Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1447: Huge wealth from blackmail

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Auction house, VIP room!

The governor of the auction house is called Murong He, who personally sent the Huashen fruit.

Lin Feng had speculated that Poison Rose was the daughter of Chaos Domain Master.

Since Poison Rose has such a deep relationship with the auction house, Lin Feng speculates that Murong He probably knew his identity.

"Haha, the master of the forest domain, long admiring the big name." Murong He clasped his fists.

Muronghe admitted so happily that he already knew his identity, but it made Lin Feng quite surprised.

This person is not the kind of person with deep thoughts, which makes Lin Feng's affection for him a lot.

Lin Feng also clenched his fists and said, "Murong Daoyou is polite."

Murong He took out a white jade box, then opened the white jade box, and put the fruit into the white jade box.

Murong He said, "Lin Yuzhu, if there is no problem with Huashen Guo, we can trade now."

Lin Feng nodded and said, "I don't have enough gold coins. I plan to exchange this kind of cultivation spirit stone. How much gold can I exchange for such a cultivation spirit stone?".

Lin Feng took out a superb spirit stone and gave it to Murong He.

After seeing the Lingshi, Murong He's eyes suddenly turned on.

Exile the world resources are scarce, there is no spirit stone resources, so if the monks practice, they all take the pill.

However, there are many impurities in the panacea, which is naturally not comparable to the pure spirit stone.

The sparse and ordinary spirit stones in the Tianwu Continent can definitely be regarded as the treasures in the exile of the big world.

Murong He said, "A piece of spirit stone is probably equivalent to one hundred thousand gold coins."

All the items he bought added up and were exchanged for Needling Spirit Stones for almost 11 million.

Lin Feng took out 11 million Needling Spirit Stones and gave them to Murong He.

"I also want this kind of cultivation spirit stone, you also give me a redemption point." Poison Rose could not move his eyes anymore after seeing the Need Spirit Stone, grabbing Lin Feng and said.

"You are not in a hurry, go back and redeem it for you." Lin Feng said.

Poisonous Rose nodded and was very happy, thinking that he must exchange as much of this cultivation spirit stone as possible.

"We are inconvenient to stay for a long time, so we leave." Lin Feng clenched his fists.

"The Forest Master Goes Slowly"!

Murong He said with a smile, personally sent Lin Feng and his party out of the auction house.


There was a secret voice.

Obviously, many people stared at Lin Feng.

In this world, for money, too many people dare to take their lives to fight.

The principle that man kills fortune and kills for food is applicable everywhere.

It is more applicable in the chaotic ancient city.

When Lin Feng and others came to a crossroad, suddenly, the crowds of people on the street disappeared.

Someone arranged a large formation here, trapping Lin Feng, Poison Ancestor, and Poison Rose in the large formation.

Swish swish ...

Immediately afterwards, dense monks poured in.

There are thousands of people.

"Kill them"!

Someone shouted.


Overwhelming attacks, surging out, bombarded three people towards Lin Feng.

Lin Feng shook his head and said, "It's really for money, you can die"!

The poisonous ancestor yelled, "A group of small fishes dare to jump out, and they don't know whether they are alive or dead, let's die."

I saw the poisonous ancestor waved his right hand, the poison gas rolled.

Thousands of monks were shrouded in poison.

"what……". The screams came one after another.

A famous monk fell from midair.

When he fell to the ground, he died in anger.

The poisonous poison of the ancestors is terrible, and most people cannot resist it at all.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of monks died tragically. Lin Feng tore a large array and came out with the poisonous rose and poisonous ancestor.

But just after coming out, the overwhelming attacks came bombarded, there were magic attacks, and magical attacks.

The sons of the Eight Domain Masters joined forces with many men to attack Lin Feng.

"Boy, dare to be arrogant in front of us, you have only one way to die"!

The sons of the eight domain masters grin repeatedly.

"I don't know life or death", Zuzu sneered and snorted towards everyone who came from the siege.

Very toxic rolling.

Everyone was shrouded.

The young master of the poison domain, Kyushu, sneered again and again, "using poison in front of this young master, I can't help myself."

This animal husbandry Kyushu took a mouthful of breath and wanted to devour the poison from the poison ancestor sacrifice.

But just after being exposed to the poisonous poison from the poisonous ancestor sacrifice, he discovered that his body began to rot and could not help screaming again and again.

At this time, Mu Kyushu knew that the poisonous monk in front of him was definitely an extremely terrifying master of poisonous road, and he was not comparable.


