Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1415: Molian News

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This small town, located at the junction of Tianzhou and Dariyu, is full of people and people. There are both monks in Tianzhou and Dariyu, so this place is the place with the fastest news circulation.

And now many people in the town are talking about the "Magic Lotus" news.

A magic lotus appeared in Dayiyu. The magic lotus was very powerful, but it was a treasure of the world, and it attracted countless monks to **** it.

But it is said that many people were killed by Molian, and then the flesh and soul were devoured by Molian.

The appearance of the magic lotus has attracted the attention of many super powers. Now, the super powers are dispatched one after another and want to conquer the magic lotus.

But Molian disappeared and seemed to be hiding.

However, it is said that someone invited the Taoist priest of Tianji Sect to deduce the position of Molian. It is estimated that it will not take long to find out where Molian is hiding.

Lin Feng was shocked when he heard the news.

Molian ... also came to this world.

The magic lotus of the Demon Clan is strange and powerful.

"The magic lotus devours the monk. Is it possible that there is a residual soul in Demon Saint Heavenly Lord?". Lin Feng thought, thinking of this possibility.

Although the deity Saint Tianzun was robbed, the soul of the **** shattered.

However, Mo Sheng Tian Zun as a master of the Tian Mo family.

And it's still innate.

The method of Demon Saint Heaven must be a trivial matter, and it is not impossible to retain a part of the remnant soul.

In fact, Mo Sheng Tianzun has a remnant soul that Lin Feng wants to see.

There are too many secrets hidden in the deity Saint Tianzun as a congenital demon.

Moreover, many magical powers of Deity Saint Tianzun's cultivation can be said to be ancient and modern.

It would be a shame to die directly.

Now that the origin of the Demon Saint Heavenly Lord is destroyed, the soul of the **** is broken, and only the remaining soul is left. Suffering from such a serious injury, even if it is the Heavenly Demon, it is not easy to recover.

If the origin of Mo Sheng Tianzun is not destroyed, he can quickly improve his cultivation ability by devouring the flesh and spirit.

But now that the origin of the Demon Heavenly Deity is destroyed, he needs to reshape the origin of the Heavenly Demon. This is an extremely difficult thing.

So now Mosheng Tianzun must be extremely weak. Finding Mosheng Tianzun and suppressing Mosheng Tianzun can not only get Molian, but also get all the secrets of Mosheng Tianzun.

Lin Pei's fascination with the magical skills of Deity Saint Heavenly Cultivation made Lin Feng impressed, such as "one leaf, one bodhi, one flower, one world, rebelling hundreds of millions of worlds, fighting to break the galaxy, and using one's way to return to one another."

These ancient and modern magical powers, if they can get it, feel excited when they think about it.

"Mosheng Tianzun! It seems that our duel is a battle in fate, you are destined to die in my hands"! Lin Feng looked indifferent.

He rested in the town for a day, and then entered the big sun.

There are 452 ancient cities in Dariyu, whose strength is stronger than that of Tianzhou.

Dayiyu masters are like a cloud, and there are many powerful forces. Of course, the most powerful one is the "Jinwu Nationality."

After all, the Jinwu people have a god.

This **** is also the domain master of the big day domain.

In addition to the Jinwu ethnic group, there are also ten major forces, all of which are said to be quite trivial.

All the ten powerful ancestors have served as domain masters and have a long history.

Even the Jinwu people will not easily offend.

Lin Feng came to a place called the sunset city, which was controlled by the Qingluan family, one of the ten largest families in Dayiyu.

Qingluan is a descendant of Phoenix, and we know how terrible this family is.

In the past, the Qingluan family was the longest family to rule the day.

But now the strength is not as good as it used to be.

The owner of Dayiyu has also become a powerhouse of the Jinwu ethnic group.

Of course, no one dares to underestimate the strength of the Qingluan family. This force is still so powerful that it makes many people tremble.

There is no news about Molian now.

But basically everywhere you can hear monks talking about Molian.

Lin Feng intends to find an inn to live first.

At this time, he suddenly found someone pulling his clothes.

Lin Feng lowered his head and saw a little girl about four or five years old.

The little girl with two horns braided, and she was very cute in pink and jade. When she saw this little girl, Lin Feng suddenly thought of Li Mingxi and Little Moon.

They are as cute as the little girl in front of them.

"What's wrong little sister?" Lin Feng crouched down and rubbed the little girl's head.

The little girl's voice was clear and pleasant, and she said innocently, "Big Brother, Xiao Yaoyao wants to eat candied fruit. Can Big Brother buy a candied fruit for Xiao Yaoyao?"

The little girl's dark and bright eyes looked at the small vendor selling candied fruit not far away. When she saw the candied dip, the big eyes did not blink, but then she lowered her head and said , "Uncle said, must not be polite, Xiao Yaoyao should not let the big brother help to buy sugar gourd."

The little girl squatted on the ground and was dazed.

Lin Feng asked, "Uncle? Why are you here alone?".

"Uncle is doing business, this is Uncle's shop." Little girl points to the front of a tailor shop.

At this age she was active, she ran outside to play outside.

"You are here waiting for Big Brother, Big Brother to help you buy a bunch of candied gourds." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"really?". Xiao Yaoyao asked in surprise.

"of course it's true". Lin Feng smiled and went to buy a bunch of sugar gourds.

Xiao Yaoyao took the candy gourd, and his big eyes were full of excitement. He stretched out his small tongue and licked the sugar on the candy gourd. His eyes suddenly became crescent-shaped.

"It's delicious, thank you big brother, you can try it too." Xiao Yaoyao took the sugar gourd, held out her small hand, and handed it to Lin Feng.

"Big brother doesn't eat it, Xiao Yaoyao eats it himself." Lin Feng said with a smile.

At this time, a middle-aged scribe came out of the tailor shop, Xiao Yaoyao said, "Big brother, this is Xiao Yaoyao's uncle".

The middle-aged scribes clenched their fists and said, "The child is ignorant, so the young man smiled."

Lin Feng got up and clenched his fists, said, "Little Yaoyao is very cute."

"How about tasting a cup of tea at the store?". Middle-aged scribes are invited.

Lin Feng nodded with a smile, Xiao Yaoyao stretched out his arms, and a crisp child voice came out, "Xiao Yaoyao let the big brother hug".

Lin Feng picked up Xiao Yaoyao.

The middle-aged scribe said with a smile, "This little girl doesn't like to be in contact with people on weekdays, but she is quite in touch with the son."

Lin Feng laughed, "I also feel very close to Xiao Yaoyao, this little girl is innocent and provocative."

After coming to the inner hall, middle-aged scribes personally made tea for Lin Feng.

Xiao Yaoyao sat on the bench next to Lin Feng, swaying his calf and eating the candied fruit in his hand.

"Have you ever asked your son how to call it?". The middle-aged scribe asked.

"Lin Feng".

"I don't know what to call Mr.?".

"Qin Shijun"

After the two parties gave an introduction, Qin Shi poured a cup of tea for Lin Feng, and he smiled and said, "How about Xiaoyou tasting this spirit tea?".

Lin Feng nodded and took a sip. He suddenly felt an aura of energy flowing into the limbs and corpses. This turned out to be the Taoist ancient tea. Lin Feng was surprised and even unbelievable. Who is this Qin Shi? Can you even bring out a treasure like Gudao Gucha?

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