Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1192: Jinzong Road of Shenpeng Island

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Someone took Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi to the second floor. There were more than a dozen monks sitting here. When Lin Feng arrived, these monks looked at Lin Feng.

The monks sitting here are all strong powers of the top antiques and old antiques. Each one has deep thoughts. When looking at Lin Feng, his eyes flicker, and I don't know what they are thinking.

"You are Lin Feng who stepped on Murong Tianshen and climbed onto the Tianjiao platform?". A middle-aged man dressed in gold looked at Lin Feng with a condescending gaze.

This made Lin Feng quite uncomfortable, he said lightly, "Why do you ask again if you know?"

"Why are you talking to this seat?" The middle-aged man obviously didn't expect Lin Feng to refute his face. His face suddenly sank. He looked at Lin Feng's eyes with a cold expression.

This person Lin Feng did not know, but Lin Feng was able to sense that when he came to the second floor, this person exuded a cold breath, always locked himself, obviously this person is not good for himself.

Coupled with this person's high expression, Lin Feng will naturally not give him a good look.

At this time an old man said, "Jin Daoyou, you are also a strong man who has been famous for a long time. Why do you want to be angry with a junior in your twenties?".

The middle-aged monk called Jin Daoyou couldn't help but snorted coldly, looked at Lin Feng's eyes, and flashed a trace of indifference.

"This person is Jinzongdao of Shenpeng Island ...". Sun Yiyi whispered in Lin Feng's ear.

Lin Feng nodded, knowing the identity of this person, he generally knows why this person is so aimed at himself, and now many people in Tianwu Continent know that they are standing behind the two monster clan supremes of King Dapeng and Peacock Lord.

The grievances between Dapeng King and Shenpeng Island have already spread on the Tianwu Continent.

Although the Dapeng king family still has some contacts with Shenpeng Island, the private relationship is definitely not harmonious.

The fact that King Tianpeng drove King Dapeng out of Shenpeng Island has been shown off by the monks of Shenpeng Island, which will undoubtedly exacerbate the contradiction between the two forces.

Lin Feng and Dapeng Wang are closely related. It is normal for people on Shenpeng Island to be hostile to Lin Feng.

For the unity of the golden-winged Dapeng family, Dapeng Wang has never been ashamed of seeking Xiantianpeng Wang Yixue.

However, this person is not necessarily the king of Dapeng. Tianpeng Wang is jealous of Dapeng ’s talent. The clan elders of the Dapeng king family suspect that the strong man who attacked Dapeng king in the past had Tianpeng. It is not groundless, maybe there will be a battle between King Tianpeng and King Dapeng in the future.

Many times, the enemy of the enemy is the friend, and the friend of the enemy is the enemy.

Of course, the reason why the people of Shenpeng Island had a murderous intention towards Lin Feng was actually because Lin Feng had too many babies on them to take their risks.

Artifacts, tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of treasure medicines, ancient magical powers, the Three Thousand Avenues, the inheritance of Heavenly Master Taoism, etc.

Not only the people of Shenpeng Island stared at Lin Feng, but many forces were staring at Lin Feng, waiting to kill and win treasures, but these top-level forces would not even openly shoot Lin Feng even if they had to deal with Lin Feng.

After all, the warnings of Dapeng King and Peacock Lord, these forces have not forgotten yet, and they do not want to offend Dapeng King and Peacock Lord.

So even if you do it, you will choose to do it in private.


Jin Zongdao said that after hearing the old man's persuasion, he stopped talking, but looked at Lin Feng's eyes more and more cold.

The old man smiled and said, "Thank you here for saving your husband's grandchildren."

"I don't know who the grandchildren of seniors are?" Lin Feng asked.

"Xu Zheng……".

The old man said with a smile.

"It turned out to be Brother Xu's grandfather, and the juniors were rude." Lin Feng clenched his fists.

"Haha, you are welcome." The old man smiled.

