Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1423: Join hands to slash the **** (Part 1)

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This foot stepped **** Jinwu Shengjun, stepped Jinwu Shengjun on the ground, and then crushed hard.

After seeing this scene, many people feel like they are dreaming.

A god, crushed by a "mortal", is now trampled under his feet.

Even dreaming.

Not necessarily dare to dream of such incredible things.



Jin Wu Shengjun, who was crushed by Lin Feng and stepped under his feet, made an angry roar.

He struggled, holding his hands like Lin Feng's big feet with his hands, and then he hugged the big feet and flung Lin Feng out.


The light flashed, Lin Feng recovered as before, and he rushed towards the Jinwu Shengjun again.

Today's Jinwu Shengjun can be described as extremely embarrassed, with his head covered, his clothes broken, and his bones all over his body.

How embarrassed!

How embarrassing!

This is exactly the same as the **** who exudes divine power before and needs people to look up.

"God, it could have been so embarrassed, and God was not irresistible."

Many people couldn't help whispering.

Originally, everyone thought that God is high and sacred and inviolable, but nowadays, many people have changed this view.

But when he thought of his strength, he couldn't help laughing.

It may be difficult for a monk like Lin Feng to show his dignity and dignity.

But for them, God still needs to look up.

"Tianhe World".

Seeing Lin Feng rushing again, Jinwu Shengjun quickly displayed a powerful magical skill. His right hand, in the void, stroked gently.


A Tianhe World appeared, Lin Feng was blocked by Tianhe World.

This Tianhe River seems to need to cross hundreds of millions of miles to pass.

"It seems that you are afraid, what a **** of shit, weak and pitiful, and dare to call yourself a god, it's ridiculous!"

Lin Feng pouted.

Jinwu Shengjun's angry face was so blue, he said in a cold voice, "Boy, do you really think that this god's opponent is not successful? The body in front of you is just an avatar of this god's sacrifice. There is no one-point strength. If the deity of the **** comes, you will be pinned to death in minutes. "

Lin Feng said, "It turned out to be an avatar. I said that you haven't been so weak after cultivating more than 1.3 million years. Before you pinched me, I first robbed your avatar. I want to take this avatar. , Refined into my own avatar ".

Many people couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Everyone finds it strange that God robs others. After all, God ’s strength is strong. Whoever takes advantage of him will **** it with absolute force. How can anyone take God?

But now, there are people who want to rob God of things.

The point is, everyone still thinks this matter is likely to be completed.

Jinwu Shengjun said with a sneer, "Boy, if you are strong, you will be strong on the flesh. Your mana is not strong enough. This is where your flaws are. And you have several powerful artifacts on your body, but your mana can be How long do you support these artifacts? The **** depleted your mana and will see how you die. "

Boom ...

When the words fell, Jinwu Shengjun shot again, and saw a huge flame light ball condensed in the void.


Those flame light balls, like falling meteors, smashed towards Lin Feng.

Every flame orb has the power to destroy the world.

Lin Feng had to fight against these flames of light.

He sacrificed the Great Desert War Gun, and then held the Great Desert War Gun, and flew down the flames of flames one by one.

However, the flame light sphere continued to fall down.

Lin Feng was overwhelmed.

Jinwu Shengjun has rich fighting experience, he deliberately opened the distance with Lin Feng, and then used magical power to constantly consume Lin Feng.

As Jinwu Shengjun said.

Lin Feng couldn't stand the consumption for so long.

Of course Lin Feng also knew Jin Wu Shengjun's plan, and now his look could not help but sink slightly. These powerful gods are all old foxes.

It's really troublesome to deal with.

Lin Feng was thinking about whether to use the tactic of "burning the wrath of the sky".

Lin Feng, who now uses the "Furious Sky", has some scruples.

Because, he is slightly away from Jinwu Shengjun, and Jinwu Shengjun has been guarding him carefully.

So even the anger that burns the sky is displayed.

It may also be avoided by Jinwu Shengjun.

And such a tremendous ignorance such as Burning Sky's Fury consumes the body too seriously.

If it can not cause great damage to Jinwu Shengjun.

Well, if you consume your mana heavily, you will inevitably fall into danger.

Just when Lin Feng struggled.

Suddenly, the void behind Jinwu Shengjun split directly.

A silver-white giant wolf rushed out of the cracked void, and the giant wolf waved its giant claws and patted towards Jinwu Shengjun.

"Xiaoyue Sirius King"!

Many people shouted in shock after seeing the giant wolf.

Xiaoyue Sirius, the ruler of the Day Plain.

"Xiaoyue Sirius, do you dare to attack me? Despicable and shameless ...". Jinwu Shengjun couldn't help but scream, turned around and slapped towards Xiaoyue Sirius King.

Xiaoyue Sirius has been hiding in the dark, staring at him.

Suddenly shot, killed Jinwu Shengjun by surprise.

The Jinwu Shengjun shot in haste, so the result of their collision was already doomed.

With the dull collision sound coming out, Jinwu Shengjun was directly flew out by Xiaoyue Sirius King.

Click, click!

The arm was broken directly.

Jinwu Shengjun does not have such a powerful immortal **** body as Lin Feng, and his injuries cannot be recovered quickly.

Jinwu Shengjun is now injured.

Lin Feng swept all the flame light **** falling from the sky, and then he rushed towards Jinwu Shengjun.

He looked at Jinwu Shengjun with a sneer, and mocked, "Why didn't you say that you were mean and shameless when you attacked me? When you attacked me, you said it was awe-inspiring, it is mean and shameless when others attack you. You are totally shameless. "

Jin Wu Shengjun was so angry that Lin Feng was so nakedly mocked that he wanted to tear Lin Feng apart.

However, Jinwu Shengjun knew that his situation was very bad now, so although he hated Lin Feng and Xiaoyue Sirius very much, he now plans to escape.

Although the body of Jinwu Shengjun was an avatar of sacrifice, this avatar consumed countless precious materials and spent a full 500,000 years on the success of cultivating. Now it is difficult to break through to the realm of God.

Jinwu Shengjun was naturally unwilling to destroy this doppelganger.

"If you can't run away, block the space."

Lin Feng stepped out in one step, the dense patterns intertwined in the void.

Block the entire void world.

The original Jinwu Shengjun wanted to tear the void and escape.

But now, they have not been able to escape.

Xiaoyue Sirius King looked at Jinwu Shengjun's eyes full of sensational murderous intentions. Lin Feng guessed that Xiaoyue Sirius King and Jinwu Shengjun must have hatred. As for Qiu Linfeng, it is unclear.

But now Xiaoyue Sirius and Lin Feng have reached some kind of tacit agreement, that is to attack Jinwu Shengjun with all his strength. Jinwu Shengjun was attacked by two masters and could not help roaring again and again, dozens of rounds of battle, Lin Feng caught One chance, the Great Desolation War Gun hit the Jinwu Shengjun fiercely, Jinwu Shengjun was smashed and flew out.

Click and click.

I don't know how many bones were broken and vomited blood.

The Xiaoyue Sirius King seized the opportunity and waved a huge wolf paw towards the Jinwu Shengjun.

Lin Feng stepped forward in the void, and the Great Desert War Gun directly pierced towards the chest of Jinwu Shengjun.

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