Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1173: Letter from Sikong Xinyan (7 more)

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Lin Feng came to the Peacock Saint Lord's Land in Yaozhou again.

"Big Brother, Big Brother ...". I heard that the little moon that Lin Feng had arrived was very happy. He bounced to look for Lin Feng. After looking at Lin Feng, he immediately opened his arms and flew all the way.

Lin Feng hugged Little Moon in his arms, he smiled and said, "Want Big Brother?"

Little Moon said innocently and sternly, "Little Moon can think of Big Brother".

After talking, there was a slap in Lin Feng's face, and many people around him made a chuckle.

Lin Feng met many acquaintances, Jin Shengyuan, Princess Xueyao and so on.

At night, Jin Shengyuan came to Lin Feng. He took out a crystal card and gave it to Lin Feng.

Jin Shengyuan said: "This is what my uncle asked me to give you. There is a hundred million Needling Spirit Stone in it for you to practice!"

This is the extortion of Peacock Lord and Dapeng King from the seven great reincarnation strongmen, but there are too many 100 million Need Spirit Stones. Cultivation resources, I do n’t lack the best spirit stones here, these spirit stones, you can help me return it to the seniors. "

Jin Shengyuan said, "Since it was given to you by your uncle, don't take it away. Don't worry about it, and you don't have to worry about the demon land. Uncle Kong found a few large spiritual mines some time ago, plus Yiji Spirit Stone can solve the needs of the demon clan's cultivation resources, but it is you Feng Ge, the savings are too large, and the number of spirit stones needed to break through is too large. This billion spirit stone should be able to help you Breaking through to the realm of life and death ".

Lin Feng knew that this was King Dapeng and Peacock Lord helping him. Lin Feng now really lacked spirit stones.

For the two seniors, Lin Feng is full of gratitude, not only because the two seniors have a life-saving grace for him.

It's also because both Dapeng King and Peacock Lord cared about Lin Feng as if he treated his children.

This is not a friendship based solely on the exchange of interests, but a feeling similar to family.

For Lin Feng, who doesn't have any loved ones around him, he naturally cherishes this feeling.

He did not push it away, but put away the crystal card.

Lin Feng spent about half a month in the peacock lord tribe, and he returned to the wilderness.

Now that there are two people, the Peacock Lord and the Dapeng King, who have frightened the reincarnation ancestors of the top forces, Lin Feng is not afraid that they will deal with themselves.

Lin Feng guessed that the top arrogance of Tianjiao might be shot, but for those top arrogance, Lin Feng was not afraid.

Soon after returning to Qingyunzong, Shi Weizhu, Bai Ying, Wang Hu and others returned.

"I'm going to travel ...". The old drunkard was a bit melancholy.

"Where to go?" Lin Feng asked.

"Cosmopolitan"! The old drunkard took a sip of wine and grinned.

This old guy obviously never told the truth.

The identity of the old drunkard is very mysterious. Even Lin Feng still has no idea where the old drunkard is.

But the old drunkard must be an extremely simple character.

"Is there any chance to meet?". Lin Feng asked.

"Maybe ... maybe not ...". Said the old drunkard.

Lin Feng nodded.

This night, he chatted a lot with the old drunkard, drinking till dawn, unconscious.

"Wine meets a confidant with a thousand cups"!

When Lin Feng woke up, the old drunkard had left, leaving only a note.

The old drunkard left like this, and Supreme Peak seemed to lack some laughter.

Most of the time, Beibei and Dragon Rabbit are still in a drowsiness stage, and when they wake up, they run wildly on the Supreme Peak and wander around everywhere.

In addition to practicing Lin Feng every day, he is studying the inheritance of heavenly masters and refining medicine.

Of course, sometimes we tune teachers Wei Zhu and Bai Ying.

Bai Ying is bolder. If Lin Feng is playing some exciting things, she will also cooperate with Lin Feng.

Shi Weizhu is relatively shy and has his own personality and advantages.

Of course, it is the female slave Liu Mengyan who has the most training.

This woman is quite tasty.

Moreover, in Wushan Yunyu, it can be more open than Bai Ying.

The day passed like this until Lin Feng received a letter.

This letter was written to Lin Feng by Lin Feng's sister Si Kong Xinyue's sister Si Kong Xinyan.

Seeing the content of the letter, Lin Feng's complexion changed slightly. After explaining the matter of the Supreme Peak, he quickly rushed to the Eastern Territory Ao Lai Guo Ao to the ancient capital Sikong family.

I haven't met Sikong Xinyan for three or four years. The girl at that time has grown into a slim beauty, pure and full of aura, which makes Lin Feng feel a little amazing.

After seeing Lin Feng's arrival, Si Kong Xinyan's eyes suddenly turned red. Lin Feng said, "How did your brother disappear? Any special news before the disappearance?".

"A year ago, my brother and a dozen friends went to the depths of the East China Sea and said that he was looking for a hidden place. Every once in a while, my brother would fold a white paper crane and fly to give me peace, but half a year Before that, there was no news. Brother Lin Feng, I am so worried, brother will not have an accident? ".

Sikong Xinyan's tears suddenly flowed out, and now she has her brother Sikong picking the moon to depend on each other. If Sikong picking the moon appears another three long and two short, then the impact on Sikong Xinyan will be too great.

Lin Feng said, "Sikong will be fine. I will start tomorrow and go to find Sikong."

Sikong Xinyan nodded, and she said, "Brother Lin Feng, thank you. If you weren't, I really don't know what to do."

"Sikong is my friend, so this is what I should do. During this time, you will relax. Sikong is cautious and should not be in trouble." Lin Feng comforted, and Sikong Xinyan stopped crying.

After a night of rest in the Sikong Xinyan family, Lin Feng set off for the East China Sea the next morning.

It's just that in the vast East China Sea, it is not an easy task to find the whereabouts of a person. Lin Feng plans to go to Murong Baichuan to find out the news first. Murong Baichuan is the head of the General Union of the Spiritual Division of the Seventy-two States , The network is very wide, maybe you can hear some useful news from him.

When Lin Feng flew to the East China Sea, he could not help looking at the world shrouded in white mist on the bank of the East China Sea. The mythical legend of Huaguo Mountain was there. The story of fighting the Sacred Ape still spread on this vast land. Today, everything about Huaguo Mountain is like a mystery. Is there really Huaguo Mountain? What is inside that white mist world?

Even if you practice to the present level, the world of white mist, Lin Feng still gives a very dangerous feeling.

Lin Feng frowned a little, and then looked away.

The world of white fog is too dangerous, and Lin Feng can't explore it yet.

What's more, now he has no time to venture into exploring the world of white fog.

Lin Feng was very worried about the safety of Sikong Picking Moon, and was anxious to find Sikong Picking Moon.

Without making any stop, Lin Feng rose to the sky and flew towards the East China Sea.

late at night.

By the East China Sea.

Deep in the White Mist World, a golden spirit ape slipped out of that mysterious world.

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