Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1424: Join forces to slash the **** (middle)

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"If you want to kill me, I won't let you succeed so easily, Jinwuhua Shenju, change it for me!"

Jinwu Shengjun roared, and saw that his body had changed rapidly, and it was extremely amazing.

Golden light flowed out of his body, and in the blink of an eye, Jinwu Shengjun turned into a golden Wu.

This Jinwu wing is about one meter wide. Although the body is not very large, the breath is extremely strong.

After a ray of divine light, Jin Wu's wings stirred up.

The wings on the left swept towards Lin Feng.

The wings on the right swept towards Xiaoyue Sirius.

Clang ...

Two dull collision sounds came out.

After the transformation, Jinwu Shengjun actually resisted the offensive of Lin Feng and Xiaoyue Sirius King.

"Cut the heavens."

Jinwu Shengjun continued to exert a strong offensive, and after being transformed into a Jinwu deity, Jinwu Shengjun's fighting power increased madly.

With the incitement of the wings.

In the void, bursts of devastating force burst out.

The destructive power is like the "cutting power" of the great cutting technique.

I saw the surrounding voids were cut away.

A series of void cracks appeared.

The large array arranged by Lin Feng was also cut in an instant. This unique skill is really shocking.

"Great magical power"!

Lin Feng was taken aback.

"Hahahaha, Jinwu Shengjun, let's work together to deal with them, we can definitely kill them."

With the voice of Mosheng Tianzun coming out, Molian soared into the sky at this time, striking towards Lin Feng and Xiaoyue Tianlang King.

"Boom ...". Molian was so powerful that he hit Lin Feng and Xiaoyue Tianluo King, and knocked them out.

"Then join forces to kill them"!

Jinwu Shengjun's eyes turned slightly.

Originally this Jinwu Shengjun was also playing Molian's idea.


Now Jinwu Shengjun decides to join forces with Molian to kill Lin Feng and Xiaoyue Sirius before conquering Molian.

This is really a matter of two birds with one stone.

Mo Sheng Tian Zun is not a stupid person, how could he not know that Jin Wu Sheng Jun is counting him?

The Demon Saint Tianzun had been watching the battle before, and did not participate in the war.

But now he suddenly shot and proposed to join forces with Jinwu Shengjun, it must have his own conspiracy.

However, as the Demon Saint Tianzun manipulated Molian to join the battlefield.

This war has become more intense.

Molian rushed towards Lin Feng and Xiaoyue Sirius again and again.

The Jinwu Shengjun is the light of the wings that cuts hundreds of millions of times.

I saw the void around me, which was already full of holes.

The power of time and space, which contained destructive power, poured out of the cracked void, and Lin Feng and Xiaoyue Tianlang King must also resist the attack of the force of the void.

Therefore, the situation of the two of them began to be at a disadvantage.

"Ha ha ha ha ..., see how you die"! Jinwu Shengjun laughed.

It used to be unusually stifling, but now it's full of enthusiasm.

No matter what kind of attacks Lin Feng and Xiaoyue Sirius put on, they are resisted by Molian, and he can launch attacks without any scruples.

"Isn't that the young monk and Xiaoyue Sirius about to defeat?" Many people are looking at each other.

This battle was too overturned, leaving many people dumbfounded.

"Daoist, I am now going to exhibit the magic trick of coming to the magic lotus, spend one world and gather the power of the world, and launch the most violent blow to these two people. I also ask the Taoist friends to cooperate with me and we strive to kill them directly.

The voice of Mosheng Tianzun suddenly came from Molian.

"no problem".

Mo Sheng Tian Zun shouted.

Mana is pouring into the two golden black wings.

The speed of the Jinwu wing's vibration is also getting faster and faster.

The overwhelming power of cutting flew out.

Jinwu Shengjun obviously shot with all his strength.

At this time, Mo Sheng Tianzun shouted, "One leaf, one bodhi, one flower, one world, rebelling hundreds of millions of worlds ...".

As the sound of Mo Sheng Tianzun fell, a lot of destructive power emanated from Molian, and that power seemed to spew out.

Then bombard Xiang Linfeng and Xiaoyue Sirius together with Jinwu Shengjun.

But it can be seen when that force is coming out anytime and anywhere.


