Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1141: Fierce battle

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The emperor Donghua's heart is not without reason, and may be related to the death of his lover in the past.

He has experienced such pain, so he does not want others to experience the same painful things as him.

Today, Emperor Donghua chose to stick to his beliefs.

Lin Feng hopes that the results as expected by Emperor Donghua can really happen.

"Since the death of the splendid, if other days, all sentient beings remember the emperor of East China, the emperor of East China can be reborn in the spirit of all sentient beings"



The earth-shattering collision sound brought Lin Feng back to reality from the previous illusory world.

Emperor Donghua turned into an eternal and immortal divine day, and slowly suppressed the demon monk.

The black mist dispelled, and the demon appeared, holding a black chain in his right hand, and holding a heart in his left hand.

"Donghua Emperor's Heart"!

Lin Feng's eyes widened.

"Emperor Donghua, your body has been destroyed long ago, where can you suppress me? Over the years, your strength has become weaker and weaker, and my strength is gradually recovering."

The demon yelled.

His head was crushed under the ancient temple, and he didn't know how the sound came out.

The emperor Donghua never answered the demon monk. The blazing sun he radiated radiated a dazzling light and suppressed it, as if it could destroy the heavens of the world.

Devastating the world.

The demon sang coldly, his chain wrapped around his hand.

He split with a palm, and the endless magic light surged, and the demon monk used an iron fist to shake the blazing sun transformed by the emperor Donghua.

The two sides collided again, and the void was penetrated, and they were inseparable.

"Emperor Donghua is really much weaker. He had the upper hand in that war, but now he is fighting so hard.

Lin Feng frowned, he was willing to help the emperor of Donghua, but he also knew that with his cultivation, it was impossible to help the emperor of Donghua.

"Emperor Donghua! You have prevented me from offering sacrifices many times, and every time you stop, your power will weaken once, and the prohibition you imposed in the ancient temple will weaken by one point. Now your power has weakened to Unprecedented level, not only can't help this seat, this time, this seat also swallowed the two people in front of me, especially the human kid, his bloodline is really greedy, undead blood, and, it seems that There is a more powerful hidden bloodline, which happens to use his blood to completely break your seal. "

The devil smirked.


The demon and the emperor Donghua collided again.

After this collision, Donghuadi became king.


He looked at Lin Feng and Guan Lian, and shot a divine light, enveloping Lin Feng and Guan Lian.

Emperor Donghua obviously wanted to send Lin Feng and Guanlian away.

As long as Lin Feng and Guan Guan are no longer here, there is no way for the demon monks to sacrifice.

However, hundreds of millions of years of savings have restored the strength of the demon monk.

in fact.

There are many poisons in this desert.

It is the demon monk.

He is constantly swallowing the people who enter the desert.

This is the fundamental reason why the demon gradually recovers his strength.

The emperor Donghua blended with the ancient temple, which was solitary in the depths of the desert and was gradually ruined.

Even the bodhi tree is dead.

Emperor Donghua could not get any supplements, and his strength was steadily weakening.

In addition, the emperor Donghua repeatedly prevented the demon from offering sacrifices.

So this time the emperor of Donghua wanted to send Lin Feng and Guanlian out, but he failed.

Lin Feng and Guan Guan were blocked.

They fell from midair.

The emperor Donghua was even more attacked by the demon monk.

At this time, Emperor Donghua could no longer care about Lin Feng and Guan Guan. Of course, the demon didn't have much energy to deal with Lin Feng and Guan Guan.

"Go, run under the bodhi tree, where it is safer." Lin Feng said, running towards Bodhi Tree together with Guanlian.

But they were in trouble, and the ground under their feet suddenly showed a blood-red streak.

This turned out to be a blood-colored array. These blood-colored arrays were intertwined, and the surroundings were completely sealed off. The blood was blasting into the sky. Lin Feng and Guanzhen were enveloped in the blood-colored array, and could not come out.

"No, it's a great sacrifice!"

Guanlian's complexion changed greatly.

The power of the ritual started, and all the blood-colored arrays turned into blood-colored serpents, walking on the ground.

The Guanyue sacrificed a jade Yue magic weapon and beheaded towards the **** serpent, but the jade Yue magic weapon was ejected back.

"It's useless. Once the ritual technique is started, it can't be destroyed," Lin Feng said gloomyly.

"So what should we do? We will not really be sacrificed?", Guan Yan's face became pale.

Today's situation is indeed too dangerous, and people are involuntarily desperate.

"If I am not mistaken, there will be something to eat us later, you and I join forces to break it"!

Lin Feng Road.

"Ok……". Guanlian nodded solemnly.

A **** giant snake spewed blood mist.

These blood mists finally condensed an ugly head.

This is the head of a monk.

This is exactly what the demon looks like.

This is certainly not the head of the demon being suppressed, but the head formed by the condensed blood energy, but it is also very scary.

"Powerful blood, delicious flesh and blood, let this seat devour you, use your flesh to sacrifice"!

The head made a deep roar.

Then, the head opened the big mouth of the blood basin directly and wanted to devour Lin Feng and Guan Guan.

"Forbidden Eight Seals"!

"Great Suppression"!


Lin Feng came up and exhibited the art of the Supreme Seal of Tianshi Dao and the art of repression recorded in Sanqian Avenue.

Now Lin Feng's supernatural powers have been cultivated to a satisfactory level. Not only has the power been greatly improved, but also no longer needs to be brewed, it can be exhibited with a move of ideas.

The Eight Seals of the Forbidden God formed eight lines to encircle the head.

"Ah, this is the inheritance of Tianshi Taoism, Xiaozi, you turned out to be a heir to Tianshi Taoism, it's useless. Your cultivation base is too low to seal your seat."

The head roared, and then the magic energy rolled, tearing the condensed pattern formed by the eight seals of the Forbidden God.

This energy head is terrible. Lin Feng's condensed pattern is about to be torn apart. At this time, Lin Feng's large crackdown has been brewed successfully, and he directly suppressed it toward the head.

With the aid of major repression, the two-pronged approach, the energy head was temporarily imprisoned.

"God blood cuts the devil"!

With a light drink, Guanlian cut the palm of her hand with jade Yue, and the blood immediately became red with jade Yue.

Yuyue flew to the head of energy.

The bloodline of Guanlian is obviously extremely powerful, and the blood contained in it burns up.

The jade Yue was shrouded in burning blood.


Accompanied by a tearing sound, the energy head was cut in half.

Then began to dissipate.

"It's ..." Lin Feng and Guan Guan showed a happy look.

Rumble! Rumble!

But at this time, the earth shook violently.

Click and click.

Immediately afterwards, the earth cracked open, and a pair of cold eyes looked.

puff! puff!

Lin Feng and Guan Guanru were struck by lightning, and his chest was penetrated by a cold hole shot by the cold cold mans.

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