Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1159: Palace of Despair (7 more)

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Wu Qingqing held a sheepskin roll with four large characters written on it.

Palace of desperation.

This palace of ruthlessness is said to be a palace where the ruthless fairy aunt lived.

That unsympathetic fairy aunt is a remarkable figure, but a famous strongman in ancient times.

When I was young, my beauty was the best in the world.

However, it is said that he was seriously injured.

Because of the emotional frustration, she was greatly stimulated, so she changed her name to a desperate fairy.

She didn't have a long time to practice Taoism, but her cultivation practice was extremely against the sky. Before she was 300 years old, she practiced to the level of the gods.

It can be said that it is a genius who hasn't met for thousands of years.

But the unsympathetic Xiangu could not come out of her feelings after all. When she hit the realm of the giant god, her demons invaded and she fell short of her.

The desperate Xiangu soon became self-fulfilling, and one night, the mystery disappeared.

With her disappeared, there is her palace of unforgiving.

Then there was news that the desperate Xiangu was sitting in the palace of desperation.

The goddess of a generation, the beauty of the last generation, the goddess in the minds of countless people, her short and sad life ended here.

There were many Tianjiao who pursued the desperate Xiangu. After learning of the news of the fall of the desperate Xiangu, several Tianjiao even chose to become a monk, often accompanied by a green lantern.

It can be seen how great the charm of the desperate Xiangu was.

Obviously, the sheepskin roll held in Wu Qingqing's hands should record the location of the palace of unsentiment.

This sheepskin roll was the master of Guxie Sect, that is, Wu Qingqing's uncle, who personally handed it to Wu Qingqing.

Wu Qingqing and more than a dozen fellow students planned to find a palace of unsympathetic love, but who knew that the news had leaked out.

Wu Qingqing and others were besieged by Monk Blood Demon Mountain.

Her fellow students were beheaded by the monks of Blood Demon Mountain, and only Wu Qingqing escaped.

Wu Qingqing entered a very dense jungle, where it was sullen, and there were many powerful fierce beasts, dangerous.

Wu Qingqing met dozens of fierce beasts along the way. After nine deaths, he finally came to the depths of the ancient forest.

"Should it be here?". Wu Qingqing looked at the contents recorded on the sheepskin roll.

There is a road map and text description on it, which is very detailed.

She took a closer look and finally determined that this place was the destination she was looking for.

"According to the statement on the sheepskin roll, there is a ban on guarding the palace of desperation. To show the palace of despair, you need to break the ban."

Wu Qingqing looked at the above content. She is a spiritual array master herself, and she has now broken through to a higher-level spiritual array master.

Wu Qingqing can be said to be a genius with his attainments above the spirit array master.

She carefully studied the technique of breaking formation recorded on the sheepskin roll.

It is written that there are twelve positions in the ban, and the flags in the positions are pulled out.

The ban will be broken.

However, around the twelve array eyes, not only only the magic array, but also arranged a lore.

It's not easy to pull out the flag next to Jinyan.

The only thing that is fortunate is that the sheepskin rolls record the method of crossing the phantom array and the lore.

It may be difficult for ordinary people to understand these complicated methods, but Wu Qingqing, as a terrestrial high-level spirit array master, can understand it.

According to the record on the sheepskin roll, she walked towards the place where the first array of eyes was located. .

At a distance of more than ten meters, Wu Qingqing went back and forth, but walked for a full half hour. She came to a bluestone, moved the bluestone away, and then dug out the soil below, about ten centimeters deep Seeing a slap-like cyan flag, she quickly took it out.

It was only then that Wu Qingqing gave a little breath.

After successfully taking out the first flag, Wu Qingqing had some experience, and his self-confidence has also improved a lot.

Taking a short break, she walked towards the place where the second array of flags was.

Over time.

A group of flags was found by Wu Qingqing, and then pulled out by Wu Qingqing.

