Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1140: When he returned, I buried Nanshan!

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Lin Feng naturally didn't want to sit still. He thought of the Bodhi son he had obtained before, and quickly took it out and caught it in his hands. Since this baby is a baby born from the Bodhi tree, it may be able to exert some wonders.

Guanlian also quickly took out the bodhi and grabbed it in her hands. Now Lin Feng and Guanlian are also dead horses as live horse doctors.

They do not know whether the Bodhi is really useful, but this is no way.

What makes Lin Feng and Guanlian happy is that when they hold the bodhi.

Two bodhi radiate a ray of light.

The light interweaves in the void, converges together, and finally turns into an illusory shadow.

This is a man, he can't see clearly.

However, when he appeared, Lin Feng felt the coercion shrouded in his body and all dissipated.

"this is?".

Bodhi showed such a man, which surprised him.

"Roar……". The existence in the dark mist roared angrily.

There was a clattering voice, the black chain penetrating the void, sweeping towards the man, trying to destroy his illusory body.

The mysterious man raised his right hand, cut a beam of light, and collided with the black chain.

His attack resisted the black chains.

"Thousands of anniversaries, hundreds of centuries, hard to destroy my body, hundreds of millions of years, years of mercilessness, hard to destroy the hatred in my heart, I want to destroy you completely.

In the dark mist, the horrifying creature's angry cry came out.

He continued to attack, and the chain swept again. This time, the black chain was covered with dense runes.

The runes were twisted together, exuding a wave of devastating waves.

"The source of all evil, the world can't tolerate it, wishing me to stay here forever"!

The mysterious man made a low voice, revealing tragic, but with tenacity and determination.

His body turned into a scorching sun and suppressed.


The two sides banged together.

At that moment, the whole world seemed to stand still.


Lin Feng felt that he had disappeared from the small courtyard. He came to another world. At the end of this world, there was a temple, and in this temple, a demon was inhabited.

"This is ... the origin of the ancient temple? Is this a recurrence?" Lin Feng was very shocked. When the mysterious man and the demon monk battled together, he touched some memories of the mysterious man or the demon monk, so he saw some scenes thousands of years ago.

This is a small world created by a demon monk. The demon monk is very evil. The monks who have slashed all the life planets in the dozens of stars around to improve their magic skills have caused the anger of many powerful people, and many powerful people have dealt with it. Demon monk, who wanted to beheaded the demon monk, but in the end they were all beheaded by the demon monk.

One day, a man in white came, he entered the ancient temple, stood under the bodhi tree, looked at the bodhi tree full of bodhi, he said, "The Buddha said heaven and hell, once he reincarnated, put down the butcher knife, Stand up and become a Buddha. "

A monk came out and said, "Buddha is wrong, killing one person is evil, killing ten thousand people is demon, killing hundreds of millions of people is the holy, the doctrine of Buddha is too pedantic, and my doctrine is to kill the holy, Turn into an immortal demon Buddha! "

"The Buddha leads people to the good and teaches us to have a compassionate heart. Between heaven and earth, the three thousand roads can prove the sanctification. There is a path of righteousness. You do n’t go, but you want to walk the path of evil. Today, I Come to punish you, to eradicate you, the big devil, for the world. "

Said the man in white.

"I have never been able to understand, you cultivate your way, I cultivate my way, even if I kill hundreds of millions of people, what do you do?" The monk sneered.

"If cultivation is just for yourself, after all, it is a small path. Cultivation must accommodate the world, and only in this way can the Supreme Avenue be achieved." The man in white said, "From ancient times to the present, any supreme man has the power of life, not a person with only selfish desires in his heart."


The voice fell and the man in white shot.

"With a heart in mind? Others are alive and dead, what do you do with me?". The monk sneered. In his body, the demon was so angry that he was fighting with the white monk.

"Because of your heart, you can become the supreme ......". Seeing the two men fighting together, Lin Feng couldn't help murmuring the white man's words.

At this time, the voice of the demon king came out of his mind, "This is an emperor! Above the emperor, it is the supreme! He is right. Only people with a deep heart can break through the shackles of the emperor and achieve the supreme position. This is also a truth I have just realized in recent years. "

Lin Feng's body jumped!

He did not expect that the white man was so powerful.

What Lin Feng never thought was that he knew what kind of state the emperor would be when he was promoted to the supreme status.

"There have been some strong men from the great emperor level throughout the ages, but the supreme is almost hard to find. It is because, when you practice to the great emperor, standing high and looking down on the life, how can you put your life and death in your heart?".

The demon murmured, then calmed down completely, and did not speak again.

This battle is too fierce. The white man is very powerful, but the demon is also terrifying to an unimaginable level.

In the end, the man in white cut off the head of the demon monk, but the demon digged out the heart of the man in white.

"You give me your head, and I give you my heart so that you and I can all survive." The devil's head spoke.

The man in white looked at the blood hole in his chest. He sighed and said, "The rumored celestial demon monks are almost overwhelming in the emperor's realm. Today's war, I learned that there are no empty men under the famous name.

"You Donghua Emperor is worthy of being the No. 1 emperor in the undead world. How about taking a step back?" The demon said in a haughty voice.

"I die from the splendor, if other days, sentient beings miss me, I can be reborn in the mind of sentient beings"!

Emperor Donghua raised his right hand and tore the ancient temple.

"Emperor Donghua, are you crazy? For the so-called world, why should you never die with me?" The demon monk finally panicked and he shouted.


Emperor Donghua suppressed the demon's head under the ancient temple.

"Emperor Donghua, you are fine, I will not die. Sooner or later, when I see the blood line strong enough, I will start the sacrifice, and I will get out of the trap."

The demon grabbed the heart of the emperor Donghua, and the endless demon rushed out of the ancient temple, and his headless body escaped.

Emperor Donghua sat cross-legged under the bodhi tree.

"My residual body, my residual soul, my residual soul, wish to be integrated with the ancient temple, and keep this demon forever!"

The body of Emperor Donghua turned into a starlight and merged into the ancient temple.

His consciousness gradually blurred.

Emperor Donghua seemed to see a boy.

His sweetheart loved him and sent him out of the mountain village where he lived for 18 years.

"Donghua, I'll wait for you to come back ...". The girl smiled brightly.

"Wan'er, I will marry you when I come back." The young Donghua Emperor gently rubbed the girl's head.

He went out to practice.

Three years later, demons devoured souls for cultivation, girls were killed, and souls were devoured by demons.

Five years later, Emperor Donghua came back, but only saw a lone tomb.

He returned in year.

I buried Nanshan.

Emperor Donghua's eyes gradually blurred, and he stretched out his hand as if he wanted to seize his former lover.

Eventually, his body became a little bit of starlight, and was completely integrated into this temple.

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