Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1435: Poisonous Rose (Part 2)

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"Poisonous rose?" Lin Feng raised his brow slightly.

It is rumored that this woman is not as beautiful as a human.

The exact appearance of Lin Feng is unclear. After all, Poison Rose is not wearing a veil and she can't see her, but what is certain is that Poison Rose is quite hot and charming.

Swish swish ...

After the first wave of arrow rain, the second wave of arrow rain followed.

In the face of these poisonous arrows, Lin Feng must be careful, although he is an immortal body, he can recover from any serious injuries.

It does n’t die, it does n’t detoxify.

When the arrow rain was shot, a cloud of dark green mist came from the forest.

Obviously this is the poison gas released by the poison rose mercenary.

After seeing the poisonous gas, Lin Feng hurriedly took it out to learn about Dudan and took it.

When the dense arrows were shot, Lin Feng propped up a mana mask, resisting all the arrows from the mana mask.

But Lin Feng found that the mana mask had no way to resist the erosion of poisonous gas.

The poison gas penetrated the mana mask, and then the poison gas seemed to have its own life, and even went into Lin Feng's body.

Jiedu Dan has not been able to resolve the toxic poison pouring into Lin Feng's body.

"Something wrong, this poison is terrible." Lin Feng's face changed slightly.

"what……". At this time, screams came out one after another, and the dense monks were poisoned by poison mist.

Even if he was not poisoned, he was shot dead by arrows shot in the past.

"You can't stay here for a long time. If this kind of poisonous poison invades the body too much, it will be troublesome." Lin Feng looked gloomy, rising into the sky, and swept towards the distance.

Many monks broke through but were shot.

Someone saw Lin Feng break through, and the dense arrows shot towards Lin Feng and killed him.

Lin Feng waved his hand.

Mana is rolling.

Crush all the arrows that shot past.

At this time, various magic weapons flew out and bombarded Lin Feng.

Suddenly, Lin Feng only felt a dizziness in his head. He knew that this was the poison that had invaded his body before he started to attack.

Lin Feng quickly ran Tianhuo to suppress the highly toxic body.

Under the suppression of Tianhuo, Lin Feng was much more comfortable, and his spirit recovered.

Then he raised his right hand and shot towards the mercenary in the forest.

A huge handprint of energy condensed in the void.

The big fingerprint of energy fell from the sky and instantly shattered the dense magic weapon.

"Hurry up!"

Many mercenaries cried in horror.

But it's too late to escape.

That energy fingerprint was taken.

Hundreds of mercenaries were photographed as puree.

After killing hundreds of mercenaries, Lin Feng glanced at the thousands of trapped monks.

Found that everyone is dead.

The poison released by these mercenaries is too powerful.

Lin Feng was so poisoned by such a powerful strength.

Not to mention other monks.

After only a dozen breathing time, the whole army was wiped out.

This is the cruelty of the cultivator's world, and Lin Feng has long been surprised.

He quickly rushed towards the distance, and instantly rushed out of the encirclement of the Poison Rose Mercenary Corps.

Then Lin Feng began to urge Tianhuo Refinery to invade the highly poisonous body.

"Kill me so many people in the poison rose mercenary group, where to go?". At this time, the Bone Throne quickly flew, and the poisonous rose sat on the Bone Throne. Like a tall empress, she looked coldly at Lin Feng.

"Thirty-eight! The young man has no time to play with you, don't provoke me, otherwise you will be wiped out and you will be done a hundred times."

Lin Feng glanced fiercely at the hot body of the poisonous rose.

"There are many people who want to get me poisoned roses. How old are you?" The poisonous rose snorted coldly.

This woman's speech is also quite tough.

The voice of the poisonous rose fell, and she saw her right hand suddenly beat the throne of bone. Suddenly, a mass of gray-brown gas poured out of the throne of bone.

The gray-brown gas turned into a huge skull.

I saw that the skull had a height of thousands of feet, opened the big mouth of the blood basin, and spewed out poisonous gas.

This is a kind of black poisonous gas.

Among the poisonous gas, a poisonous spirit condensed out, and only listened to the roaring voice of the poisonous spirit: "The poison of all evil! The poison of all evil!"

Du Ling roared while fighting towards Lin Feng.

"My grass, in addition to playing poison, what else do you do? Have the ability to fight a big battle with me." Lin Feng retreated quickly.

Poison Rose sneered, "Since it can poison you, why should I fight you?".

"Poison me? Are you dreaming in daylight?". Lin Feng scorned his lips, stepped on the Eight Worlds, and eight illusory worlds appeared under his feet, rushing towards the distance. The speed was so staggering that he blinked and disappeared.

Poisonous Rose was furious, "I have never been able to run away from the person I am going to kill, and you are no exception."

Poisonous rose is driving the throne of bone, quickly chasing towards Lin Feng.

After flying for half an hour, Lin Feng got rid of the poisonous rose. He found a hidden cave, sealed the cave with the formation method, and then worked cross-legged to begin refining the highly toxic body.

The venom poisoned by these mercenaries is terrible. God is poisoned. It is estimated that they may all be poisoned.

Lin Feng used sky fire to burn the highly toxic body.

Three hours passed.

Lin Feng only refined the poison in his body, and he was finally able to take a breath.

After coming out of the cave, Lin Feng flew towards the depths of the poison mist forest.

Only through the forest of poisonous fog can we reach the ancient capital of chaos.

Swish swish ...

Suddenly, dense bugs were drilled underground, and each bug was about the size of a thumb.

Looking closely, I found that the bug turned out to be a fiery red ant.

"Fire Ant"!

Lin Feng took a breath.

He had only heard of such ants before, but he had never seen them before.

Fire ants are the royal family among the ant tribes. It is said that Skyfire can't burn fire ants. A fire ant's highly poisonous body can poison a dragon.

In front of them, there are densely packed fire ants, and I don't know how many.

I saw so many fire ants coming out.

Lin Feng didn't want to think about it, and stepped into the far world with his feet.

There are so many fire ants that it is difficult to fight.

After getting rid of the fire ants, Lin Feng finally let out a breath. This poisonous fog forest is really in crisis, and he has a serious sense of crisis.

"I found the kid and killed him"!

Suddenly, there was a roar of laughter in the distance. Thousands of mercenaries of the poisonous rose mercenary regiment flew. These people directly sacrificed the dark green poison that was before, and shot towards Lin Feng. Poison arrows, two-pronged approach, want to take Lin Feng's life.

Facing the poison and poison arrow, Lin Feng swung his right hand, and the monstrous mana swept out. Suddenly, those poisons were wrapped in mana, and then Lin Feng was collected in a space porcelain bottle, which may be used , And the poison arrows were all broken by the mana sacrificed by Lin Feng, and then fell into the forest from the midair.

Immediately after that, Lin Feng raised his right hand and slapped the mercenaries who besieged him.

Thousands of poisonous rose mercenaries' mercenaries directly exploded and died on the spot.

Poisonous Rose flew from a distance and saw Lin Feng killing so many of his subordinates again, she screamed angrily.

"You bastard, I want to smash you corpse"!

The poison rose directly sacrificed to the throne of bone.

I saw that the Throne of Bone became half a meter high, like an ancient giant mountain, and drove towards Lin Feng.

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