Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1414: Original magic weapon promotion artifact

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Condensed Xuanhuang Chaos, evolved six reincarnations.

Chaos rises to heaven, creating all creatures.

Xuanhuang sinks to the ground and gathers hundreds of millions of stars.


This is the change that has taken place since Pangu opened up.

In the innate world, there are only two forces.

That is Chaos and Xuan Huang.

In this world, there is yin and yang.

This seems to be an eternal truth.

The power of chaos in the innate world is yang.

The power of mysterious yellow is yin.

Equivalent to yin and yang poles, endless circulation.

Needless to say, chaotic ancestry has gradually disappeared from the world since the earth was opened.

Since ancient times, chaotic ancestry is almost invisible.


Unusually precious.

The ancient emperor searched all over the sky, and it was difficult to find chaotic ancestry.

Xuanhuang ancestry is even more precious than chaos ancestry.

Because Xuanhuang ancestral ancestry in the innate world, the number is much less than chaotic ancestry.

After the world opened up, Xuanhuang's ancestors almost disappeared.

In the past, Lin Feng had the chance to get chaotic ancestry from the Temple of Eternal Life.


I saw Xuanhuang Zuqi again.

That group of Xuanhuang ancestors exudes amazing fluctuations.

Lin Feng can feel an ancient breath from the mass of Xuanhuang ancestors.

That breath.

It is an ancient breath that cannot be described by words.

This may be the so-called "first weather".

"It's really happening ... it turned out to be Xuanhuang Zuqi"!

Lin Feng shouted excitedly.

The value of Xuanhuang Zuqi is too great. This is the most suitable material for forging magic weapon between heaven and earth.

Such as fairy tears unicorn iron, phoenix flame stone ... and so on, can be forged into imperial soldiers.

But this is already the limit.

And rumours, chaotic ancestors, Xuanhuang ancestors forged magic weapon, as the master's cultivation improved, continue to advance.

Moreover, it can even break through the restrictions of the imperial soldiers.

Become a real fairy.

Lin Feng had never seen a fairy, nor did he know what level of magic weapon the fairy was, nor how powerful the fairy was.

But one thing Lin Feng is clear.


It is a magic weapon possessed by immortals.

As for Xu Yao's misty fairy, it is just a legend.

Perhaps those innate spirits, such as Pangu, Nuwa, Fuxi, Taishang, Guangyuan, etc., are "celestial beings".

But they fell long before the innate war.

Is there any fairy in the world?

No one knows.

But no matter whether there is a fairy, or whether there is a fairy.

Lin Feng is a little clear.

That is the source of mysterious yellow in front of me is too precious.

This thing is enough to cause blood and rain.

"Chaotic old lamp, come out ...". Lin Feng waved his right hand, and his real magic weapon Chaos Ancient Lamp flew out suddenly.

The ancient chaotic lantern is usually used to protect the soul of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng knows a truth.

Even if the flesh is destroyed, as long as the soul does not die, it may take the rebirth.

So the soul is too important.

Therefore, Lin Feng sacrificed a magic weapon like the Chaos Ancient Lamp, and the soul could be hidden in the Chaos Ancient Lamp.

With the protection of the ancient chaotic lamp, even if the soul is attacked, the ancient chaotic lamp can also reduce the damage to the soul to the lowest point.

It was as if Lin Feng had been attacked by the golden dragon Tianlong Bayin before, and his soul was seriously injured.

In fact, with the power of the Golden Dragon God Realm, the technique of soul attack is displayed at close range.

Without the protection of the ancient chaotic lamp, Lin Feng's soul would have disappeared.

When the ancient demon invaded, Chaos Ancient Lamp was already sacred to the level of quasi-artifact by Lin Feng.

But the quasi-artifact broke through to the artifact level, which is an extremely difficult thing.

This is actually the same reason as the monk's breakthrough.

For example, there are many powerful people who banish the quasi-god realm of the big world.

