Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1436: Chase the poison rose!

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Although the bone throne is terrifying.

But Lin Feng's cultivation has long been like a god.

Faced with the attack of the Bone Throne, he had no fear.

Lin Feng sacrificed the Great Desert War Gun. He held the Great Desert War Gun and used the Great Desert War Gun as a stick.


The violent collision sound suddenly came out, Lin Feng's blow hit the Bone Throne hard, and directly shake the Bone Throne.

He drew twelve shots in a row.

After twelve shots.

The thrones of the bones were all pumped out by Lin Feng.

"Humph……". The poisonous rose could not help but snorted, his hands changing the tricks.

One trick after another hit the throne of bone.

Then, the grayish-brown mist rushed out of the throne of Bone, once again condensing into that huge skull.


I saw that the skull opened its mouth, and the poison was tumbling.

Poison Rose wants to reapply his old skills and use highly toxic drugs to deal with Lin Feng.

"Hahahaha, poison rose, it's useless. Now that I have taken some precautions, the highly toxic poison won't do anything for me."

Lin Feng laughed and waved his right hand.

Suddenly, a storm rolled up in the void.

The storm rolled all the poisonous poisons away.

Lin Feng immediately followed the storm and rushed to the front of Poison Rose, with a great waste war gun in his hand, assassinating Poison Rose.

"You guys are so ignorant of Xiangxiangxiyu"! The poisonous rose is so sad that it looks pitiful everywhere.

Lin Feng suddenly felt a trance in his head, and in his mind, there seemed to be a voice constantly enchanting him.

"Put down the gun in your hand and appreciate the beauty of the woman in front of you!"

The voice full of temptation echoed in Lin Feng's mind, giving Lin Feng a feeling of sinking.

"wrong……". Lin Feng's willpower is strong enough. Before sinking, he found something wrong and finally recovered.

At this time, it was discovered that the poisonous rose had come to Lin Feng, and a sharp short blade appeared in the poisonous rose's hand.

The short blade stroked lightly, tearing the void, so powerful.

But now the poison rose cut Lin Feng's head with a short blade and wanted to cut Lin Feng's head.

The situation can be described as a crisis. Lin Feng seems to have been unavoidable, too late to even resist, and the charming and charming eyes of Poison Rose reveal the smug and sensational killing intention.

In the view of Poison Rose, Lin Feng is surely mortal this time, right?

Lin Feng's head was about to be killed by the short blade in the hands of poison rose, but at this time, Lin Feng's body shook slightly, just like a momentary movement, disappeared from the front of poison rose, and poison rose's blow It also fell into the empty place.

Lin Feng exhibited the make-up technique to avoid the poisonous rose, and could not help being shocked by the cold sweat.

It was just too dangerous just now. If it wasn't for breaking the illusion at the critical moment and returning to God, now I'm just afraid that the head has separated.

"Just a word, a few actions almost made me lost. Your charm is really amazing!" Lin Feng said.

"Isn't the magical technique of enchantment still seen by you? But then, you won't have any chance."

The words of the poisonous rose fell, and she reached out a little to the throne of bone.

Suddenly, the Bone Throne began to actively decompose into nine bones holding bone knives.

"Your means is really a lot," Lin Feng raised his brow slightly.

"That's nature ... My nine white bone creatures join forces and even have the ability to kill God. I want to see how you can resist the attack of nine white bone creatures!"

Poison Rose sneered, and his hands played thousands of tactics.

All these tactics poured into the body of the nine deities.

In the deep eye sockets of these nine white bone creatures.

Suddenly appeared nine clusters of miserable green ghost fire.

The ghost fire jumped violently.

Nine statues of white bones seem to have their own lives.

Divided into nine directions, all rushed towards Lin Feng.

"Hahahaha, poison rose, you don't know how powerful I am. Today I will let you know how I broke your nine white bones."

Lin Feng laughed aloud, and he stepped out, then the Taikoo Dragon Elephant Trick worked.

Dragon Elephant Holy Blessing.

Lin Feng immediately felt that the mana in his body, like the river that broke the dike, was surging and swept through the world.

The second stage of the Taikoo Dragon Elephant Judgment allows Lin Feng to borrow some of the power scattered in the sky and earth after the fall of the 'Dragon Elephant Supreme'.

The more Dragon Elephant Holy Power Lin Feng can devour, the more powerful his combat power will be.

Today, the dragon-like saint, who travels between heaven and earth, is still pouring into his body.

Lin Feng's body is filled with a force that destroys the world.

He shouted and swept the thousands of troops with a great waste gun.

Bang Bang Bang ...

Nine hits in a row!


Some violent collision.

Nine statues of white bones were all flew out by Lin Feng.

"The combat effectiveness has been greatly improved in an instant! What a supernatural power?" The pretty face of the poison rose changed slightly.

Although surprised in his heart, the poison rose's attack did not stop.

She moved her mind and continued to manipulate the nine white bone creatures to attack Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked indifferent, did not answer the poisonous rose, but sneered, then stepped on the world of eight bones and rushed out of the encircling circle of the boneless creatures, and instantly killed him in front of the poisoned rose, with a great waste war gun in his hand, assassinating the poisonous rose.


This gun pierced the body of poison rose.

But Lin Feng felt that something was not right.

Sure enough, the body of the poisonous rose became a puppet next moment.

Replace the puppet!

Lin Feng turned his head to look to the left, and saw the poison rose stepping out of the void, but the poison rose's pretty face became very ugly.

Apparently Poison Rose never thought that Lin Feng's strength was so powerful.

She read a spell. Nine bones were transformed into the bone throne. Poisonous rose sat on the bone throne. She looked at Lin Feng coldly, driving the bone throne toward the distance, and seemed to want to escape.

Lin Feng chased up with a great waste war gun, "Do you think it is too late to leave now?".

"Why? I can't succeed in killing me? If you want to kill me, see if you can catch up with me!"

The poisonous rose glanced coldly at Lin Feng, and quickly fled towards the distance.

The Throne of Bone is extremely fast, turning into a stream of light and rushing deep into the forest of poisonous fog.

And Lin Feng chased all the way in the world.

After Poison Rose and Lin Feng left, the mercenaries of the Poison Rose Mercenary Corps hiding in the mountain forest came out.

"Who is that guy? Even such a horror, even the leader is not his opponent."

"Yeah, the strength is too strong, so that we lost so many brothers, Lao Tzu can't wait to smash him tens of thousands of corpses."

"As far as you are concerned, it ’s good that the kid does n’t smash you tens of thousands of corpses. The head of the regiment is away from the Valley of Poisonous Poison. It seems that the captain wants to lead him to the Valley of Poisonous Poison. The situation in the Valley of Thousand Poisons will surely die. "

Many mercenaries talked.

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