Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1437: Valley of Poisons

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The Bone Throne is flying fast in mid-air. The Poison Rose sits on the Bone Throne. From time to time, he raises his right hand and shoots on the Bone Throne. Then the Skull Warrior with the claws and teeth will rush out of the Bone Throne.

The skeleton warriors were all ghosts, either holding swords or holding swords, holding various weapons, and rushed towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng sneered, the Great Desert War Gun swept towards the front.


The blow hit the skeleton warrior, and suddenly the skull warrior shattered.

Lin Feng said, "Don't think about running, you can't run away, just stop honestly and let me see what you look like."

"It's never been seen that you turned out to be a rogue." The poison rose sarcastically.

Lin Feng said, "Even if I am a rogue, please don't just add a stinky character, OK? I take a shower every day, but it doesn't smell at all."

Poisonous Rose naturally heard Lin Feng teasing her.

So the poisonous rose snorted coldly, no longer ignored Lin Feng, but increased the speed to the extreme and rushed towards the depths.

Lin Feng said, "Why do you needlessly run away? In the end, you are not going to be caught by me? They all say that your beautiful woman is not like a human being. I am now scratching my heart and want to see what you look like."

"If you want to see what I look like, then you have to see if you have this skill." Poison Rose sneered, then she took out a space porcelain bottle.

In that space porcelain bottle, dense poisonous insects flew out, and the overwhelming poisonous insects rushed towards Lin Feng.

When those poisonous insects came out, Lin Feng sacrificed the sky fire directly.

The sky was burning.

A large number of poisonous insects were burned to death, and the poisonous insects that had not been killed also fled.

Lin Feng said, "If you do anything, it will be difficult for me to escape from the palm of my hand. Waiting for me to grab you and check it carefully. If it is as beautiful as the outside world legend, I don't mind accepting you as my personal daughter."

Poisonous rose.

But she is high above all, and everyone is afraid of it. She is in control of life and death, like the queen of the poisonous rose mercenary regiment.

In the view of poisonous rose.

Man, only worthy of living under her feet.

Lin Feng even dared to say that she was going to accept her as a maid, now the poisonous rose can't wait to give Lin Feng eight pieces.

Poisonous Rose strongly endured his inner anger and gave Lin Feng a cold look, but no longer spoke, but rushed towards the extension.

at last.

Poisonous Rose saw a valley deep.

That valley is the famous valley of all poisons.

The Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons is an extremely terrifying place, not only covered with prohibitions, but also contains highly toxic.

Once trapped in it, it was either poisoned or banned.

Poison Rose once entered it that year, she entered it to collect the poison of all evils and condense the poison spirit.

But that time he ventured into the Valley of Thousand Poisons and almost died inside.

Luckily escaped.

It was also that experience.

With the chance of poisonous roses, by coincidence, he mastered the prohibition of some valleys.

So Poison Rose thought of introducing Lin Feng into the valley, and she quickly left the valley, so Lin Feng would be trapped in the valley.

At that time, there will be no doubt.

Whoo ...

The poisonous rose turned into a stream of light and rushed into the valley.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng also chased in.

Lin Feng had just entered, and Poison Rose activated a part of the ban she had mastered, and went towards Lin Feng.

"This valley, called the Valley of Thousand Poisons, is very poisonous everywhere. I entered nine of my life before, but I was lucky and survived. The luck was really good that time. Although I almost died in it, but by chance, You have mastered part of the prohibition in the valley. Now that part of the prohibition has been activated, you are waiting to die in it. "

Poisonous Rose said with pride, she drove the Throne of the Bone to the outside quickly.

But suddenly, the dense thread entangled the Bone Throne.

Those silk threads were formed by Lin Feng's great winding technique and condensed with mana.

The Bone Throne was instantly pulled back into the ban.

"you……". The poisonous rose's pretty face changed, and she raised her right hand and patted Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "The shot is weak, let me capture it."

Lin Feng's trick of Taikoo Supernatural Power was to show it off, breaking the palm of the poisonous rose.

Then quickly clicked on the poison rose, the mana of the poison rose was suddenly dissipated.

"You shattered my mana"!

The poisonous rose screamed, her pretty face suddenly changed.

Lin Feng was surrounded by skyfire and resisted the highly toxic invasion, but the poisonous rose was completely exposed to the highly toxic, but still nothing, obviously very unusual.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "The mana is disintegrated, you have no resistance at all, now you have become a prisoner of my rank",

Lin Feng squinted at the poison rose and continued, "It seems that you have a very powerful antidote elixir, seems to be completely immune to the poison here? ".

"Humph ..." Poison Rose snorted coldly without speaking.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "Where is the detoxification medicine, and the chest is so bulging, is it hidden here, I will look for it."

Lin Feng said that he extended his right hand and wanted to put his right hand inside the poison rose dress to find the "detoxification potion."

"Not there, you can't do this," Poison Rose screamed in fright.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "You, a woman with a heart like a scorpion, will be afraid? It's so strange."

The poisonous rose immediately gritted his teeth and said, "As long as you let me go, you can open the conditions now and I will promise you."

"Who said I'm going to let you go? I want to accept you as a closet, but now I have to check to see what my closet looks like?".

Lin Feng said with a smile, reaching for the veil on the face of the poisoned rose.

Poisonous Rose quickly backed up and screamed, "You dare to pick my veil, I will definitely kill you."

Lin Feng pouted, saying, "All of them are prisoners, and they dare to say that they killed me? You are not the mercenary empress before, you are now my personal wife."

Lin Feng put her arms around the poisonous rose's waist so that she could not struggle, and then lifted the veil of the poisonous rose.

When seeing the poisonous rose's shatterable face, Lin Feng was a little dumbfounded, and even surprised.

Lin Feng has seen too many beauties.

However, among all the beauties that Lin Feng has seen, it is purely in appearance.

Perhaps only the female emperor can compare with the poisonous rose.

The emperor is known as the first beauty of Tianwu mainland.

And the appearance of the poisonous rose can be comparable to that of the empress. I can imagine, what a beautiful face this is?

Seeing Lin Feng's eyes staring at him without blinking, the poisonous rose suddenly gritted his teeth and shouted, "Look at me to dig out your eyes."

"Dare to be so rude to his master, and look for a fight."

Lin Feng snorted.

Slap on the buttocks of poison rose.

The poisonous rose almost burst into tears, and stared fiercely at Lin Feng.

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