Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1412: Create your own magical power: Burning Sky's Fury!

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Lin Feng was really depressed. He knew that the fire spirit of Tianhuo was still alive, and he would not come if he was killed.

But in that war, it was rumored that the sky and the fire had fallen.

Lin Feng naturally wanted to take a risk, but never imagined that Tianhuohuoling lived to the present.

And still so tyrannical, Lin Feng's body fell uncontrollably towards the world of magma, and the golden dragon rushed quickly, opened a big mouth of blood basin and wanted to devour Lin Feng.

Seeing that Lin Feng was about to be swallowed, Lin Feng finally recovered a trace of clarity. He endured the torn pain in his head and used the means of the empty shuttle to disappear instantly.

The next moment, he came to the head of the golden dragon.

"Great Reincarnation: Ancient Hurry"!

Lin Feng punched the head of the golden dragon.

As the fourth-ranked Super Avenue, Sanqian Avenue was invincible. When this punch hit the skull of the golden giant dragon head, suddenly, a terrible scene appeared.

The original gold-scale dazzling dragon scales became increasingly dim and dull.

The power of the golden dragon is rapidly depleting.

In a blink of an eye, the golden dragon became very old.

This is the terrible part of the Great Reincarnation technique. Although Lin Feng only mastered the first half of the Great Reincarnation technique, this first half can deprive all life-spans of life.

When the lifespan of such creatures is deprived, their own combat power will also be greatly attenuated with the deprivation of power.

The golden dragon hit Lin Feng, and the ancient rush is no exception. Its combat power has decayed to an extremely weak state in a short time.

"Now I know Master, I'm awesome? Soul villain with sword, cut me!"


With a loud roar, Lin Feng directly exhibited his strongest soul technique.

The golden dragon is not a real body.

It is the fire spirit of the skyfire.

Fire Spirit is equivalent to the soul of Skyfire.

Therefore, the golden dragon is equivalent to the "soul body" of Skyfire.

Against the soul body, this soul attack is naturally the most effective.

The soul villain carried out his sword and beheaded directly to the golden dragon.


The golden dragon suffered huge damage, and his head was almost killed by Lin Feng's soul villain with his sword.

Sure enough, the soul attack is the most powerful damage to the golden dragon.

The golden dragon roared and shook the sky, the golden light inside rushed out, like the turbulent ocean sweeping the world, resisting the attack of the soul villain.

At the same time, the body of the golden dragon began to recover, the strength is becoming stronger and stronger, and the breath of life is getting younger and younger.

"Time is up"!

Lin Feng's expression sank slightly.

Lin Feng's current practice is not enough to really make the golden dragon grow old.

Just after the golden dragon took the trick, it only became aging in a short time.

This kind of aging will recover when the time is up.

Lin Feng summoned back the soul villain, and at the same time cast another ancient hurry, wanting to follow suit.

But this time Lin Feng failed.

The golden dragon did not give him a chance to get close, and directly sprayed a large amount of dragon's breath to cover Lin Feng.

The dragon's dragon breath attack is the dragon's natural magical power, and it has great lethality.


When the Dragon Breath attack swept through, Lin Feng had to avoid the Dragon Breath attack.

"Unfortunately, we cannot slash the golden dragon in one go." Lin Feng said in a shame, but he was very satisfied with being able to hit the golden dragon.

"The Great Reincarnation! You just performed the Great Reincarnation!" The golden dragon was well-informed and recognized Lin Feng's trick. His cold eyes could not help but coldly looked at Lin Feng, revealing the murderous intent.

Lin Feng said, "That's right ..., how do you feel about my reincarnation technique?".

"You really make this seat more and more exciting, it seems that if you swallow you not only can get two kinds of skyfire, I can also get the imperial soldiers, and the supreme avenue"!

The golden dragon's gloomy eyes looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said indifferently, "You have been hit hard by me, and dare to say that I have swallowed me? Where is the courage?".

"Your injury seems heavier than me ...". The golden dragon couldn't help but sneer.

