Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1440: Met a wonderful flower

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"Hahahaha, even though hundreds of millions of years have passed, the reputation of my ancestor of poison is still so loud!"

The ancestor of the poisonous man laughed proudly.

"Who is the ancestor of all poisons? I heard it for the first time." Lin Feng muttered.

Hearing Lin Feng's groaning, the ancestors' poison laughter came to an abrupt end, and the gloomy eyes looked at Lin Feng and said fiercely, "Boy, do you know what you are talking about? Did you say this on purpose? ? Do you want to be angry? This will not be fooled, hahahaha ... ".

"I rely on, this guy is really that wonderful"!

Hearing Wanzu Zu's magical laughter and self-confidence not knowing where it came from, Lin Feng rolled his eyes and said, "I have never heard of you."

The ancestor of poisonous poison sighed and said, "Boy, this ancestor really admires you and tells lies like real, it doesn't matter, this ancestor will not blame you, this ancestor has always been generous, now choose to forgive you Do you admire the broad mind of your ancestor? ".

Lin Feng: "...".

Poisonous Rose: "...".

The ancestor of poisonous poison continued to shout, "The ancestral ancestors have good virtue in heaven, plus you let the ancestors come out, and now the ancestors give you two, each one has a chance, you are now kneeling on the ground, By swearing allegiance to my ancestors and becoming a servant of my ancestors, my ancestors will not only spare you from dying, but you will follow your ancestors in the future and you will be able to reach the peak of your life. "

Lin Feng covered his face with black lines, and felt that this guy who claimed to be the ancestor of poison was an unreliable guy.

Poison Rose just said that this guy once ruled the world of exile, Lin Feng is now a bit doubtful whether this history has been fabricated.

Lin Feng planned to ask the origin of the poisonous rose, and turned to look at the poisonous rose, and asked: "Who is this wonderful flower? Have you really ruled the world of exile?"

Poisonous Rose said helplessly, "It really did rule the exile of the world, but it was not long. It is said that this guy was able to break through to the emperor's realm when he was a step away, but this guy is too brutal and almost killing. Under his rule, many places in the world of exile are scarce and uninhabited. The entire world of exile is shrouded in an extremely desperate atmosphere. It is rumored that a great character appeared and killed him. Now it seems that this is almost not killed, but suppressed here. "

"Hey, hello, what are you two doing? Kiss me and me in the daytime? You two need to be shameless? Isn't it possible to treat Laozi as air?". The ancestor of all poisons shouted immediately.

Lin Feng's mouth twitched, Lin Feng now doubted whether the ancestor of the poisonous man had become a prisoner of rank from the high world master.

This heavy blow deeply stimulated him, so it became the way it is now?

"Let's go quickly, this guy is not easy to deal with, even if trapped for hundreds of millions of years, I'm afraid I can't deal with him."

The poison rose whispered.

The ancestor of poisonous poison sneered and said, "Want to go? Did you go away? Don't bother, now you can't go away if you want to go. Since you don't want to be the slave of my ancestor, then I will be my ancestor. Eat you ".

The words fell, the poison was rolling, and the entire cave was blocked.

The ancestor of venom opened his mouth of blood basin and rushed towards Lin Feng and Poison Rose, trying to swallow Lin Feng and Poison Rose.

Lin Feng sneered and said, "You old gas, still want to devour us, daydream."

"Old? Old gas?".

The ancestor of poisonous poison roared in disbelief, "You dare to say that my ancestor is an old gas?".

"The old guy in the ancient times has only one source left. The source is energy, and energy is also a gas. What are you not an old gas?". Lin Feng pouted.

Poison Rose couldn't help but smile bitterly, Lin Feng even dared to call the ancestor of the poisonous venom old gas, then the ancestor of the poisonous venom would be violently thundered?

But what made the poison rose quite speechless appeared. After hearing Lin Feng calling himself an old gas, the ancestor of poison was not only a little angry, but shouted in excitement, "Wow ha ha ha ... old gas, this name It's really good, it's really in line with my ancestor's current image, and since today, I'm called Laoqi! "

Seeing the excited and trembling ancestor of all poisons, Lin Feng had an urge to vomit blood.

Being called old gas is not only not angry, but also excited like this, it really makes Lin Feng feel quite speechless.

Poisonous roses also felt silent.

Before this, the poison rose regarded the ancestor of poison as an idol.

Poison Rose is good at using poison!

The ancestor of all poisons is the old ancestor who used poison!

And the ancestor of all poisons is the only poison monk who once ruled the world of exile.

Not only the poisonous rose regards the poisonous ancestor as an idol.

Many poisonous Taoist princes regard the poisonous ancestors as idols.

But now, after seeing the ancestor of the poisonous man, the image of the idol collapsed instantly.

The ancestor of the poisonous man shouted, "Boy, to thank you for giving me such a good name as the old ancestor, I decided to eat you now."

The ancestor of Thousand Poison pounced, swallowing the blood basin and swallowing it towards Lin Feng.

"Ancestral poison, do you think I can't deal with you? Now, it's not your time anymore!"

Lin Feng sneered and waved his big hand directly to the Golden Dragon God Yanhuo.

Jinlong Shenyan turned into a huge golden dragon.

The Golden Dragon was surrounded by flames.


Jinlong made a roaring sound like a beast, and then rushed towards the ancestor of poison.


The two sides collided immediately.

The moment when the ancestor of all poisons touched the golden dragon.

The blazing blazing sound came out.

The poison that lingered around the body of the ancestor of poison was instantly ignited.

"Tianhuo, this is Tianhuo, Jinlong Shenyanhuo, you even refined Tianhuo ..."

The ancestor of all poisons shouted in horror.

This ancestor of poison has only its origin.

This source contains part of the soul of the ancestor of poison.

Whether it is the source power or the soul power, it is a dark attribute power and belongs to gas.

Flame, restrain the power of dark attributes.

Flame also restrains all kinds of gases.

Especially skyfire, no matter what gas meets skyfire, it will be ignited.

It's as if Yang Qi was ignited immediately after encountering the flame.

So the ancestor of all poisons was restrained by Lin Feng.

"Yes, this is the Golden Dragon God Yanhuo, the ancestor of poison, do you think you are my opponent?". Lin Feng sneered and looked at the ancestor of Wandu.

"Jinlong Shenyanhuo, you are the rumored master of the Longmen domain, Lin Feng."

The poisonous rose's eyes widened, looking at Lin Feng with shocked eyes.

She didn't expect that the person in front of him was the one who countless people were talking about.

Now that he knows Lin Feng's identity, it is difficult for the poisonous rose to calm down, but at the same time it is extremely bitter.

Unless the real **** comes, otherwise, this exile world, I am afraid that no one is qualified to be the opponent of this guy right now?

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