Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1439: Ancestor of Poison

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The cave is deep and poisonous, radiating a cold and terrible breath.

Poison Rose said, "Aren't you trying to get into it?".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "That's what I meant!"

"This place is very dangerous and terrible at first glance. If you enter it, you might encounter big troubles."

Poison Rose frowned, and she didn't want to enter it.

"You can wait for me outside." Lin Feng said.

Poisonous Rose rolled her eyes and said angrily, "It's so dangerous outside, maybe there are many terrible beasts hiding around, I have lost all my power, is it not a dead end to stay outside?"

Lin Feng said, "Then come with me and be more careful yourself."

He took the lead towards the cave.

Poisonous Rose also followed, and entered the hole **.

The cave is very empty and tumbling poisonously.

Poison Rose took out a few pills and took it.

It may be the trait Jiedu Dan taken.

Living in the forest of poisonous fog all year round, poisonous rose has a deep understanding of the highly toxic. These detoxification dans are also made by poisonous rose.

"What do you think caused the poisonous poison here?". Lin Feng asked.

Poison Rose said, "The birth of highly toxic substances is related to many factors. It is really hard to say how the highly toxic substances are produced here. However, I guess that there may be highly toxic substances in that place, Is the source of the constant generation of poisonous gas. "

Lin Feng nodded. He was more convinced of the poisonous rose.

The two went deep all the way.

Finally, they came deep into the cave.

In the deepest part of the cave is a huge mountainside.

Inside the mountain, there is a platform.

The poisonous gas escaped from under the Taoist platform.

"There is such a big platform here, who built it?". After seeing this Taotai, the poisonous rose could not help but exclaimed.

Lin Feng couldn't help frowning slightly. There was a Taoist platform really strange. He walked on the Taoist platform and suddenly found that the Taoist platform looked like a gossip figure.

"Gossip Daotai, such a Daotai is built here, the poison gas is rolling below, could it be suppressed what could not be done?", Lin Feng couldn't help himself.

Poison Rose looked at Lin Feng and asked, "You are good at big formations, what do you think of this gossip Taoist platform".

Lin Feng said, "Gossip is regarded as the core way of Taoism. Gossips can be combined in any way. Each kind of gossip image has different interpretations. Gossip can be used to attack, it can also be used to infer the mystery of the world, and it can even be used to suppress Some powerful creatures! "

With a move in his heart, Poison Rose couldn't help saying, "You mean, under this gossip Dao platform in front of you, is it possible to suppress a spirit?".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "It is indeed possible."

"What are you going to do?". Poison Rose asked.

"Open it and see what has been suppressed in it?" Lin Feng said.

Poisonous Rose couldn't help sighing and said, "I have long guessed that you would say this, you are really a lifeless person. Have you ever thought that if the terrible existence suppressed in it did not die, you and I would die here." .

Lin Feng said, "I've thought about it for a long time, the formation of this gossip map is a form of formation in the ancient times of Heavenly Master. This means that this Eight Diagrams altar was built by a Heavenly Master Taoist. Cheng, hundreds of millions of years have passed, and the repressed existence in it is estimated to have been wiped out long ago. Even if it has not been wiped out, hundreds of millions of years have been trapped in it. I naturally don't have to be afraid. "

Poison Rose opened his mouth, and then said, "You are really a thoughtful person. It seems that I designed to lead you to the Valley of Thousand Poisons. Should you have seen my plan already?".

Lin Feng smiled slightly and said, "It is indeed doubtful, but I don't care, because I know that you are not my opponent, and the big team can't trap me."

"You guys are really not humble"! The poisonous rose snorted coldly.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "I'm just telling the truth. Now you back away, I'll crack this gossip array!"

Poison Rose nodded and retreated to the outer area.

Lin Feng stepped onto the Taoist platform and cracked the gossip array above it.

The gossip array inherited from Heavenly Master is extremely complex, obscure, and difficult to understand.

If it is someone else, there is basically no possibility of cracking the Tianshi Taoist gossip array.

However, it is not difficult for Lin Feng to crack the gossip array of Tianshi Dao.

Because he understands every method of arranging arrays of the Eight Diagrams of Heavenly Master Dao.

It took about an hour or so, Lin Feng successfully cracked the gossip array.

I saw the gossip array interweaving bursts of divine light.

A gossip array maps into the air.

Then, the gossip array rotated quickly.

Each rotation, the eight positions of Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Kun, Dui, Li and Xun, will exude a devastating force.

Click, click!

Eventually, the gossip figure suspended in mid-air collapsed.

And the following Bagua Daotai began to crack.

"Hoohoo ..."!

After the gossip Taotai cracked, overwhelming green gas rushed out of the Taotai.

That green gas turned out to be highly toxic.

"Oh, oh!"

That kind of poison is really terrifying, even the void is corroded. I saw the void split, and a force of time and space escaped from the split void.

After seeing the power released by that kind of poison, Lin Feng was taken aback and couldn't believe his eyes.

There is such a terrible poison in the world.

Highly poisonous even the void can corrode.

How terrifying is this highly toxic?

Lin Feng stepped back quickly, watching the poison escaping from the cracked Taotai.

Over time, more and more poisonous.


Suddenly, in the poisonous mist, a low roar came.

Then Lin Feng and Poison Rose saw that the poisonous mist rolling in mid-air became a fierce beast with open teeth and claws, and then became a fierce beast. After looking like a dozen fierce beasts, it turned into an ugly face.

"What is this stuff?". Lin Feng frowned slightly.

"Hahahaha ... I didn't expect that my ancestor of poison will see another day"!

The ugly face gave a gruesome laugh.

"The ancestor of all poisons? Are you the ancestor of all poisons? In the early days of ancient China, the ancestor of all poisons that ruled the world in exile?

Hearing the four words of the ancestor of poisonous poison, the pretty face of poisonous rose suddenly became very pale.

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