Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1196: Powerful and desperate King Tianpeng

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"Go walk ...". Lin Feng shouted loudly, not daring to stay for a moment.

What kind of scary character is King Tianpeng?

It has been a monastery for more than 8,000 years, and was called the strongest person in the East China Sea 3,000 years ago.

At that time, King Dapeng wanted to worship him as a teacher.

It's just that King Tianpeng was jealous of King Dapeng's talent and drove him out of shame.

Over the years, how terrible the strength of King Tianpeng has been improved is unknown.

But one thing is certain.

Today's King Tianpeng must have reached the point of unpredictability.

I am afraid of being shocked.

Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi joined forces to kill Jin Zongdao because they killed Jin Zongdao by surprise and directly hit Jin Zongdao. In addition, Jin Zongdao had no weapons to resist the quasi-imperial soldiers, which successfully cut Jin Zongdao.

But King Tianpeng is different.

First of all, as the current island owner of Shenpeng Island, Tianpeng King must have extremely powerful magic weapons, probably at the artifact level.

Taking the cultivation of King Tianpeng as an example, the magic weapon that urged the artifact level showed more power than Sun Yiyi urged the quasi-imperial soldier blood-eye demon sword. This is a question of retreat.

Secondly, King Tianpeng's strength is too strong, even if he urges the quasi-imperial soldiers, he may not be able to hurt him.

Finally, Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi are both in a relatively weak state. After all, they fought against Jin Zongdao before and chased Jin Zongdao all the way to the fifteenth monk gathering area.

The terrifying existence of King Tianpeng is at its peak.

How do you fight this?

Lin Feng carrying Sun Yiyi fleeing wildly towards the distance.

"Little animal, where to go?", Tianpeng Wang's voice was like ice, with a cold and biting killing intention, quickly chasing.

The speed of King Tianpeng is too fast, and is gradually narrowing the distance between the two sides.

"The warning from King Dapeng and Lord Peacock that you forgot?" Lin Feng said somberly.

"Every two younger generations, their warning, it's okay to frighten the general samurai, but you think they can frighten this seat? Even if this seat kills you, they will not dare to say a word, you believe Do not believe?".

Tianpeng Wang said with a sneer.

This person obviously has absolute self-confidence in himself, and he doesn't mean to take Dapeng King and Peacock Lord Lord in his eyes. Lin Feng feels that this is worse.

Since King Tianpeng did not put Dapeng King and Peacock Lord in his eyes, he naturally shot himself against him without hesitation.

"As an older generation of strong men, who have practiced old antiques for more than 8,000 years but chased us two people in their 20s ". Sun Yiyi shouted.

"It's a clever girl, but when I'm going to be caught by this seat, this seat wants to see if it can still say such stupid things as it is now."

King Tianpeng looked indifferent.

The two sides fled and chased quickly into the vast sea.

"Catch up and see ...".

Many people shouted and followed them out, but their speed couldn't keep up with Lin Feng and King Tianpeng.

"Little beast, you really can run, but you can't run out, be captured by this seat."

The speed of King Tianpeng was too fast, only a quarter of an hour Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi were caught up. He protruded his big hand, caught in the void, and suddenly, an energy big hand condensed and captured the world. , Caught towards Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi.

Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi were shocked to find that their bodies were unable to move, and their faces became pale. At this dangerous moment, Lin Feng awakened Babe.

"Bah! Bah!"

Babe opened his sleepy eyes, and the little guy was young and always sleepy.

After being awakened, Babe discovered the danger and quickly brushed out a seven-color light that caught Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi, and they disappeared quickly.

"Not going away"

Tianpeng Wang's face suddenly plummeted, and he could not help but snorted, and he was about to catch Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi, but failed, his face would naturally not look good, gloomy like water.

King Tianpeng's shuttle vanity also disappeared.

Babe took Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi to the waters thirty miles away.

"Ah ... this little guy is so cute, let the sister kiss."

Sun Yiyi opened her eyes when she saw Bebeton, an expression that was conquered by Bebe, she reached out and wanted to hug Bebe kiss a few times.

Lin Feng couldn't help but be speechless, this is the moment of life and death, Sun Yiyi even has the mind to care about whether Beibei looks cute, first care about his life.

Beibei apparently did not want to have contact with Sun Yiyi, the little guy was only relatively close to Lin Feng, so he avoided Sun Yiyi, and at this time the void shuddered slightly, and King Tianpeng came out.

He said indifferently, "What breed is this little animal? It's so powerful?".

"Bah!" Beibei yelled and took Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi to continue to walk through the void.

This is Beibei's racial talent. Lin Feng's mastering of the void shuttle is a short distance shuttle to avoid.

It is suitable for use in confrontation with people, but not suitable for use when running away.

And Beibei ’s racial talent is to shuttle from a distance, and he can leave more than thirty miles once. This is still the reason for Beibei ’s young age. If he waits for Beibei to grow up, he will be able to shuttle out by performing a void shuttle. A few hundred miles of forest maple is not surprising at all.

However, the method of King Tianpeng is also extremely terrifying. Babe took Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi several times to travel long distances, but King Tianpeng was able to chase after him. Don't drop him.

Babe is too young, and he has reached the limit after performing ten times of space shuttle.

Lin Feng was also distressed when he looked at Beibei, who was almost out of force.

He let Babe rest in the slave bag.

Then continue carrying Sun Yiyi and flew quickly towards the distance.

"That little beast is really good, little beast! There are so many secrets in your body, supernatural powers, baby, now there is a mysterious little beast, but everything you get is destined to be just a wedding dress for others."

The king of Tianpeng looked indifferent and patted with a palm apart.

In the void, a tremendous energy palm condensed and instantly bombarded.

"Old stuff, fight with you."

Sun Yiyi poured all the heavenly **** liquid on the blood-eye magic sword.

There are probably more than twenty drops of Tianshen liquid.

The power of the Blood-eye Demon Sword was urged to the extreme, and he smashed it toward the energy hand.


But King Tianpeng was so terrible, the energy he condensed casually instantly broke the blood-eye magic sword.

Then the only big hand was caught towards Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi.

The two found in horror that they couldn't move at all, only to watch the energy hand grabbing them.

The strength of King Tianpeng is so powerful that it makes people desperate.

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