Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1430: Emperor Juntian injured

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When Emperor Jun Tian came to Blackstone City, he did not converge his breath.

A terrifying murderous intention swept the world.

"It's Jun Tiandi ..." Countless people in Blackstone looked at the emperor who flew in the distance.

Now Blackrock's defensive mask is on.

Emperor Juntian stood above Black Stone City and said lightly, "Lin Feng, now he can come out and die."

Lin Feng flew out of the ancient city, stood in the void, and looked at the emperor Tianzhou.

The emperor Jun Tian lingered around the divine light, like the supreme **** king, squinting the heavens.

"Are you alone?" Lin Feng smiled and looked at Jun Tiandi.

"One person is enough to kill you, are you ready to die?". Emperor Juntian looked indifferent.

"Whoever cuts who is really hard to say." Lin Feng sneered, waving his hands repeatedly.

"Buzz ...".

The violent waves escaped, and in the void, dense patterns interweaved.

"Great array ...". Emperor Jun Tian sneered, "For the large formation, the master of this domain also has a lot of research. Don't you find it very ridiculous to get axe in front of the master of this domain?"

"My large formations are not comparable to those formations you contacted."

Lin Feng laughed lightly and manipulated the large array to attack Jun Tiandi.

The dense patterns were like the laws of heaven and earth, sweeping towards the emperor.


Jun Tiandi shouted loudly, wanting to tear those lines.

But Emperor Juntian failed, and he was shocked. He didn't expect these lines to be so powerful.

Lin Feng sacrificed the Divine Realm avatar.

He is in charge of the emperor's nine magic figures sitting in the core array.

The Divine Reality avatar is in charge of the Great Waste War Gun, and cooperates with the large formation to attack the Juntian Emperor.

The large array was activated, and hundreds of millions of killings all rushed to the emperor.

Then the Nine Magic Figure flew out.

The Divine Reality avatar holding the Great Waste War Gun also killed Jun Tiandi.

Emperor Jun Tian's expression sank slightly, he did not expect Lin Feng's means so much.

Emperor Juntian sacrificed a Fangtian painted halberd. He held Fangtian painted halberd and swept the attack released by the surrounding large array.

But at this time, the Divine Realm avatar had been killed with a gun of Great Desolation.

Emperor Juntian's expression was indifferent, Fang Tianhua halberd picked up in the void, assassinated to Divine Realm.

"Clang clang ...".

The two treasures collided together, making a clanging sound.

After all, the Divine Realm avatar is only the Triple Realm of the False Realm, which is quite different from the realm of the Emperor.

Divine Realm was swept away by Emperor Juntian.

"I will destroy your Divine Avatar", Emperor Juntian's voice is indifferent, and he jumps out. Fang Tian's halberd bursts out an endless destructive force and assassinates toward the Divine Avatar.

The power of this blow is too horrible, enough to instantly destroy the Divine Avatar.

But at this time the Nine Demons figure descended from the sky and swept towards the emperor.

"Imperial soldier ...". Feeling the breath of the Nine Demons, Jun Tiandi's expression sank slightly.

He had to give up attacking Divine Doppelganger.

Instead, he swept down to the suppressed Nine Demons.

I just swept away the Nine Demons.

At this time, Lin Feng manipulated the large array to condense the real dragon, phoenix, unicorn, 杼 杌 and other gods and beasts towards the emperor Juntian.

The emperor Jun Tian is really powerful. Under the attack of Divine Realm, the Nine Devil Figures, and the attack of the Great Array, he was intact.

But after three hours of war, Emperor Juntian didn't even see the shadow of Lin Feng's deity, and he didn't know where he was hiding.

Jun Tiandi's expression became somber.

Moreover, the long-term war is also very serious for his loss.

Emperor Juntian feels that his combat power has dropped greatly, whether it is attack, defense, or perception, when the mana is consumed a lot, it will drop significantly.

Therefore, Emperor Jun Tian felt that this kind of war would not be the way to go. In the end, Lin Feng might be killed by Lin Feng in a big battle. Now he should temporarily leave the big battle.

Seeing that Emperor Jun Tian wanted to tear away a large array, Lin Feng displayed his wrath of blazing the world.

At this time, Emperor Juntian's mana was severely depleted, and his combat power decreased sharply.

This is the best opportunity to deal with Jun Tiandi.

The three skyfires are compressed into a three-color flame light sphere.

The ball of flame was sacrificed by Lin Feng, and then flew towards the emperor.

Feeling the terrifying destructive power contained in the flame light sphere, Jun Tiandi's eyelids could not help violently beating a few times.

He stepped back quickly, trying to avoid the attack of the flame orb.

But at this time the flame light ball exploded directly, the power was too powerful, and the spread range was twenty miles, and Jun Tiandi could not avoid this blow.

After the explosion of the three-color flame light sphere, it produced devastating energy. The vast voids were exploded, and the voids began to collapse.


In the center of the explosion, Emperor Juntian roared.

