, at this time a dozen streamers flew from a distance.

Lin Feng and Guan Guan jumped to a large tree and secretly observed these people.

Among the comers were a few unusually tyrannical characters, which made Lin Feng a little bit worried.

One of them was also holding a young girl about 17 or 18 years old. The girl had long, light blue hair and was not very young, but she was tall.

The girl is obviously a foreigner.

The girl's eyes looked at these people with hatred.

"Haha, it's so refreshing, it cut off thirteen aliens. Each of us can be divided into Tianjing and Tianshi," a monk said with a smile.

The rest of them also smiled and nodded. Some people looked at the girl of the alien family and said, "This chick is more beautiful than the chick named Aguli we played three days ago. We can be refreshed. "

"Sister Agulie was you ...". The girl heard these people's words, full of expressions of pain and hatred, "You are a group of beasts."

"Haha, this chick is quite savage, delicious, I like it." A monk came to the girl, grabbed her clothes, tore her clothes, and then threw it up, the girl Pressed ... underneath.

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