The voice of Mosheng Tianzun changed suddenly, "fight to star shift, and use one's way to return to the other"!

When this voice fell, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly, he stopped, and rushed towards Jinwu Shengjun.

"Crazy? Isn't that going to die?". Many people couldn't understand Lin Feng's move when he saw Lin Feng rushing towards Jinwu Shengjun.

Even Xiaoyue Tianlu Wang could not understand.

In the direction of Jinwu Shengjun, hundreds of millions of cutting forces came to kill. Now the best response is to defend with full strength, not to rush up and fight against it.

Even if it can withstand the attack of Jinwu Shengjun, the attack of Molian that can come next?

How to contend?

"Find yourself ...". Jin Wu Shengjun saw Lin Feng rushing towards him, he could not help but slightly sneered, then sneered.

Seeing Lin Feng is about to be overwhelmed by the power of hundreds of millions of cuts.

Suddenly, all the power of the hundreds of millions of cuts was transferred to other places by the power of the fighting star shift released by the magic lotus.

Demon Saint Tianzun's move is shifting from star to star, and the other way is also applied to one's own body. Lin Feng once taught this masterful skill.

This unique skill can reverse the direction of others' attacks and allow these attacks to deal with the monks who perform these attacks.

This is called Dou Zhuan Xing Zhe, and give him back in his own way.

Of course, the most powerful part of this magical power is actually after forcibly controlling other people's attacks, it can attack any place, not just the monk who is performing this magical power.

If you can only attack the monk who released the magic power.

So, the limits of the fight to the stars and the way to return oneself to the other are also too great, so it can't be called a masterpiece.

For example, after casting the battle to the stars, and using the other way to return to the other body, this magical attack released by Jinwu Shengjun was controlled by Mosheng Tianzun.

Mo Sheng Tian Zun wants to transfer Jin Wu Sheng Jun's supernatural powers to wherever he can.

You can attack Lin Feng, Xiaoyue Sirius, and Jinwu Shengjun.


But now Mo Sheng Tianzun has not attacked Lin Feng, Xiaoyue Tianluo King, and has not attacked Jinwu Shengjun. He has transferred his supernatural powers to the void that was already split.


Under the attack of Jinwu Shengjun with all his strength, the void that had been split open directly and exploded, and a black hole appeared, which was connected to the parallel space of the exile of the big world.

As long as Mo Sheng Tianzun entered the parallel space, when he came out again, he was afraid that he would have appeared hundreds of millions of miles away, perhaps in the domain of Tianzhou, perhaps in the domain of poison, or in other domains.

Jinwu Shengjun, who was originally proud of himself, growled angrily, "Are you counting me?".

Mo Sheng Tianzun smiled yawningly, "Jin Wu Shengjun, haven't you been counting me? Since you can count me, I can naturally count you, not counting you, how can I escape? What's more There is still no use of the imperial soldiers in Lin Feng's boy. If he really sacrificed the imperial soldiers, he worked hard at the huge cost of burning tens of thousands of years of life, activated the imperial soldiers, and would not be able to run away when he wanted to run. Run away, you slowly play with them. "

When the words fell, Molian had rushed into the parallel space, and the broken void closed instantly, and Molian escaped directly.

When Lin Feng exhibited "fighting and shifting the stars, and repaying each other with his own way" at Mo Sheng Tianzun Shi, he knew that Mo Sheng Tianzun was calculating Jinwu Shengjun.

So he started in advance and soon came to Jinwu Shengjun.

Jinwu Shengjun only knew at this time that Lin Feng had already seen through the idea of ​​Mo Sheng Tianzun, and it was ridiculous that he had just thought that Lin Feng was here to die.

Jinwu Shengjun looked at Lin Feng in horror. He knew how terrible Lin Feng was in melee combat, so Jinwu Shengjun had no intention of fighting me with Lin Feng in close combat, and it went back crazy.

"It's too late to retreat."

Lin Feng sneered, he also did not intend to fight Jinwu Shengjun close combat, because Lin Feng had already brewed a powerful blow.

The Great Desert Gun speared out suddenly.

Fast as lightning.

Let Jinwu Shengjun avoid the inevitable.

puff! This blow directly penetrated the heart of Jinwu Shengjun.

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