Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1191: Grand Defense

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Big Demon King has such a response Lin Feng is not surprised at all. These three thousand avenues are indeed too precious. It is not an easy thing to let Big Demon King hand it out honestly.

Lin Feng said, "Dayu Demon King, I tell you, this is my robbing! You have to give it, you don't have to give it. Of course, if you don't want to give me Three Thousand Avenues, do you have imperial skills? Compared On Sanqian Avenue, I prefer Emperor Art and make a decision quickly, because I do n’t have so much patience. If I do n’t agree, I can only wake up the strong man and let him join me to destroy you! ”

The Demon King's expression of gnashing his teeth was trembling with anger.

The trapped monks also had dumbfounded expressions.

Lin Feng even threatened the Desire King so naked, completely beyond their expectations.

Big Demon King seems to be afraid of the strong man Lin Feng said?

A genius like Lin Feng, standing behind an unknown strong man is also quite normal, and everyone is not surprised.

So many people are praying now that Lin Feng can save them before leaving. If Lin Feng doesn't care about them, then they are dead.


At this moment, Dayu Demon King is looking at Lin Feng with an extremely fierce eye. If his eyes can kill, Lin Feng has been slashed by the cold eyes of Da Yu Demon King.

After all, the Desperate Devil still wants the fish to die, he gritted his teeth and said, "OK, boy, you are ruthless, pass you a three thousand avenues!"

Big Demon King stared at Lin Feng with hate, and then a message poured into Lin Feng's mind.

Lin Feng checked it and found that the Three Thousand Avenues passed to him by the Desire Demon is called "Great Defense". This Three Thousand Avenues ranks 59th among the three thousand kinds of Three Thousand Avenues. Thousand Avenue.

"Haha, that's all right ..., our cooperation is quite pleasant, and now I can talk about my second condition for leaving this place." Lin Feng said with a smile.

The Devil Devil heard Lin Feng saying that there was a second condition, and his eyes were breathing out directly.

"You are too tight"! Big Demon King looked fiercely at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said, "The leading party in monk negotiations has always been the one who has the upper hand. If it is between you and me, you are the one who has the upper hand. I'm afraid there is nothing to end? Now I'm looking at your hard work It ’s not easy for so many years to give you the opportunity to negotiate. Do n’t be ignorant of good or bad. ”

Desperate Demon King, he was blackmailed and walked through a three-thousand avenue. This **** boy even said that he had negotiated with himself for so many years that it was not easy for him. .

On several occasions, the Desire Devil almost couldn't help but be desperate with Lin Feng, he had never been so stubborn.

But the Great Demon King refrained again and again.

Both defeats and injuries are not what the Desire Devil wants to see.

One thing Lin Feng is right, for so many years, it is really not easy for the Desire Devil to live to this day.

It is precisely because he has experienced too much suffering that the Great Demon King cherishes his life even more.

He said in a deep voice, "Well ..., what are you talking about now?"

"Don't you catch a group of people? Let them all go." Lin Feng said.

Desire King's look is uncertain, obviously he is also weighing the pros and cons, let him let those people, it is very unwilling, when the Desire King sees Lin Feng's cloudless breeze, as if grasping all the expressions The look becomes more gloomy and difficult. Compared with those trapped, the most wanted thing for the Desire King now is to quickly send Lin Feng, the "God of Plague", away.

"Okay, take them away ...". Big Demon King waved his right hand.


With a flash of light, hundreds of people appeared in the cave house, one by one fell to the ground, each of them was powerless, apparently plundered a lot of Shouyuan by the Desire King.

But it is already very lucky to be able to save this little life.

"Sikong ...". Seeing Sikong Jieyue Lin Feng in the crowd showed an ecstatic expression.

He quickly ran over, took out a Yuanyuan Dan and took it to Sikong Jieyue.

Sikong Jieyue recovered quickly.

"Maple! I didn't expect you to come here"! Si Kong Jieyue and Lin Feng came in a bear hug.

"Xin Yan worried about you and told me about your affairs. I came to you. Fortunately, I found you. This place should not stay for a long time. Let's go quickly." Lin Feng said.

Si Kong nodded and nodded, getting up with Lin Feng's help.

"Asshole, you can't be blind, help me quickly, I will let you carry me out." Sun Yiyi stared fiercely at Lin Feng.

Although she is also a little weak now, she still does not change her spicy nature.

Lin Feng couldn't help smiling, is this still a maidservant? His temper was so great, he took Sun Yiyi back, and then looked at the monks around him, saying, "Everyone, now everyone is okay, your elders are waiting for your news, so go back quickly, Lest they continue to worry. "

Not daring to hesitate, everyone quickly left Qiankun Cave House.

After everyone came out, many people collapsed and recovered.

Sun Yiyi was tied to the column of death for a short time, so after recovering from Qiankun Cave Mansion, he recovered almost, and Lin Feng put him down.

"Brother Lin, I really want to thank you this time, otherwise, we are afraid of a dead end." A son in purple clothes clenched his fists, this person is called Xu Zheng, but a pride in Penglai Xiandao. , He was also present.

"Brother Lin, thank you for your rescue today, and Da En bears in mind."

Miao Yuling came and looked at Lin Feng gratefully.

Miao Yu Ling is the goddess of heaven, the goddess in the hearts of countless people. When Wang Hailou met at the meeting, her arrival caused a lot of sensation.

"Thank you Brother Lin! There will be rewards in the future." Xu Yibing also came, and she and Miao Yuling were equally famous, and they were awesome.

"You don't have to worry about it with your hands." Lin Feng smiled and said.

Many people came to thank Lin Feng personally, Lin Feng nodded his head, but his expression was very calm.

These people say thank you, but there are a few people who are sincere.

Lin Feng rescued them also for the 10 million Needling Spirit Stone, so he did not expect these people to really thank him.

Before long staying, the group quickly left the deep sea devil's cave and returned to the fifteenth monk gathering area.

Lin Feng arranged for Sikong Jieyue to live with his friends, and then he and Sun Yiyi went to the temporary offices of major forces to receive the reward of 10 million Needling Spirits.

After coming here, Lin Feng suddenly felt that, upstairs, a set of spiritual thoughts locked him. Obviously these spiritual thoughts were those powerful powerful forces. Lin Feng frowned slightly because he was locked in his mental thoughts. There are several gods with a sense of coldness.

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