However, there are only twelve strong people in the magical realm.

It can be seen how difficult it is for the quasi-god realm to break through the **** realm.

The quasi-god realm is nice to say "God".

But in fact, it is still a mortal.

Life did not complete the transformation.

Shouyuan is only about 50,000 to 60,000 years old.

But if it breaks through to God, it will be different.

God's life level has been transformed.

Not only is the improvement of strength, just to say a little, is like life.

The **** monk, even the weakest **** monk, has more than two million years of life.

With the improvement of cultivation, Shouyuan will continue to increase.

The quasi-shenyuan's life yuan of 50,000 to 60,000 years is far from that of the god's life for millions or even tens of millions.

Although the quasi-artifact and the artifact are only a single word difference, they are also the difference between heaven and earth.

However, it is too difficult to make the Chaos Ancient Lamp evolve into an artifact.

The more precious the magic weapon made of materials, the stronger the power, but the difficulty of promotion of this magic weapon will be more difficult.

However, when Lin Feng saw the ancestor of Xuanhuang, he saw the possibility of the chaotic ancient lamp evolved into an artifact.

Chaos ancestry is the treasure of the sun, and the ancient chaotic lamp is integrated into the sky fire to ignite the wick.

The magic weapon that is already the sun, after being integrated into the sky fire, contains the power of the Yang attribute, which is even more powerful.

As the so-called Yin-Yang cycle, the road is complete.

Any kind of perfect Taoism is not Zhiyang or Yin, but Yin and Yang.

If you want to transform to God, whether it is a monk or a magic weapon, you must achieve a perfect state.

Only in this way can we become gods.

The Xuanhuang ancestry is complementary to the chaos ancestry.

This is the so-called Yin-Yang cycle.

Lin Feng broke the seal that sealed Xuanhuang Zuqi.

Then Xuanhuang ancestry drove into the chaotic ancient lamp.

Then, the golden dragon Shenyan fire was burned and the ancient lamp of Xuanhuang ancestry and chaos was continuously burned.

Lin Feng wants to turn Xuanhuang Zuqi into a part of the chaotic ancient lamp.

It took Lin Feng seven days to complete the refining of Xuanhuang Zuqi into the ancient chaotic lamp.

And the chaotic ancient lamp finally broke through to the **** realm!

"My natal magic weapon has broken through the divine realm, haha, I really look forward to it. I don't know if my mortal magic weapon will be able to break down to the fairy level as my cultivation progresses in the future."

Lin Feng smiled, and he urged the chaotic old lamp.

The chaotic ancient lamp released a chaotic atmosphere.


The void collapses directly.

Lin Feng could not help but take a breath.

"What a powerful power, it really deserves to be the chaos ancestor's temperament, which is also integrated into the treasure created by Xuanhuang's ancestor temper. Lin Feng was full of joy.

This is the difference between mortal magic weapon and ordinary magic weapon.

The life magic weapon urged to release the power far exceeds the power of the magic weapon several levels higher than the life magic weapon.

Because the magic weapon of the destiny completely matches the owner, the power of the magic weapon of the destiny can be fully released.

While urging other magic weapons, those magic weapons are the magic weapons that other monks sacrificed according to their own characteristics.

It is impossible to achieve a perfect fit with the monks who later obtained these magic weapons.

Therefore, it is difficult to fully release the power.

After the chaotic ancient lamp evolved into an artifact, the power increased greatly, and Lin Feng was extremely satisfied.

Despite the dangers and deaths of the Tianxue Mountain and his party this time, he survived in the end and got so many benefits, even though Lin Feng's state of mind couldn't help but feel very excited.

He put away the ancient chaotic lamp.

Then left the world of magma.

Three days later, Lin Feng came to a small town. This is a small town in the northern part of the Tianzhou region, and then to the north is the big day region. In the small town, Lin Feng heard an amazing news.

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