Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1416: The use of great causality

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"How do you feel about this tea?" Qin Shijun asked.

Lin Feng said quietly, "The fragrance of tea stays between the teeth and refreshes the heart. It is really good tea."

"Yeah ..., this kind of tea is also some unintentional pieces. Today I have a relationship with Gongzi Lin. I am here to entertain Lin Gongzi with this tea. Lin Gongzi likes it," Qin Shijun said with a smile.

Wudao ancient tea is very precious. Although Wudao ancient tea can be purchased through some means, it is obviously difficult for ordinary people to buy.

In front of him, Zhou Shi is definitely not a simple character. From the other party, he can take out Dao Ancient Tea to know that his identity is extraordinary.

"Sonson doesn't look like a monk in Dayiyu"!

Zhou Shijun asked.

Lin Feng said, "coming from Tianzhou."

Zhou Shijun said, "It seems that the son is coming for Molian."

Lin Feng said, "It is true. I think many monks came for the magic lotus, but it is up to the chance that the magic lotus can finally fall into the hands of whom."

Zhou Shijun said with emotion, "Whenever the treasure is born, blood will inevitably flow, this time, I am afraid it is no exception."

Lin Feng said, "The world of cultivators is so cruel, this is also the status quo that is difficult to change"!

Lin Feng and Zhou Shijun chatted for more than an hour, but they were quite fortunate. They also ate lunch at Zhou Shijun.

In the afternoon Lin Feng said goodbye to Zhou Shijun, planning to leave.

Xiao Yaoya was very reluctant to Lin Feng. He thought Lin Feng was leaving. He grabbed Lin Feng's clothes and looked at Lin Feng with big watery eyes. He didn't talk, just let him leave.

"Big Brother will come to see Xiaoyao Yao again, OK?". Lin Feng rubbed Xiao Yaoyao's head and said.

Xiao Yaoya thought about it, nodded heavily, and extended her hand, saying, "That big brother is not allowed to cheat Xiao Yaoyao, we have to pull the hook, cheating is not a good brother."

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Okay, Big Brother and Xiao Yaoyao are hooked. Big Brother definitely does not lie. If you cheat Xiao Yaoyao, Big Brother is not a good brother."

After the two pulled the hook, Xiao Yaoyao became happy and kissed Lin Feng's face.

This is the innocence of children. Children of this age have their own persistence and their own ideas.

Lin Feng petted and touched Xiaoyao Yao's face, and left.

He found an inn in the sunset city, and he sealed the room with a ban. After that, Lin Feng was closed for three days. The harvest in these three days was great. The Taoist ancient tea helped Lin Feng enter a deep epiphany. As karma practiced to the level of Xiaocheng, great causality condensed into a supernatural power, and a force of causality surged out.

"There are causes and effects in the world."

Lin Feng muttered to himself.

"My soul is suppressed by the rules of this world, and I can't break the rules of the world that suppresses my soul. What is the cause of this matter? What is the effect?".

Lin Feng couldn't help thinking.

As the rules today suppress his soul, this matter still haunts him.

The rule of heaven and earth that suppresses the soul is exceptionally strong, and Lin Feng has not cracked it until now. He estimates that it may take a long time before he can really break the suppression of the soul of the rule of heaven and earth.

In the first battle with the golden dragon, if Lin Feng ’s soul was not suppressed by the rules of the world, when he cast out the soul villain with a sword, it is very likely that the sword would kill the golden dragon ’s head. Just cut off the head of the golden dragon and there will be no dangerous situation behind.

And now that the soul is suppressed, Lin Feng has no way to increase the power of the soul.

Lin Feng's cultivation practice has now broken through the sixfold heaven of reincarnation, but the soul power is still the fifth heaven of reincarnation.

You should know that Lin Feng was still in the realm of life and death.

Soul power has broken through to the fivefold heaven of reincarnation.

Now he is already in the sixth level of reincarnation.

But the soul power is the five heavens of reincarnation.

The soul power has not been promoted for such a long time because the soul is suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth.

The ascension of the soul is extremely important for a cultivator, because the stronger the soul, the deeper the human wisdom, and the more meticulous it is when thinking about things.

Even when it comes to enlightenment, it will be easier.

Why are they all practicing a kind of magical powers? The powerful gods can move smoothly with a few glances, and the cultivation is successful, but the monks below the gods may not be able to get started after a long time of understanding.

It is because the strong gods have strong souls and deep wisdom.

This soul is so powerful.

And wisdom is the result.

This is also a manifestation of the causal cycle.

Because of the high level of wisdom, the vision of strong people in the realm to look at things and the thoughts of thinking about things are incomparable to low-level monks.

Lin Feng now has a brand-new understanding of many things after he succeeded.

Including a new understanding of the relationship between cause and effect.

Just like the causal relationship between the strong soul and the deep wisdom.


"I came to this world and was rejected by the rules of the world, so the soul was suppressed by the rules of the world."

This also includes causality.

Coming into this world and being excluded by the rules of heaven and earth, this is the reason.

The soul is suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth, and this is the result.

But cause and effect are opposites.

Now Lin Feng suddenly thought of a new cause and effect relationship.

This is due to the substantial improvement of one's own cultivation.

After self-cultivation for promotion, the ability to break the rules of the world and suppress Lin Feng is the result.

After trying to understand this truth, Lin Feng's face suddenly showed a smile.

"A good causal cycle. In this world, there is no absolute cause and no absolute result. The development of everything is relative. Since the cause and effect are relative, then I can use the big causal technique to resolve the suppression of my mind The law of heaven and earth of the soul ".

Lin Feng began to run the Great Causal Technique.

Suddenly, the turbulent force of cause and effect poured into my mind.

Click, click ...

Immediately afterwards, the laws of heaven and earth that suppressed Lin Feng's soul began to disintegrate.

After an hour.

All the laws of heaven and earth are completely dissipated.

Lin Feng felt a sudden lightness.

"Haha, the great causal technique, really powerful, actually broke the rules of suppressing my soul so easily, which at least saved me two years", Lin Feng smiled.

Originally, Lin Feng expected that it would take at least two years to completely break the law of heaven and earth that suppressed the soul with his own strength.

But now, the Great Karma technique easily solves the law of heaven and earth that suppresses the soul.

Let Lin Feng also be overjoyed.

Lin Feng was in a good mood after leaving the customs, and originally planned to find a place to drink and relax.

But just after coming out, I heard news about Molian.

Molian was found by Wang Tian of Tianji Sect, and many masters went to find Molian.

Now Molian appears on the Dayai Plain, and is said to have been chased and blocked by many masters.

More and more masters rushed to the Dayi Plains. After receiving the news, Lin Feng also left Sunset City and went to the Dayi Plains.

On the third day after Lin Feng's departure, dozens of men in black with swords came to Sunset City late at night.

Dozens of people in black looked coldly at a shop that had been closed, and that shop was the shop of Xiaoyao's house.

"Is it here?", A leading man in black spoke, his voice as hoarse as the mourning of the night owl.

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