Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1197: Alchemist and Heavenly God Liquid

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"King Tianpeng, you are also a strong man who has been famous for thousands of years, but now you are shooting two young people in their twenties. Even if you don't have to be shameless, can you not be shameless to this extent?". ??

Just when Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi both felt a bit desperate, suddenly, a voice rang out.

Immediately afterwards, a man stepped out of the void.

This is a middle-aged man with a bearded face and a very strong figure, like a savage.

But this savage-like man was unusually arrogant, he stepped out in one step, and in the void, Tian Peng Wang's condensed attack instantly shattered.

Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi felt that the pressure that enveloped their bodies disappeared instantly, which made them breath out.

Lin Feng, a savage-like man, didn't know him. Obviously, Sun Yiyi's expression didn't know him either.

Lin Feng did not know why he would save himself and Sun Yiyi, but Lin Feng quickly thanked the monk.

Sun Yiyi immediately thanked the monk.

"Don't be so polite! Just raise your hand", said the savage man with a wave of his hand, his voice like thunder.

Tianpeng Wang looked somberly at the man like a savages, Shen Sheng said, "Who are you? Dare to intervene in this matter?".

"Lao Tzu intervened if he didn't like it, two little girls, leave." Said the savage man.

"Thank you senior! But senior must certainly be careful of this person in front of him. This person has no principle, even the face of the strong man in reincarnation is gone, maybe he will use a mean method to deal with the senior, so we must pay attention to guard.

Lin Feng said.

"Ha ha ha ... well said, this famous King Tianpeng really does not even have a face." The savage man laughed three times.

Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi did not dare to stay and hurried towards the distance.

At this time, King Tianpeng wanted to chase Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi, but was stopped by a savage man.

"King Tianpeng, your opponent is me ...", said the man like a savage with a sneer.

"court death!"

The king of Tianpeng was furious and cast a magical skill called turbulence and storms, and drove towards the savage man.

This magical power condenses endless storms and pouring rain.

The storm tore the world in an instant.

A drop of rain is like a sword, breaking the world.


The devastating attack drove towards the savage man.

"A finger in the sky"!

The savage man screamed and pointed out with a single finger, instantly dispersing the storm and rain sword.

Then the energy fingers condensed out of the void point to King Tianpeng.

"What a powerful sky, it turns out to be you, Lanling Demon King."

The King Tianpeng roared loudly, and there were ten thousand and eight thousand sword spirits appearing behind him, all blasting towards the Lanling Demon King.


When the two powerful men fought together, Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi flew towards the distance.

"I don't know what happened to the war over there?". Sun Yiyi frowned slightly.

Lin Feng said, "That savage predecessor is definitely not simple. I feel that his cultivation practice should be no less than that of King Tianpeng. This day Wuda 6 is really like a strong man."

"Tianwu Big 6 is too big, and it is normal to have a strong man in the hidden world." Sun Yiyi said.

Lin Feng nodded, and the savage monk intercepted King Tianpeng, and he and Sun Yiyi successfully returned to the first monk gathering area.

After coming here, Lin Feng was not afraid of the Tianpeng King chasing down.

If he really dared to come, the power of the United Spiritual Array Division Union might destroy King Tianpeng.

More ants can kill an elephant.

What's more, the power held by the Lingzhen division union is extremely terrifying.

Lin Feng, as the elder of the Lingzhen Teachers Union, has great rights.

Now even Murong Baichuan, the general manager of the northern 72 states, has taken the initiative to make friends with Lin Feng. In Murong Baichuan ’s view, after four Holy Order Lingjin masters leave Tianwu University 6, Lin Feng is the most likely to become a spirit One of the candidates for the new owner of the formation division union.

Lin Feng and Sun Yiyi walked towards the Lingzhen division union, he asked, "What magic weapon is your door panel? Although the appearance is ugly, the power is really tyrannical."

Sun Yiyi said with some pride, "This baby is called the blood-eye magic sword, but it is a quasi-imperial soldier."

"No wonder the power is so powerful, but it doesn't look like a sword, but it looks like a big iron gate," Lin Feng said.

Sun Yiyi hummed Qiong nose, said, "What do you know? Such a sword, only pull the wind ......".

"When you urge the blood-eye demon sword, it seems that you used a liquid. What kind of liquid is that liquid? Can you activate the power of the quasi-imperial soldier?". Lin Feng's heart moved, and could not help asking curiously.

Quasi-imperial soldiers are harder to urge than artifacts.

Taking Lin Feng's cultivation as an attempt, he wants to activate the power of the artifact.

They all need to burn their lifespan, and it takes such a huge price to activate the power of the artifact, let alone urge the quasi-imperial soldiers.

"That's called Tianshen Liquid. It is said that it was refined from the blood of Tenshen with hundreds of materials. It's a treasure made by alchemists. The value is extremely high. I also got a bottle by chance. It ’s already used up now, it seems that my blood-eye magic sword is temporarily unable to move. ”

Sun Yiyi sighed.

"Alchemist? Who is this person?". Lin Feng couldn't help asking.

Sun Yiyi said, "Alchemists are an extremely old profession. It is said that in the ancient times, alchemists were almost broken down, but fortunately, they have been passed on and off to the present, but it is difficult for ordinary people to see alchemists. , These alchemists can refine many incredible things, such as things like God's Liquid. "

Lin Feng touched his chin and said, "Maybe I can find out the news of the alchemist. If I can find them, I can buy some goddess liquid."

If you can buy Tianshen Liquid, then Lin Feng can also activate the power of several artifacts he has.

What happens when the reincarnation power comes?

Lao Tzu activates the artifact and kills you with a sword.

"Alchemists don't necessarily have heavenly spirit liquid."

Sun Yiyi said, "After all, the blood of the gods is too rare. Of course, if you can find an alchemist, it is definitely a good thing. I heard an elder say that there are many good things in the alchemist. Liquid, you can also buy some other good things. "

Lin Feng nodded.

Without much convention, he and Sun Yiyi returned to the Lingzhen division union.

After returning, an elder named Wang Dong came to inform and said, "Big Elder, President Murong is feasting the guests, and those who come are all for the Great Elder. President Murong already knows that the Great Elder is back , So send subordinates to invite the elders to the VIP room. "

"Who is it?" Lin Feng asked doubtfully.

"Respectively the North Sea Desperate Island, the Nether Sea Endless Fire Country and the people of the Four Seasons Gate of the South China Sea." Elder Wang said.

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