When the energy dissipated, Emperor Juntian appeared. I saw Juntian Emperor's clothes at this moment were broken, blood was dripping on his body, his hair was scattered, and he looked at the extremely embarrassed.

Emperor Juntian wanted to break Lin Feng's body into pieces.

But the emperor Jun Tian worried that Lin Feng had other means, and finally chose to retreat.

He tore the large array arranged by Lin Feng, and then left quickly.

"Every Emperor Jun Tian was injured ...".

The eyes of the people in the city's palace were full of shocked expressions.

Just how strong Jun Tiandi is, she is very clear, and now Jun Tiandi is actually injured by Lin Feng, which is incredible.

Wenren Muyue knows well what it means that Jun Tiandi was injured.

This means that the exile of the twelve domains of the big world is now afraid that it will become the exile of the thirteen domains of the big world.

The thirteenth domain master will appear in Exile World.


"The son is invincible"!

"Long live the son"!


The monks in the Black Rock City gave a shouting cheers.

The emperor Jun Tian was injured and escaped, making the monks of the Blackrock City powerful.

"Jun Tiandi is really a powerful person. Just this battle, I almost tried my best. I also cooperated with the large formation, but also just injured him. And although this person looked at embarrassment, the injury was actually not serious. It ’s not easy to cut him slightly.

Lin Feng frowned.

He descended into the ancient city.

Just after landing, Wenren Muyue came to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng had been in contact with Wenren Muyue several times. The woman was very wise and thoughtful.

Lin Feng sometimes can't guess what the woman Muyue is thinking.

"Did Wenren City Lord find me something wrong?". Lin Feng asked Wen Mumuyue.

"Maybe we can talk about cooperation." Wenren Muyue said with a smile.

Lin Feng said, "Your Wenren family is now an ally of Emperor Juntian, and you have to deal with me together, and now you are insecure, what are you qualified to talk to and cooperate with me?".

Lin Feng gently pinched Wenren Muyue's snow-white chin. This woman has a hot figure and a beautiful face.

Lin Feng did not mind teasing this beautiful woman.

Wenren Muyue smiled slightly and said, "I know you are extremely ambitious. I estimate that you want not only the Tianzhou domain, but even other domains. You need the support of the top forces. , Forces like the three tribes and five sects of Blackrock City cannot help you much. You need top-level forces like the Wenren family to help you, and in this world, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests, not to mention, our Wenren family , Haven't you started a war with your son now? ".

Lin Feng gently touched Wenren Muyue's delicate and beautiful face, and said with a smile, "Are you Wenren family, trustworthy?".

"Of course it is worth it". Wenren Muyue said with a smile.

Lin Feng withdrew his hand and said, "What do you think I should do next? Seize the opportunity and continue to expand the territory? How about this idea?".

"Being able to control so many ancient cities in so many short periods of time, I guess, you must have practiced the legendary Daduhuashu, did you directly fertilize the high-rises of those ancient cities?". Wenren Muyue looked at Lin Feng with her beautiful eyes.

"You are such a smart woman." Lin Feng raised his brow slightly.

"This approach can indeed quickly expand the power. I can think of it. It is estimated that the other domain masters can also think that those domain masters must now stare at Tianzhou domain's every move, and those domain owners will also be worried. You deal with them in the same way. If this is the case, you will become the target. Have you ever thought about it? ". Wen Ren Muyue said.

Lin Feng said, "It feels like you are a roundworm in my stomach. I have thought about the things I thought about. I even like you now."

Wenren Muyue smiled very movingly, "It is the honor of Muyue to let the son like it. Now does the son have a next plan?".

Lin Feng said, "Dadu Huashu is too overbearing! It has been used in this way. As you said, the twelve domain masters will probably join forces to get rid of my big trouble, so Dadu Huashu, I really cannot continue to use it. Otherwise, it will bring me the scourge of killing. In fact, I used Daduhua before, but I wanted to get a firm foothold in a short time. Now, I have gotten a firm foot, so there is no need to continue to use Daduhua. Surgery ".

After a pause, Lin Feng continued: "The rest of the domain masters must want to watch the Tianzhou domain in a mess. The stronger I fight with the emperor, the happier they will be. If they lose both sides, those domain owners will even come to share a slice of the soup As long as I do n’t use Daduhua to expand the site, those domain masters will not join forces to get rid of me. They are all old foxes and will choose to continue to watch the drama. During this time, I need to save my strength and find an opportunity to get rid of Jun Tiandi. Replace it. "

"Emperor Jun Tian is a powerful person in the **** fire realm. It is not easy to kill him." Wen Ren Muyue said.

"I have my own way to deal with this person." Lin Feng Road.

Wen Renmuyue looked at Lin Feng in a trance, and there was too much mystery in the man before him.

His calmness and confidence seemed to come out of his bones.

Let Wen Ren Muyue feel that the man in front of him, like a mystery, attracted her to understand everything about the man.

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