Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1417: Taiyin the Great

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The breath from this group of people in black is unusually powerful and terrifying. Each of these people is a master.

Hearing the leader ’s question, a man in black immediately said, “Yes! It ’s been hiding here for three hundred years.”

"How about the empress?" Asked the man in black.

"I have seen it from afar, it seems that the stone has been broken out, but it should have been out for a few years, and it is still very young." The man in black continued.

"Grab alive ...".

The man in black said.

"Yes, adult ...".

Swish swish!

Then, people in black skimmed out.


The fog filled out.

Obviously these people understand the big formation, and in a very short time, they successfully arranged the big formation.

They quietly opened the door of the shop, and then lurked into the shop.

There are courtyards behind these shops facing the street, as well as accommodation rooms.

In the darkness, these men in black entered each room.

puff! puff!

Several of the shop's folks were directly cut off their heads, and then all the men in black came to the middle room.

A man in black sacrificed his mana.

Mana poured into the room and rolled up the latch.

Then pull the door latch to the right.

The bolt inserted from the inside was opened.

Then the men in black carefully pushed open the door, and everyone looted into the room.

In the darkness, a cold light burst suddenly.


Five consecutive tears were heard.

Five men in black were torn by the neck artery at the spot by Han Mang, and blood spewed out. The five men in black looked up and died.

"I was found and tried my best to kill him, but don't hurt the empress.

A long roar came out.

A dozen men in black fight with the monks inside.

Clang clang ...

A sound of gold and iron clashes came out, and there was a sound of flesh tearing. Soon, a **** monk rushed out.

This monk is really Zhou Shijun.

Xiao Yaoyao was tied in his arms by Zhou Shijun with a long cloth.

Zhou Shijun just rushed out, but then he was surrounded by black people waiting outside.

"The emperor was born."

The head in black stood in midair indifferently.

"You guys, so ecstatic, have you forgotten the emperor's kindness? That is the only heir of the emperor." Zhou Shijun gritted his teeth and said.

"We naturally remember the great grace of the Great Emperor in the past, but the so-called Great Grace does not express gratitude, and I forgot about it in the rivers and lakes. The graciousness in the past has long been dispersed with the wind. We will not work hard to find the stone for three hundred years. You are guilty of death, and now you are on your own, and you can die more happy. "

The man in black said indifferently.

"Even if I kill this life, I have to protect Xiaoyao Yao's safety." Zhou Shijun shouted, holding a long knife, and began to break through.

It's hard to imagine that Zhou Shijun, an eloquent person, turned out to be a **** dragon sword, which was chopped out with blood.

"Zhou Shijun, why do you needlessly struggle? When the emperor was sealed by the emperor, there were rumors that the emperor was the supreme Taoist body. This is the ultimate supremacy of nature. , I am waiting for the flowering of the God Tree to blossom. " The leading man in black said sullenly.

The Huashen Tree is a rumored ancient tree. It is said that this is a congenital ancient tree. It was bred before the earth was opened, and the Huashen Tree can bear the fruit of the God.

This deity is extremely precious.

If a monk in the quasi-god realm takes the Huashen fruit, he can immediately break into the **** realm.

If the monk of the **** realm took the divine fruit, the cultivation will be greatly improved.

However, it is not easy to let Huashen fruit produce fruit. It is said that at least it needs to be close to the blood of emperor blood to be able to produce Huashen fruit.

The emperor had the emperor blood, but obviously the emperor blood was not found.


There is only one possibility.

That is to find the heir of the emperor.

Xiaoyao Yao is the daughter of Taiyin Emperor.

In the ancient times, a mysterious and ancient exotic world opened the way for the exotic world to enter the world of exile.

The foreign world monks invaded and exiled the world, and countless lives died, and the world was exiled into purgatory.

At that time, Emperor Taiyin took his daughter Xiaoyao Yao on an extraterritorial trip.

Seeing the tragic exile of the Great World, Taiyin Emperor couldn't bear the death of hundreds of millions of people in the exotic world, so he shot and led the monk army exiled against the exotic monks.

Because it is difficult to take care of her daughter Xiao Yaoyao.

Taiyin Great Emperor also worried that Xiaoyao Yao would be handed over to others to be raised by other monks. If they were known by the foreign monks, the capture of Xiaoyao Yao would inevitably restrict him everywhere. Yao sealed up.

The battle was too tragic, and it took more than a thousand years to fight. The monks who exiled the world won a great victory under the leadership of Taiyin Emperor.

The Great Yin Emperor was hit hard in that war.

He handed Xiao Yaoyao to a subordinate who followed him in the southern war.

In many years of war with foreign monks, this monk has long had a deep friendship with Taiyin Emperor.

So this person is not only a subordinate of Taiyin Great Emperor, but also a friend of Taiyin Great Emperor.

As a result, people took care of Xiaoyao Yao, and the Taiyin Emperor was very relieved.

This person is Zhou Shijun's ancestor.

Soon, Taiyin Great Emperor fell.

The Zhou family has been looking after Xiao Yaoyao, who was sealed in stone.

Because Xiao Yaoyao was young, he fell into a deep sleep after being sealed.

Forcibly awaken the sleeping creatures in the stone, and the souls of these creatures are often hurt.

Therefore, the Zhou family did not dare to wake up the little Yaoyao sleeping in the stone.

This slumber has passed hundreds of millions of years.

In the past, the Zhou family turned from prosperity to decline.

The rest of the forces are eyeing Xiao Yaoyao.

Although they could n’t get the blood of the emperor ’s tree from the emperor ’s blood, Xiaoyao Yao, who was buried in the stone seal and fell asleep, was the daughter of Taiyin Emperor, and Xiaoyao Yao was the supreme Taoist body, so the bloodline of Xiaoyao Yao was better than that of his father Taiyin It's just a little bit worse.

So these people want to seize Xiaoyao Yao, and then captive Xiaoyao Yao.

Every once in a while, a part of Xiao Yaoyao's blood is taken to water the Huashen Tree.

So these forces launched a siege on the Zhou family, and the Zhou family destroyed the door, but the young master Zhou Shi of the Zhou family stole the stone of the seal Xiaoyao Yao, escaped from the secret road to the heaven, and then lived incognito until the three. Years ago, Xiao Yaoyao woke up from a deep sleep.

Now, these people have been searching for 300 years and finally found Zhou Shijun and Xiao Yaoyao.

Zhou Shijun was completely fighting for his life, killing more than a dozen masters.

But he also left a lot of wounds on his body, blood dripping, some blood even splashed on Xiao Yaoyao's face.

"Girl, don't be afraid, Uncle will take you out." Zhou Shijun tried to show a smile.

"Xiao Yaoyao is not afraid of these bad guys." Xiao Yaoyao bit his lip and said, but in his big eyes, tears stayed, and stretched out his small hand to cover the wound on Zhou Shijun's body, but the blood in Zhou Shijun's wound was more and more.

Zhou Shijun fought to kill the enemy, took Xiao Yaoyao out of the yard, and swept towards the distance, but was intercepted by the formation.

"A group of waste, so many people have died but still can not kill a person." The black man's head looks gloomy, holding a giant sword from the sky and bombarding Zhou Shijun.

Zhou Shijun waved his sword through the past.

Keng! Zhou Shijun's long knife was cut directly.



Zhou Shijun's entire arm was cut off.

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