Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1432: Power of faith

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Various miracles began to appear in the area ruled by Lin Feng.

The displaced people saw a **** in their dreams, and the **** told them that the monster had now been killed, and they could return to the town where they were occupied by the monster.

The hungry and cold people dreamed, and a **** surrounded by golden light in their dreams told them that when they woke up the next day, they could see the food and divide them into the fields, and they would never have to endure hunger in the future.

People who are sick but have no money to see death are also dreaming of the same god. The **** told them to sleep well and they will be better tomorrow.

When those displaced people returned to their hometown occupied by monsters, they found that the monsters had been killed and they were able to rebuild their homes.

When those hungry and cold people woke up, they found that a lot of rice noodles were piled up at the door, and the deeds of the farmland were also placed.

Those who were ill and had no money to see the dying, woke up the next day and recovered completely.

The events of Dawei Da De Pudu sentient sentient beings real masters quickly spread.

More and more people went to the temple to worship and worship.

They make wishes, pray for blessings, and the constant power of faith comes into being.

And the power of these beliefs is absorbed by Divine Reality.

Now Lin Feng ’s deity is only the sixth heaven of reincarnation, so he cannot absorb the power of faith.

But the Divine Realm avatar is the triple heaven of the False God Realm, and naturally can continuously absorb the power of these beliefs.

The cultivation of the Divine Reality avatar has made rapid progress, and within half a month, it has broken from the Triple Heaven Realm of the False God Realm to the Quadruple Heaven of the False God Realm.

You should know that many gods may not be able to break through a level for tens of thousands of years.

But now, it takes only half a month for Divine Realm to absorb the power of faith. What an amazing speed of cultivation is this?

"The power of faith is really powerful ... No wonder there are so many strong men in the Archaic era. The monks in the Archaic era knew how to absorb the power of faith, so after breaking through to God, a temple was built to continuously absorb the power of faith and repair In order to advance naturally, but after the Archaic turmoil, hundreds of millions of years have passed, and the method of absorbing the power of faith is lost. The current god, the speed of cultivation is far from comparable to that of the ancient times, and there are few Break through to the **** of heaven, the **** of the giant divine realm. "

Lin Feng couldn't help thinking.

He summoned the three patriarchs and the five patriarchs.

These manifestations of "miracles" are the responsibility of them.

For monks, it is naturally a simple matter to show signs of miracles. Reincarnation of dreams can only be achieved by a illusion. As for the killing of fierce beasts, Shi Yunbuyu, the distribution of food, etc. It's a trifle.

But such small things are "miracles" in the eyes of mortals.

"Your affairs are very good, everyone has a reward." Lin Feng waved his right hand, and eight bottles of immortality flew to the three patriarchs and five patriarchs.

"This is a god-level elixir. After refining, it will greatly benefit your cultivation." Lin Feng said.

"Ah? God-level elixir? Thank you young son for your reward"! All eight people were overjoyed, and immediately thanked them with gratitude.

At night, the fox spirit Yundie Yi came to Lin Feng again. Since the last time some wonderful things happened when Lin Feng was held in the room, Yun Dieyi has not appeared in front of Lin Feng for a while. Is it because of shyness.

Although Yundieyi is a vixen, in fact the bone is very conservative.

I knew it from the expression on the bed that day.

Lin Feng hugged Yundie's hot and delicate body and said, "Did you miss me?".

"Yeah, just let go of it. I came to you with some serious matters. You don't want to move your hands." Yun Dieyi struggled gently.

"I'll talk about all serious matters later." Lin Feng smiled evilly, and directly tore Yun Dieyi's clothes apart, holding her into the hot spring pool to wash the mandarin duck bath.

The taste is naturally wonderful.

The vixen is not the same as the human race, maybe this is exoticism?

There are constantly experts who come to Lin Feng.

Some experts suggested that Lin Feng continue to expand the site, it is best to be able to kill Jun Tiandi in one fell swoop.

Lin Feng speculates that those masters who came to surrender may very well be the "criminals" sent by some other domain masters.

But he didn't make it clear.

Lin Feng persuaded that he planned to retreat and practice in a few days, and immediately attacked Emperor Jun Tian after he left the customs.

Those "spoilers" are overjoyed and congratulate Lin Feng on retiring smoothly.

Lin Feng named the area he ruled as Longmen Yu.

Longmen domain, exiled the thirteenth domain of the big world.

Take charge of forty-nine ancient cities.

The establishment of Longmenyu caused an uproar, and countless people were talking about it.

But what makes everyone more puzzled is that Jun Tiandi did not have any movement.

It seems that the establishment of Longmen domain is the same.

On this day, the Mercenary Association sent someone to find Lin Feng.

Lin Feng met an elder of the Mercenary Association.

After the elder arrived, he realized that the young son who had been commissioned by the mercenary association turned out to be Lin Feng, now the master of the Longmen domain.

After seeing Lin Feng, the elders of the Mercenary Association quickly saluted Lin Feng.

"Come on, just sit down and talk." Lin Feng said.

"Thank you Lord Master." The elder of the mercenary association responded, stood up from the ground, and sat half on the stool.

Lin Feng asked, "But there is news of Zhou Shijun and Xiao Yaoyao."

"Master Domain, our mercenary association did find some secret news. The Mr. Zhou Shijun Zhou you mentioned was the descendant of the original Zhou family. During the massacre, I heard that the Zhou family was related to the Taiyin Emperor in the Taikoo era. "

Lin Feng also heard about Taiyin Emperor after he came to exile. He raised his brow slightly and said, "Taiyin Emperor? Such a long-term character"

The elders of the Mercenary Association nodded and said, "Yes, this Zhou family has a long history, but it has gradually declined. The Taiyin Emperor led the exile of the major forces of the world to fight against the invasion of the foreign world, although eventually repelled the foreign world. The world is alive, but seriously injured. He has a daughter under the age of two. He was sealed in stone before the war. Before the fall of Taiyin Emperor, Taiyin Emperor entrusted his daughter to the Zhou family to take care of. "

"Seal in stone? Daughter? Could it be Xiao Yaoyao?". Lin Feng frowned slightly.

He asked quietly, "Why did the Zhou family suffer a genocide?".

"Someone wants to cultivate the Huashen tree to produce the Huashen fruit, but it needs a strong bloodline to pour the Huashen tree. The Emperor's blood is the best, there is no Emperor's blood, and at least the quasi-Emperor blood is needed, and the daughter of the Taiyin Emperor is the quasi-Emperor. Blood, those people heard that Taiyin Great Emperor ’s daughter was still asleep in the stone, so they destroyed Zhou Jiaman ’s door and wanted to grab Taiyin Great Emperor ’s daughter and use her blood to cultivate the God Tree. ” Said the elder of the mercenary association.

"What? There is such a thing?". Lin Feng stood up suddenly, his face extremely ugly.

He now guesses that Xiao Yaoyao's high probability is the daughter of Taiyin the Great.

Otherwise, those people will not continue to chase Zhou Shijun to the present, obviously because the daughter of Taiyin Emperor was not found when the door was last destroyed, and those talents will always look for Zhou Shijun's whereabouts.

Now, it is very likely that Xiaoyao Yao has been taken away by those people now. Doesn't it mean that those people have started to cultivate the God Tree with the blood of Xiaoyao Yao now?

Thinking of this, Lin Feng felt a sense of killing in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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