Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1431: Temple

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The reason why Lin Feng is confident in dealing with Emperor Juntian is not without reason.

He has now set about ordering people to build temples in various places under his rule.

Lin Feng now holds 49 ancient cities.

And there are many countries under each ancient city.

Each ancient city rules hundreds or even thousands of countries.

Among these kingdoms, how many temples can be built?

Soon, Lin Feng was in the area where he ruled, and the cultivation of the temple quickly spread to the world of exile.

"What? That Lin Feng is doing civil engineering in Daxing? Building a temple for himself? Is this person so happy?".

After many domain owners heard about this, they immediately frowned slightly.

Those domain masters are still waiting to see Lin Feng and Jun Tiandi fighting in life and death. They are waiting for Lin Feng and Jun Tiandi to lose both sides and then go to Tianzhou to take a slice of the soup.

It ’s good now.

Emperor Jun Tian returned to Tianzhou City and could not find out what he was planning.

And Lin Feng is building a large building and building a temple for himself, it seems that he is no longer interested in fighting the emperor.

"Why is this kid so shameless? The temples are all people who are grateful to the gods and built them spontaneously. Now this kid has built so many temples for himself, which is not only a great joy, but also deceives the world. Now he builds temples, etc. After the temple is built, it is estimated that it will begin to sing praises and deceit, and deceive the world to go to the temple to worship, pray?

Many domain masters shook their heads.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for these domain owners to get new news.

Some people will give Lin Fengge Gong Gongde's list for you to watch.

"Pangu opened up the earth, Nuwa made all souls, the ancient emperor created civilization, and taught all people ..., and now, there are great virtues and true princes of all living beings, who are incarnations of the heavenly way, surnamed Lin name maple, the way of the heavens, and the world. The true king of Dawei and Dadu Purdue sentiment to the world, but all the world ’s people, if they are troubled by hunger, cold, poverty, suffering, sickness and many other reasons, they can go to the temple, burn incense to worship, pray prayers, if they are sincere , There will be miracles coming ... "

"Shameless! Really shameless, even comparing yourself with Pangu, Nuwa, and the Holy Emperor Gu, how can there be such a shameless person in this world? I am blushing when I look at this list." .

Some domain owners saw the list of praises for Lin Feng's song, only read one-tenth of it, and then they couldn't see it anymore. They pointed at the sky and scolded Lin Feng for being thick-faced and shameless.

"Sir, it seems that this Lin Feng does not want to fight Jun Tiandi, what should I do now?" Many of the domain masters asked a similar question.

"Hum ..., if we don't fight, how can we plunder the resources of the Tianzhou region? We must let them fight for your life and death, and both will be defeated, but this matter can't be rushed. This person, Emperor Juntian, is cautious by nature, that person Lin Feng, I ’m so happy, I think, people can go to Lin Feng to continue to fan the flames. Is n’t he trying to build a temple? Then let him expand the site so that more temples can be built. ”

Some domain masters sneered.

"By ..., who wrote this list? Damn, it's so nasty, it turned Laozi into Pangu, Nuwa ..., but it seems really good." Lin Feng dared to read the content of the list.

But the feeling of being touted is quite cool.

"Young Master, Wenren City Lord asks for advice." The maid came to Lin Feng's residence.

Now Lin Feng has moved to a new courtyard. There are many slaves and maidservants. The main thing is that there are more things to deal with now. People come and go, and there are always people waiting.

"Let her come in." Lin Feng said.

Without much meeting, Wenren Muyue came to Lin Feng here.

She said angrily, "Now the forty-nine ancient cities and the countries ruled by the forty-nine ancient cities are all building and building your temples. Now many people are saying that you are very happy. There are rumors, and I do n’t understand, why do you build so many temples? ".

Lin Feng smiled slightly and said, "The establishment of the temple is naturally without a reason. Do you know what is called faith?".

"Monk, don't talk about faith, only focus on interests." Wen Ren Muyue said.

"Yes, you are right, but not all monks have no faith. In this world, some people lack faith, as if they lack the motivation to live, and building a temple is to establish them. faith". Lin Feng Road.

"Believe you? Is it the so-called faith?". Wenren Muyue frowned.

"Yes, just believe me ...". Lin Feng's eyes were deep and deep, "There are nearly 40,000 countries under the rule of the forty-nine ancient cities, and the residents are calculated in trillions. How many of these trillions are cultivators? There is no one point, what does this mean? This shows that there are too many ordinary people, the harsh environment of the exile of the world, ordinary people ca n’t even eat food, do you know? Now, I build a temple to give them faith, Then there will be miracles. Ordinary people will be able to eat and get sick. Some people will treat them. They have faith in their hearts and faith in living. Do you think, I am so happy? ".

"I didn't expect that you built the temple for ordinary people who live in poverty. I misunderstood you, and I apologize to you." Wen Renmu Yue suddenly felt a little embarrassed, she felt that she really shouldn't misunderstand Lin Feng's kindness.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "Now many people are misunderstanding me. When the temple is built and the miracles come, the people can eat, not be starved to death, not eaten by evil beasts, when they can live and work in peace, everyone will understand My good intentions. "

Wen Renmuyue nodded heavily and said, "I believe everyone will understand you and will definitely worship you more when the time comes."

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I do these things, not to let everyone worship me, but hope to be able to do something realistic and can really help those people."

After a pause, Lin Feng asked, "What happened to your family?"

"Someone will come to see you quietly soon." Wen Ren Muyue said.

"Ok"! Lin Feng nodded.

Wen Renmuyue had not stayed here for a long time in Lin Feng, and immediately left.

The areas ruled by Lin Feng, one temple after another, began to be built one after another.

Then various places began to shape the golden body idol for Lin Feng.

Coupled with constant publicity and constant praises, many people from the secular kingdoms poured into the temple and began to pray and make wishes.

At night, Lin Feng began to run the "Tai Shang Wu Ji Gui Yuan Shen Gong" from the demon monarch.

This Taishen Wuyi Guiyuan Divine Skill can help Lin Feng devour the power of faith.

"Pray that Dawei Da De Purdue sentient beings true lords, bless this year's weather and let us have a good harvest."

"Dawei, Depudu, sentient beings, true lords, our town was attacked by monsters, many people were killed, we are now displaced, and became refugees, many people were starved to death, begging for true lords to show their spirits , Help us kill those monsters, and help us take home. "

After Lin Feng turned Taishang Wuji to Yuanyuan Shengong for thirty-six weeks.

Suddenly, countless voices resounded in Lin Feng's mind.

These voices are the voices of the people praying in the temple.

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