Lin Feng was attacked by the golden dragon Tianlong Bayin. Sonic not only hurt his soul, but also his body.

Now the flesh has already cracked.

The golden dragon's injury to Lin Feng was also clear.

Seeing the sneering and complacent look of the golden dragon, Lin Feng smiled and said, "Sorry, I forgot to tell you, I am an undead **** body, as long as it is not the original injury and the injury, no matter how serious it is Can be recovered ".

The words fell, Lin Feng was running immortal body.

Suddenly, his injury recovered.

The look of the golden dragon became extremely gloomy, and it apparently never thought that Lin Feng had such ability.

The golden dragon roared, "Boy, do you really think you can resist the attack from this seat? That's a big mistake, this seat will now let you see the real supernatural powers of the dragon family"

The voice fell.

The golden dragon began to recite an ancient mantra.

A devastating breath emanated from the body of the golden dragon.

Lin Feng was swiftly slashing towards the golden dragon and wanted to interrupt the magical power of the golden dragon.

But it was too late.

"Yin ..." A high dragon chant sounded all over the world.

In the void, a vast dragon world emerged.

Among the dragon kingdoms, there are dense dragons.

Shenlong, Tianlong, Fire Dragon, Water Dragon, Pterosaur ..., all kinds of giant dragons, endless, all rushed, rushed out from that world.

"Boy, this move is called Wanlong World, depending on how you die." The golden dragon grinned again and again.

The densely packed dragons rushed out of the vast dragon realm and enveloped Lin Feng.

Wanlong gathered, and the breath formed was terrible.

Click and click.

Lin Feng's flesh is cracking.

The golden dragon's move to exterminate the world made Lin Feng feel a strong death threat.

Lin Feng's face was pale, and he knew very well that when the overwhelming giant dragon rolled over, there would inevitably be only one way to die. He would not be willing to die like this.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Lin Feng's mind.

He did not know whether such an attempt would be successful, but if it was successful, it would not only be able to break the Wanlong Destroyer, but it might also cause great damage to the Golden Dragon.

Think of here.

Lin Feng gritted his teeth.

No more hesitation.

A purple flame burst into his left hand.

Black flames blazing above his right hand.

The two types of skyfire were compressed together by Lin Feng and forcibly merged.

Lin Feng previously combined Dao character life and Dao character death together to form a "life and death seal" of imperial art.

But whether Tianhuo can be merged, he is not clear, this is an attempt, and now Lin Feng has no other choice but to fight one by one.

When the two types of skyfire were forcibly merged, there was great repulsion. Lin Feng felt that the two skyfires were about to explode.

Once Skyfire explodes, the resulting destructive power will be unimaginable.

Lin Feng tried hard to control Skyfire without exploding immediately. Under his control, Skyfire actually overcomes the repulsion and gradually merges together, forming a twisted flame light ball.

"It's ..." Lin Feng's eyes shone slightly.

At this time Wanlong had already crushed.

Lin Feng no longer hesitated, he sacrificed a ball of flame light.

"My move is called Burning Sky's Wrath, and you also **** unique skills"!

Lin Feng roared, and after offering the ball of flame, Lin Feng quickly took out the four fierce tripods and jumped into the hiding place.


The distorted flame sphere that sky fire merged into exploded instantly.

Destructive forces swept through the world, surging out.

In the void, the crushed dragons exploded in an instant, and then the devastating energy flooded the golden dragon.

Lin Feng hid in the Four Fierce Tripods and was hit hard while wearing Death Armor.

The energy fluctuations of the skyfire explosion hit it, and most of the power was removed by the four fierce tripods and the armor of death, but Lin Feng was still shocked and vomited blood.

"Do not……". The golden dragon outside felt a horrified cry as he felt the power of the skyfire explosion.


next moment.

With a violent explosion, the body of the golden dragon exploded directly.

The golden dragon is the fire spirit of the golden dragon Shenyan fire, and is the source of the soul, which is directly destroyed by the exploding sky fire.

In the void, the source of the fire of Jinlong Shenyan fire is suspended.

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