After all the flags were pulled out.

The rumbling noise came out.

The restrictions around them began to dissipate.

Soon after, a huge palace appeared in sight.

This palace is 300 meters high, and the magnificent building is magnificent.

There is a huge plaque on it.

On the front of the plaque, there are four large characters, "The Palace of Absolute Love"!

"Originally it should be called Yueqing Xiangong, but now it has become a palace of desperation. The word love is not harmful."

Wu Qingqing thought of some rumours about the unforgiving fairy aunt, and could not help sighing slightly.

The real name of the desperate Xiangu is Yueqing, which can be described as the goddess of heaven, the goddess in the minds of countless people.

Called a fairy.

But after feeling frustrated, he became unsympathetic to the man.

She doesn't seem to believe any men anymore.

It can be said that this is a human tragedy.

Wu Qingqing couldn't help but feel some emotion.

"Huh, I didn't expect the wizard girl to express emotions about men and women. Is this the brutal Wu Qingqing I know?".

A light laughter came, and then, nearly a hundred figures flew out of the forest.

Seeing the dense monk, Wu Qingqing's face suddenly turned pale.

These people are the masters of the blood demon mountain chasing her.

Wu Qingqing knew that he was too careless, and he might have been stared at by these people shortly after he was separated from Lin Feng, but he had never discovered them.

Wu Qingqing was desperate, and her strength was simply unbearable in front of these blood demon mountain monks.

Wu Qingqing's hateful gaze turned to the monk who had just spoken, "Li Chao, it turned out that you betrayed us!"

The monk who was called Li Chao by Wu Qingqing was originally the same as Wu Qingqing, and came out to experience together, but this person was injured before, so he stayed in a cave to recuperate.

Wu Qingqing never thought that this Li Chao turned out to be a spy.

"Sell? I was originally a disciple of Blood Demon Mountain. Among the major forces, they would send disciples to sneak into the other party's sect, or steal information, or steal magical powers. You must be clear about this. Among them, I am afraid that there are also disciples of Guxiezong lurking in, so what's the fuss about Guxiezong's disciples lurking in Blood Demon Mountain? ". The monk named Li Chao sneered.

"Okay, don't talk so much nonsense with her, just kill"! The leading monk is called Liu Qi, and he sneered.

"Sister Wu Qingqing, I'm sorry for you. Your present mission has been completed and you can die." Li Chao jumped out and instantly came to Wu Qingqing's side.

There was a devastating force in him.

This person turned out to be an eight-fold cultivation practice of the realm of creation.

Wu Qingqing is now just the ninth heaven of Yin and Yang Realm, which is much worse than Li Chao.

"You have hidden strength?". Wu Qingqing's face was pale and desperate.

Li Zhaobao laughed and said, "Yeah! Sister Wu Qingqing, I have been showing the Yin and Yang realm Jiu Chongtian's cultivation behavior just to confuse you. Now, I have shown my true strength. Did you shock you? Take this secret into hell. "

The words fell, and that palm was already bombarded.

Wu Qingqing was shocked to find that he could not move at all.

Although her cultivation behavior is not too weak, compared with Li Chao, it still has the difference between heaven and earth.

Just when Wu Qingqing thought he was going to die, Wu Qingqing suddenly saw that in front of him, the void trembled.

A man stepped out of the void.

He lightened slightly towards Li Chao.

A golden energy finger condenses.


That golden energy finger instantly penetrated Li Chao's head.

Li Chao's body flew out, fell to the ground, and he was dead.

"Lin Feng ...". Wu Qingqing exclaimed.

Li Chao was the eighth celebrity of the realm of cultivation, and now he was killed by Lin Feng.

She didn't expect that Lin Feng's cultivation practice today was so horrible.

Could it be that Lin Feng has already been able to confront the powerhouses of the Vanguard giant level?

Thinking of this, Wu Qingqing felt like a storm in his heart.

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