The men of the sons of the eight major lords made a screaming scream, and then fell from the air, and they were poisoned to death in a few breaths.

Even the magic weapon they sacrificed was corroded.

In addition, although the sons of the seven domain masters were not dead, they were also highly toxic and their bodies began to rot.

"Poison Xiu, you are not a person in the poison domain? My father is the owner of the poison domain. This senior, remembering that we are all masters of the poison domain, spare my life."

Kyushu, the chieftain of the poisonous domain, pleaded.

"Forgiveness, our father is the master of the domain, please beg our father to look at our father's face and spare us."

The remaining sons of the domain master begged again and again.

These people now know that they have kicked the iron plate, and they have been scared away.

"What about the storage ring? Hand it over and spare you not to die." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"What? Want our storage ring? No, absolutely impossible!" The sons of these domain owners immediately screamed.

Although they are the sons of the domain master, the domain master has more than one son.

Losing this wealth will obviously hit them hard, and their father is expected to be disappointed with them, and instead focus on training other excellent sons.

Anyway, the domain master looking for an heir, is to find the most suitable heir. The survival of the fittest is very cruel. The competition for the son of the domain master is more brutal than the competition for the crown prince.

As long as something goes wrong, it may be eliminated and it will be difficult to turn over.

"It seems that you feel that your life is not as good as these wealth, all killed." Lin Feng waved his hand.

"Jin Jie ...". The poisonous ancestor laughed twice, and he had to solve the sons of these domain masters.

"Forgiveness, forgiveness, we are willing, we are willing to contribute a storage ring."

The sons of the eight domain masters had a pale face. Although they were not reconciled in their hearts, they now have no other choice. They took out the storage rings one by one and handed them to Lin Feng, but these people cursed Lin Feng with bitterness in their hearts. Our storage ring, you are waiting, and soon we will call the masters to come and smash you corpses. "

Lin Feng received the storage ring. The sons of these domain owners are extremely wealthy. Each person has 500 billion gold coins, and 8 people are 4 trillion, plus their magic weapon and other wealth.

Lin Feng made a big profit this time.

"get out……". The poison ancestor solved the poison in the sons of the eight major domain masters. With a sleeve robe, the sons of the eight major domain masters flew out.

Lin Feng didn't go to see this man again, he walked toward the front.

Poison Rose, Poison Ancestor left behind Lin Feng.

"These people are particularly troublesome to deal with, killing offending the eight domain masters, not killing, and endless troubles." Said the poisonous rose.

Lin Feng smiled and did not speak.

The poison ancestor laughed strangely, and said, "They have already been poisoned by my Gu Gu, silently, colorless and tasteless, and they will attack after an hour, and they will become my Gu slaves and will be affected by me. Driven, how could it be possible to revenge the son again? ".

Suddenly, the poisonous ancestor then chuckled, "The status of these eight people in their father's heart is likely to decline sharply, so that they will not be noticeable. They are best suited as Gu minions. To annex other domains, these eight people may play a big role. "

Poison Rose had no interest in annexing the site. What interested her was the kind of poisonous poison that the poisonous ancestor said. She said excitedly, "Teach me the poisonous technique."

"Why?" The poison ancestor pouted and ran away, apparently he did not intend to teach the poison rose.

"Don't go"! Poisonous Rose caught up.

Soon Lin Feng also left.

In a tea house not far away, Mo Sheng Tian Zun and Jun Tian Emperor sat here with gloomy eyes watching Lin Feng's back.

And Wang Tianyi is standing by and waiting.

"Why is there a master of poison around this kid? This is a bit of trouble." Mo Sheng Tian Zun said.

Emperor Juntian said, "The Lord of the Poison Realm is the first master of the poisonous road, and he is extremely greedy. As long as there are enough benefits, he can be invited to deal with the master who uses poison, and you and I join forces to kill Lin Feng." .

"Excellent, so it's foolproof." Mo Sheng Tianzun's eyes suddenly light up.

Emperor Juntian said, "It is necessary to let Wang Tianyi go to the poison domain in person."

"No problem, Wang Tianyi, you go to the poison domain and invite the master of the poison domain. You tell the master of the poison domain. As long as he helps us kill Lin Feng, we will agree to any condition.

Mo Sheng Tian Zun said.

"Yes, the minions will go here." Wang Tianyi left quickly and went directly to the poison domain to invite the master of the poison domain.

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