Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1158: Meet Wu Qingqing again

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The woman's figure was enchanting, her face extremely beautiful, her slender straight legs, full peaks, full waist, a perfect golden ratio figure, and the face that charmed all living beings was truly awesome.

Such a woman, no matter where she goes, will become the focus of attention.

In the trading area, I don't know how many monks' hot eyes were on this fairy-like woman.

Wu Qingqing turned out to be this woman.

Many things have happened between Lin Feng and Wu Qingqing. This Wu Qingqing is a disciple of Gu Xiezong.

Guxie Zong is a school of evil Dao, good at keeping various poisons.

At first, they explored a dangerous place in the mystery of the Thunder Knife together. All of them were swallowed by twelve strange stone gates.

Lin Feng and Wu Qingqing were swallowed by the eleventh stone gate at the same time. They teamed up to kill the undead remnant soul of the demon in the stone gate.

However, Wu Qingqing wanted to take her baby as her own, and attacked Lin Feng, but was caught by Lin Feng instead.

Later, Lin Feng enjoyed Wu Qingqing's beautiful and delicate body, which is his usual style of doing things.

Beautiful woman, Lin Feng does not kill, but uses another method as a punishment.

Lin Feng always thinks that a beautiful woman is a masterpiece of God, how can it be killed? That was too violent.

Therefore, Lin Feng prefers to taste their taste and spare them their lives.

Although it has been many years, when I saw Wu Qingqing again, I couldn't help thinking of the scene of the day.

Lin Feng quickly looked back, Wu Qingqing did not see him, and Lin Feng did not mean to say hello to Wu Qingqing.

If Wu Qingqing saw herself, she was afraid that it would cause some trouble. This woman would not let go of her chaste self.

Lin Feng skimmed towards the distance. Now he intends to go to the deepest place. It is said that there are seventy-two Fuze Tianzhu in communication with heaven and earth. Some people call it the "Supreme Pillar."

A monk who can occupy a pillar can be called the Supreme Pride.

Many people will fight for the supreme pillar, because they will get huge benefits, and there will be a blessing.


That night, Lin Feng rested in the mountains.

Late at night, it was completely dark, with five fingers out of reach, Lin Feng heard a rustling voice in the distance.

Soon, a woman skimmed over and made Lin Feng surprised that the person coming was actually Wu Qingqing.

Wu Qingqing's expression was slightly flustered, and she seemed to avoid somebody's tracing. From time to time, she looked towards the back, leapt forward, and jumped onto the tree.

Wu Qingqing just jumped over the big tree and found something wrong, because there is still a person here, she just didn't feel the breath of this person.

Wu Qingqing's face changed suddenly. She patted the monk on the branch, but to Wu Qingqing's horror, her attack was easily broken.

Then, the body was squeezed by the other party on the tree trunk, his hands were caught, Wu Qingqing could even feel his waves held tightly by the other party's chest, and the feeling was so clear.

This made Wu Qingqing shy and angry, biting her teeth with hatred, and she could not help but kill her. She was about to release some poison from her body to deal with her monk.

Suddenly, a familiar voice came out, "I haven't seen you for so many years. You are still so cruel. You obviously broke into the rest of others, but you have to take human life. Do evil monks regard human life as grass and grass?

This voice, Wu Qingqing can never forget, has long been imprinted in his mind.

She thought of being plundered again and again by Lin Feng in the stone room.

Whenever he thinks of the scene at that time, Wu Qingqing can't wait to slap Lin Feng to death.

But sometimes, Wu Qingqing found that his intention to kill Lin Feng seemed to be very weak.

Over time, by now, the killing intent seems to have completely disappeared, replaced by an inexplicable emotion.

The woman itself is emotional.

For the man who took him away for the first time.

Women's feelings are more complicated.

Wu Qingqing did not expect to meet Lin Feng here.

She said coldly, "Let me go!"

"It seems you hear who I am?". Lin Feng said with a smile.

"I'm not blind, I can not only hear but also see." Wu Qingqing said angrily.

Although the vision of the monk will also drop significantly at night, now Lin Feng and Wu Qingqing are very close. It is certainly not strange to be able to see Lin Feng's face clearly.

Lin Feng let Wu Qingqing go, saying, "I haven't seen you for years, is everything okay?".

Wu Qingqing said coldly, "Trust your clothes, I have been working hard to improve my strength over the years, just thinking that one day, I will be able to see you, and then you will be slashed in exchange for the day you brought me Coming humiliation. "

Lin Feng said, "You are lying."

He looked at Wu Qingqing and said, "I didn't feel the killing intention from you."

Lin Feng reached out and gently stroked Wu Qingqing's beautiful face, but Wu Qingqing escaped.

"Don't move your hands, show respect," Wu Qingqing said coldly.

"Hush ... someone is coming"!

Lin Feng made a silent gesture.

Soon, dozens of figures swept quickly from a distance.

These people stopped not far from the tree.

Wu Qingqing covered her pink lips and didn't even dare to exhale.

Obviously, she is now nervous and scared.

"Did you find it?" The leading monk Shen Sheng said.

"Sir, I didn't find anything after searching"! Said a monk.

"If you can't run away, you must still be in this area. Keep looking." The leading monk Shen Sheng said.

"Isn't this the people in Blood Demon Mountain?". Lin Feng frowned slightly.

He recognized the leading monk.

When Lin Feng and a group of monks entered Xingluo Lake, they saw two sets of monk fighting methods.

One of the monks is the blood demon mountain.

After the people of Blood Demon Mountain killed the monks surrounded by them, they went to kill Lin Feng and others.

Blood Demon Mountain is one of the three forces of the Devil Dao, and it is extremely evil.

After entering the Tianjiao battlefield, these people were unscrupulous, killing people and winning treasures.

Lin Feng never imagined that the people of Blood Demon Mountain actually stared at Wu Qingqing.

He guessed that there might be something in Wu Qingqing's body that aroused the interest of the people of Blood Demon Mountain. Otherwise, the monks of Blood Demon Mountain would not be able to find the whereabouts of Wu Qingqing.

The monks of Blood Demon Mountain did not stay here, and left quickly.

Seeing that the monks of Blood Demon Mountain had left, Wu Qingqing took a breath.

"How did the people of Blood Demon Mountain stare at you?". Lin Feng looked at Wu Qingqing and asked.

Wu Qingqing snorted coldly and said, "Want you to control?".

Immediately after kicking Lin Feng, he flew towards the distance and disappeared after blinking.

Looking at Wu Qingqing's back, Lin Feng couldn't help showing a bitter smile.

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