Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1193: The strong attack!

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Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi were flying in the sea, the endless sea, the blue waves, beautiful.

Sun Yiyi said, "Do you really say that there are really powerful samsaras to kill us?".

Sun Yiyi had asked this question 38 times along the way. Looking at the excited expression on her beautiful little face, Lin Feng could only smile bitterly.

No one is looking forward to being robbed by the strong men of reincarnation, but Sun Yiyi is looking forward to such a thing, which really makes Lin Feng feel quite helpless.

Lin Feng had to explain, "I think it is likely to come, wait patiently, of course, it is better not to come"!

"However you have saved so many people, will those people really revenge?". Sun Yiyi said.

Lin Feng pouted, and said, "In this world, for the benefit, the father and son can turn against each other, and the brothers can kill each other. What kind of things cannot happen?".

Sun Yiyi nodded and said, "This is actually the most white-eyed wolf in the world, then let's combine two swords and kill all those white-eyed wolves."

Sun Yiyi looked motivated.

Lin Feng is also whispering what means Sun Yiyi can deal with the reincarnation realm. Obviously, Sun Yiyi's method is certainly very extraordinary, and it is not a means that can be displayed casually.

Otherwise, when Sun Yiyi was besieged by more than a dozen beasts, she did n’t have to ask for help, and she directly used hidden methods.

Lin Feng speculates that Sun Yiyi's hidden means must be used at a considerable cost.

And Sun Yiyi wanted to play against the power of the reincarnation realm, and even wanted to kill the power of the reincarnation realm.

I'm afraid, Sun Yiyi has another purpose.

This woman actually has a wise heart under her spicy personality. This point Lin Feng can detect from many subtle places. If Sun Yiyi is really regarded as a naive and innocent personality, maybe he will be sold by Sun Yiyi Counting money for Sun Yiyi.

When night fell, Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi landed on an isolated island, the two found a dry cave, Lin Feng surrounded the surrounding area with a large array of four or five miles, and the reincarnation of the powerful is too scary The sneak attack may even kill him and Sun Yiyi instantly.

So Lin Feng had to be cautious.

There is a large array of defense, if there is a strong realm of reincarnation to kill him, it can also be sensed in advance.

After simply eating something, Lin Feng rested on the rocky wall and Sun Yiyi leaned not far away.

Late at night, a figure flew from a distance and landed.

"Hidden here"!

A sneer came out.

The monk chasing this way is Jinzongdao of Shenpeng Island.

This person is the owner of a special bloodline. The blood of the golden-winged Dapeng family is naturally incomparably powerful. It is also very famous among the powerful in the reincarnation realm.

Today, he personally shot to kill Lin Feng, obviously has absolute confidence in his own strength.

If there is no accident, kill Lin Feng with his practice of reincarnation, there is really no problem.

The monks of the reincarnation realm are too powerful.

Jin Zongdao stepped towards the depths, and suddenly, he stopped, because Jin Zongdao noticed that there was a hidden large formation here.

"It's really very cautious, even using a large array to cover the surroundings, boy, you think you are smart, but you don't know that you are stupid like a pig. Today, this seat will also use a large array to wrap the large array you arranged. , Completely block this place, so that you have no hope of escaping. "

Jin Zong Dao suddenly smiled yawningly.

Jin Zongdao is a person who can be ranked in the top three on Shenpeng Island.

Among the older generations of Shenpeng Island, the king of Tianpeng Island, the king of Shenpeng Island, is the most respected.

Among the strong middle-aged generation, Jin Zongdao achieved the most.

This Jin Zongdao is not only powerful, but also has a deep research on the formation.

His formation skills are also extremely advanced, and has now reached the realm of the top-level spirit array division of the Heaven Order, and Lin Feng is the same level of spirit array division.

Jin Zongdao flew into the air, and he took out eighty-one flags.

Swish swish ...

All these flags flew out and stuck on the ground.

Then, a series of crisscross patterns were formed in the void, and these patterns were connected together to form a powerful formation.

The array flag is the center of the large array, maintaining the operation of the entire large array.

Jin Zongdao wrapped up the large array arranged by Lin Feng with a powerful array.

After doing all of this, Jin Zongdao's mouth sneered, and then stepped into the large array arranged by Lin Feng.

At the same time, Lin Feng opened his eyes, he awakened Sun Yiyi and said, "People are here, it seems to be Jin Zongdao, but I vaguely feel that there are two hidden breaths besides Jinzong Tao, but The other two never appeared. "

As soon as Sun Yiyi heard that the strong men of reincarnation were coming, he jumped up from the ground in excitement.

"Great, let's go and hack to death Jinzong Road now." Sun Yiyi's eager expression.

Lin Feng was full of black lines and said, "Why is it so easy to kill the powerhouses in the realm of reincarnation? Later I will be in the light, you are in the dark, I will try to contain Jin Zongdao, but Jin Zongdao's strength is too horrible, I guess You can't hold on for a few rounds, so you must take a look at the right time, take action on Jin Zongdao, and strive to be able to kill Jin Zongdao directly, even if you can't kill Jin Zongdao directly, you must hit Jinzong Tao hard. "

"This thing is wrapped in me, you put 120 hearts."

Sun Yiyi patted his full chest .. said.

Lin Feng's eyes jumped suddenly and he could not help whispering in his heart. This Sun Yiyi was really good.

Of course Lin Feng knew that this was not the time to think about it, and he and Sun Yiyi quickly left the cave.

Lin Feng looted towards Jin Zongdao, and Sun Yiyi concealed her figure.

Soon Lin Feng saw the figure of Jin Zongdao.

Jin Zongdao also saw Lin Feng, he thought Lin Feng was about to run, and shot towards Lin Feng across the void.

A large energy fingerprint came to the scene, Lin Feng traversed towards the left side, dangerously and dangerously avoiding Jin Zongdao's attack.

The big fingerprint of energy condensed by Jin Zongdao was bombarded on the mountain behind, and the entire mountain was instantly photographed as powder.

"The speed is pretty good, I can avoid the palm of this seat, but just this attack, even one percent of the strength is not displayed," Jin Zongdao said with a sneer, walking step by step.

Lin Feng raised his eyelids and said, "I have long felt that you have made a killing intent on me. Sure enough, it was not wrong with my guess. I really came to kill me."

"Who made you have so many great inheritances and babies in your body? Thinking of God has a good life, you will contribute all your babies and magical powers, this seat will give you a happy death method, if you dare to resist If you want to catch you later, this seat will pinch your bones, inch by inch, and then pull your soul out, burn it with the fire of hell, let you taste the taste of survival and death. " .

Jin Zongdao's gloomy eyes looked at Lin Feng. Obviously he didn't put Lin Feng in his eyes at all. In Jin Zongdao's view, Lin Feng was simply a ants. He could pinch Lin Feng to death by moving his finger.

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