In fact, ten years ago, Lin Feng had a fight with Chen Yang, a disciple of Penglai Xiandao, in Huolong Town. Chen Yang lost to Lin Feng and was abolished by Lin Feng, so Lin Feng and Penglai Xiandao had some unpleasant things. Of course, Chen Yang was only Penglai An ordinary inner disciple in Xiandao, Penglai Xiandao will naturally not conflict with such an ordinary inner disciple and Tianjiao Junjie like Lin Feng.

At this time, another Qingpao old man said, "Lin Xiaoyou received 10 million Need Spirit Stones on this crystal card. Xiaoyou check if the amount is correct?".

"Thank you senior!"

Lin Feng accepted the crystal card, he did not check the amount of the crystal card, right, a group of old antiques in the realm of reincarnation, will not do anything for the 10 million Needling Spirit Stone.

Such a thing, they are naturally disdain to do this level of strong.

"The juniors said goodbye ...". Lin Feng reported a clenched fist and left with Sun Yiyi.

The strong men of the reincarnation realm all squinted towards Lin Feng walking towards the outside. Everyone's look was different.

"It seems that someone is staring at us. Do you say that there will be a strong man in the realm of reincarnation to kill us? Looking forward to it, I feel very excited to think of a strong man in the realm of reincarnation to kill us."

Sun Yiyi clenched an excited expression on Pink Fist.


Lin Feng took a hard shot on Sun Yiyi's jade.

Sun Yiyi shouted in pain, and immediately covered her jade buttocks with her hands, and looked fiercely at Lin Feng, saying, "Why hit me?".

Lin Feng said: "Because you speak without thinking through your brain, if there is a strong man of reincarnation to kill us, do you think we can escape?".

Sun Yiyi hummed, "Who said it, it is not necessarily, if a strong man of reincarnation comes, hehe ..."

Sun Yiyi showed a little devilish smile.

Lin Feng froze for a moment, and then moved his heart. Seeing the expression of Sun Yiyi, he seemed to be looking forward to meeting the strong man in the realm of samsara?

Sun Yiyi's character is hot and flamboyant, typical spicy beauty, but spicy is spicy, but Sun Yiyi is not stupid.

The expression of such excitement when encountering the rebirth of samsara.

So, Sun Yiyi has a way to deal with reincarnation strong?

"It seems that you have some hidden means, I just hit you wrong." Lin Feng said.

"Hum". Sun Yiyi snorted softly.

Lin Feng said, "I won't hurt if I rub it for you." Said to extend his right hand.

It seems that he really wants to help Sun Yiyi rub the attacked area.

Sun Yiyi's pretty face was suddenly ashamed, and she gave a soft sip, "Smelly rogue."

Then he fled.

When Lin Feng returned to his residence, he found that two female monks stood behind the big tree not far away and kept looking at the other courtyard where he lived.

Lin Feng frowned slightly. The two female monks were long-legged beauties and enchanting beauties who asked him if they wanted to serve. Now they come to him again.

This made Lin Feng a little alert, but apparently the two women didn't seem to realize that Lin Feng already knew they were hiding behind the big tree.

Lin Feng did not dismantle them, but went directly into the courtyard.

Sikong Jieyue worried about his sister Sikong Xinyan, so he set off on the second day. Lin Feng did not go back with Sikong Jieyue, because he felt that on the way back, he was afraid that it was not safe. Rob him.

It was better to walk away from Sikong Jieyue. On the third day after Sikong Jieyue left, Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi also left together.

Originally Lin Feng wanted to send Sun Yiyi away. He did n’t really want Sun Yiyi to be his maidservant for three months. It was just a joke. It ’s interesting to tease Sun Yiyi when it ’s okay, but Before Lin Feng knew that Sun Yiyi seemed to have some hidden means to deal with the monks of reincarnation.

He did n’t let Sun Yiyi go away, and went with Sun Yiyi. The monks who did n’t have the reincarnation realm would just kill him. If a strong man of this level came out to rob himself, Lin Feng felt that he could borrow Sun Yiyi ’s hidden Means, maybe you can kill each other.

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