Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1172: The seven reincarnation strong men who suffocated

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The white peacock lord is like snow, harmless to humans and animals, but like a young demon god, strong and domineering.

Dapeng Wang looked back to Pu Pugui, with a sick white on his face, but he was so powerful and powerful, who dare to underestimate?

These are the two peerless supreme supremacy of the demon clan. Although they have only practiced for 800 years, they are more terrible than many people have practiced for tens of thousands of years.

It was not unreasonable that the demon clan regarded them as the hope of revitalizing the demon clan.

The powerhouses of the Seven Reincarnation Realms include Yin Yang Jiao Song Hei Hei.

One door, three houses, the grandson of Heaven Gate!

Zhongzheng family, Zhongzhengfu.

Shangguan family, Shangguan Qi.


The other three strong players are:

Ying Qin of the Great Qin Empire.

The imperial dynasty emperor was destroyed.

Swire Mojia Mohuanyu!


Each of these seven masters is powerful, but nowadays, in the face of Peacock Lord and Dapeng King, they have not dared to take action.

Their cultivation practices are similar to those of Song Mingyu.

And the Peacock Lord Lord cut Song Mingyu's arm in one move, which is enough to show how terrible the Peacock Lord Lord is.

Today, the Peacock Lord and Dapeng King joined forces, these people are even more afraid.

The strongman of the Seven Reincarnation Realms also thought that Murong Tianshen would be able to contain one person. After all, it is not difficult to achieve this with Murong Tenshen ’s strength.

But now Murong Tianshen sits cross-legged in the distance in the void, without even opening his eyes, and obviously does not mean to intervene.

The strong minds of the Seven Reincarnation Realms are extremely depressed.

Originally, they also watched Murong Tianshen take action against Peacock Lord, so the seven powerful reincarnation realm only shot to kill Lin Feng.

But now, Murong Tianshen withdrew from this matter, let them seven to deal with the Peacock Lord and Dapeng King, so that the seven reincarnations of the powerful have suffering.

But think about it carefully, Murong Tianshen said from the beginning that he shot, not because of Lin Feng, but because he wanted to fight against Peacock Lord, although no one believed this reason.

But believe it or not is someone else's business, but Murong Tianshen can use this reason to get out of it.

Then, watch the excitement aside.

Now Murong Tianshen estimates that the Lord Peacock, King Dapeng and the seven reincarnation monks will fight.

It doesn't matter to him anyway.

It would be better if both sides lost both sides.

There are also many people who have the idea of ​​Murong Tenjin.

"You ...". At this time, a reincarnation monk spoke.

Everyone looked at it and found out that it was an old man, whose identity is not simple.

The person who spoke was Xuanyuan, the main hall of Wuhundian, who ruled the world.

Wuhundian has the right to monitor the Tianwu Continent. When there are contradictions between the major forces, Wuhundian will also come out to mediate and try to keep the Tianwu Continent as peaceful as possible.

Therefore, the force of Wuhun Temple is extremely terrible.

Even the ancient Jiang family, the Temple of Heaven, and other forces, all were in awe of the Wuhun Temple.

As the head of the Wuhun Palace, Xuanyuan's position in governing the world is no different.

Seeing Xuanyuan coming to rule the world, the strong men of the Seven Reincarnation Realms breathed a sigh of relief.

Sacred Peacock said, "How is the Lord Xuanyuan?"

"Once the monks of the reincarnation realm have suffered casualties, I am afraid that it will trigger a battle between the major forces. By then, countless people will be affected, and the deaths and injuries will be heavy. Presumably, you will not want to see this situation? How about taking a step back? ".

Xuanyuan said.

"We have no opinions." The powerful of the Seven Reincarnation Realms said quickly.

Xuanyuan came to mediation and gave them seven people a step.

Many people lamented, facing the two demon supremes of Peacock Saint Lord and Dapeng King.

The seven reincarnation powerhouses dare not take action.

From this we can speculate what kind of horrible characters Peacock Lord and Dapeng King are?

This incident had a huge impact on many people, making them understand the truth more deeply.

This world is, after all, a world respected by the strong, even among the top strong.

Only strength can determine a person's status.


Lord Peacock glanced at King Dapeng.

The two made eye contact.

The Lord Peacock said immediately, "Brother Xuanyuan's face is naturally to be given, but it also depends on whether these seven people know how to be a man"!


The Seven Reincarnation Powerful looks gloomy. When the Peacock Lord talked about them, his tone was too casual, and he didn't put the seven of them in his eyes at all, which made the Powerful Reincarnation Realm feel abnormally stooped.

but! The strong of the Seven Reincarnation Realms, after all, dare not attack!

Gongsun Ming Shen Sheng asked, "If you have something, just say it straight, there is no need to hide it!"

The Lord Peacock carried his hands on his shoulders and said, "Okay! Since you are refreshing people, then I will bluntly say that seven of you, one of them, took out 100 million Needling Spirit Stones as compensation.

"100 million? Why don't you grab it?". The strong men of the Seven Reincarnation Realms roared angrily like cats with their tails stepped on.

The resources of the Need Spirit Stone are too precious, even if they are such top-level forces.

Take out the 100 million Needling Spirit Stone, and you will also be seriously hurt.

"Do you want to fight?" King Dapeng's voice was indifferent.

The powers of the Seven Reincarnation Realms are hard to look at. They naturally don't want to go to war because they have no chance of winning.

If they really fight, the seven people are likely to be slain by the two demon clan supreme.

Seven people are very clear about this.

"Okay, we give ...".

The seven people gritted their teeth, each took out a crystal card, and gave it to the Lord Peacock, saying, "This is a crystal card that stores 100 million Need for Spirit Stones. Any Chamber of Commerce in Tianwu Mainland can come up with Need for Spirit Stones." .

"So you have the 700 million Needling Spirit Stone?". Lin Feng looked at this scene dumbfounded.

Many people saw this scene also twitching the corners of their mouths, but then they sighed with emotion.

In front of absolute strength.

Even though the seven reincarnation powerhouses representing the top seven forces must choose to bow their heads, this has made many people realize the importance of strength.

In the face of absolute strength, the so-called "force" is really vulnerable.

The enchanted spirit covered the sky and covered the Holy Peacock Lord, King Dapeng and Lin Feng, and the three of them flew into the teleportation to the outside world, and disappeared instantly.

"This Peacock Lord and King Dapeng are too deceiving people." In the eyes of the seven powerful reincarnations, the sense of killing flashed in their eyes.

"Don't they want to protect Lin Feng? Then let's destroy Lin Feng, let the supreme Tianjiao of the clan act, and kill Lin Feng."

"Yes, just do it. The person we are going to kill, Lord Peacock and King Dapeng can't protect him. When Lin Feng is cut, he will be ordered to send his head to the residence of Lord Peacock and King Dapeng. I really want to see, when these two people see Lin Feng ’s head, what a wonderful expression will be? ".

The strong minds of the seven reincarnation circles exchanged thoughts, and each one laughed eeriely.

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