Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1411: Life and death battle!

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Jinlong Shenyan's fire was so powerful that everyone felt a thick death threat.

"Run away with the break symbol"!

Lin Feng said that he took out the break symbol drawn by himself and threw it to Shen Shizhong and others.

Breaking the boundary symbol can instantly tear open the space boundary.

Then send people out.

This break character is very precious, even Lin Feng does not have much on his body.

Shen Shizhong et al.'S eyes suddenly lighted up, and quickly broke the broken symbol, blinking and disappeared.

Lin Feng also smashed the crack symbol and left quickly.

Dayiyujin Wushu sacrificed a flying shuttle because of the limited space of the flying shuttle.

Only a dozen people are allowed to go up.

More than a dozen of the most important big Japanese powerhouses got on the shuttle.

Then these people fled.

The strong man on the side of the poison domain fled with a scarlet golden wheel shield, but was attacked by a golden dragon, and only two people escaped.

As for the dozens of monks who failed to depart on the flying shuttle, all of them died.

"The breath of heavenly fire ... This is Ziyan's heart fire and black flame's burning fire."

The golden dragon made a low roar.

Its huge claws scratch in the sky.


The void is broken.

Then, the golden dragon opened his blood basin and sucked.

The powerful suction sucked Lin Feng out of the broken void.

"My grass ...".

Lin Feng cursed when he saw the golden dragon.

It seems to be flying out of parallel space.

Seeing it is about to escape.

It was actually caught back by the golden dragon.

Lin Feng really wanted to cry without tears.

The cold eyes of the golden dragon looked at Lin Feng with a cold voice, "Humble man, you have refined Skyfire, what qualifications do you have to become the master of Skyfire? Desecrate the supreme majesty of Skyfire, you deserve to die"


The words fell, and the golden dragon spewed out golden flames.

The golden flame came towards Lin Feng.

Before Lin Feng saw those monks swallowed by golden flames, they were instantly burned to fly ash.

It can be seen how powerful the attack power of this golden flame is.

So in the face of the attack of golden flames, Lin Feng did not dare to carelessly, and directly sacrificed two types of heavenly fires, the purple flame earth fire and the black flame burning **** fire.

He protects himself with two types of skyfire.

The Jinlong Shenyan fire was burning, and the two kinds of sky fires offered by Lin Feng were suppressed very strongly.

Even though there are two types of skyfire body protection, Lin Feng feels a burning sensation in his body.

It seems to be burning.

"By ..., Jinlong Shenyan's fire is so powerful, two to one, it is still pressed into this way."

Lin Feng's expression was somber, he quickly sacrificed the armor of the **** of death.

After putting on the armor of death, the feeling that the flesh was burning was gone.

"Humble humans! High-level skyfires strongly suppress low-level skyfires, and although you have two types of skyfires, these two types of skyfires are just low-level skyfires. Naturally, you need to be the source of this fire pressing".

The golden dragon seemed to know what Lin Feng was thinking and said with a sneer.

Lin Feng said, "Let's talk about the conditions?".

The golden dragon said disdainfully, "Humble humans, you are not qualified to discuss the conditions with this forum, this forum will devour you"!


As the words fell, the golden dragon waved its huge claws and patted towards Lin Feng.

"Great Battle Gun, broken!"

Lin Feng swept directly towards the golden dragon with a great waste gun.


The two sides banged together, Lin Feng was directly blasted out.


He spit out blood.

The golden dragon is too powerful to fight at all.

"Sure enough it's a **** realm"!

Lin Feng's expression was extremely gloomy.

Now how he hoped the demon lord was still in the magic beads.

If the demon is here.


Together, they can deal with the golden dragon.

But the key is that the demon is not around.

"Boy, you have a good strength. The rebirth of the realm is very close. The combat power is close to the **** realm, but it is useless. No matter how you struggle, there is only one way to die.

The golden dragon said coldly.

Lin Feng wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said in a cold voice, "You are nothing more than the virtual **** realm. If I guess well, you will at most be only a two-day practice of the virtual **** realm. Me, it ’s not that easy. "

"The vision is rather vicious, that's right! The current cultivation base of this seat is only the double heaven of the virtual **** realm! At that time, this seat was the existence of the heaven **** realm. Why did it fall? But in the end this seat survived, but the four gods fell, and now as long as this seat swallows the two types of skyfire in your body, it can be quickly recovered! "

The golden dragon sneered again and again.

It attacked Lin Feng again.

This time the golden dragon showed the dragon language supernatural powers.

With the mysterious dragon language coming out.

In the void, a powerful wave of energy emanates.

Immediately afterwards, a dense spear of golden energy condensed.

"Boy, you can die under the attack of the Golden Dragon spear in this seat, and you are still dead."

The golden dragon said with a sneer.

Then, the dense golden spear pierced towards Lin Feng's cave.

Overwhelming, it is too much.

"I stood in the black hole and looked at my ancestors ...".

Lin Feng whispered.


The five Devouring Martial Souls merge into one, turning into a huge devouring black hole.

Lin Feng is standing in the middle of swallowing the black hole.

When the dense golden spears were shot, all the golden spears were swallowed by the black hole in an instant.

"Great tool"!

The Golden Dragon was taken aback, then sneered and said, "But your cultivation base is too low, and today is destined to escape."

The words fell, and the golden dragon exhibited a great trick.

Golden Dragon Claw.

In the void, a huge paw came out and shot towards Lin Feng.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The huge claw slapped the black hole again and again.

Click and click.

The black hole began to break.

"Nine Demons are out!"

Lin Feng shouted, sacrificed nine demon figures, and rammed towards the golden claws.

"Imperial Soldier"!

The Golden Dragon was taken aback, and then said disdainfully, "How about the Imperial Soldier? You can hardly urge the might of the Imperial Soldier."

Huh ...

Immediately afterwards, the golden dragon spurted the breath of the dragon.

The dragon breath turned into a long river.

Suddenly suppressed the Nine Magic Figure, suppressed the Nine Magic Figure in the air.

This is God!

God is really too powerful.

Even Imperial soldiers can suppress it.

Lin Feng gritted his teeth, and he knew he couldn't sit still and die.

Therefore, Lin Feng did not have any reservations, and he exhibited the unique skill of the Dragon Elephant Shengli recorded in the Archaic Dragon Elephant Judgment.

Long Xiang Shengli body.

Lin Feng's fighting power has increased madly.

In an instant, his fighting power increased three times than before.

Lin Feng held the war gun and swept toward the golden dragon claws, flying away the golden dragon claws.

Then, he turned into a flash of lightning and rushed to the golden dragon in an instant, and the Great Desert War Gun hit the golden dragon's head.

At this time, Lin Feng saw that the golden dragon's eyes even showed contempt.

"not good……". Lin Feng felt not quite right and retreated quickly.

But it was too late.

"Tianlong Ba Yin"!

"Woo! Goo! Boom! Well! Hum! Acr! Uh! Uh!"


Eight syllables came out, and these syllables combined to form a huge sonic shock, which bombarded Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was struck by lightning and was blasted out. The dragon dragon sound attacked the supernatural power of the Dragon Soul.

Lin Feng was attacked by Tianlong Bayin and made a scream of utter sorrow. He felt that his soul would be shattered by Tianlong Bayin.

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