Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1448: Mysterious man appears

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After returning to the room, Lin Feng took out the storage ring obtained from the sons of the eight domain masters.

After careful inspection, I found 4.33 trillion gold coins in addition to various immortals, magic weapons, etc.

"These gold coins will all be handed over to Chu Tianba at that time. Let him be responsible for buying food. How many ordinary people will be saved?" Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh.

"I don't see it, you are still a kind-hearted guy," Poison Rose walked in with a pair of charming beauty legs.

She went on to say, "I heard before that you were building temples and singing praises for yourself in the Longmen domain under your rule. The outside world has all told you that you are a person of great joy and merit. Now it seems that these rumors are not all right."

Lin Feng said, "Building temples, those people can pray for blessings, and in each temple there will be people who specialize in collecting their wishes, as long as the reasonable wishes, such as eating a meal, driving away beasts, curing diseases, etc., will help They realize, let them have confidence in life, let them have faith in their hearts, and be able to persist in living. "

Poisonous Rose said, "Although I know that you must have your own purpose in building a temple, but indeed, as you said, you really helped a lot of people. This point, other domain masters, can't relate to you. For example, those domain masters only knew to squander money and never considered the lives of ordinary people. "

"Including your father's chaotic domain master?". Lin Feng looked at Poison Rose with a smile.

The poisonous rose's pretty face suddenly cold, said, "I have no father"!

Lin Feng said, "It seems that I mentioned your sadness, and I apologize to you."

"Since you know you're doing something wrong, you can exchange it for some spiritual spirits." Said the poisonous rose.

Lin Feng stretched out his arms around the poisonous rose's waistline, and squeezed his right hand on the tantalizing plump a few times, and said with a smile, "If you promise to be my woman, how much do you need to cultivate spirit stones?"

"Release your cheap paws." Poisonous Rose looked at Lin Feng fiercely.

But only in the heart of Poison Rose knew how disturbed she was now.

She originally hated men very much, and she would not have any physical contact with men.

However, I have been with Lin Feng recently, and I don't know if it was because of Lin Feng's too many times.

So much so that poisonous roses are not resisting physical contact with Lin Feng. Even some intimate contacts, poisonous roses are not excluded.

This gave the poison rose a sense of panic.

In order to disguise his true emotions, the poisonous rose becomes fierce, and hope Lin Feng will not discover her abnormality.

"Cough, I can't help myself for a while."

Lin Feng coughed twice, but squeezed a few more times before removing his hand. Poisonous Rose gritted his teeth.

Lin Feng lamented that this feel is really good.

The woman has a **** figure and feels good.

It really is the best.

Lin Feng, who has a variety of poisonous roses, glanced at Lin Feng and said, "I can probably take out 800 billion gold coins to exchange with you."

Lin Feng nodded and said, "No problem, our lover's price, I will give you 10 million Needling Spirit Stone for 800 billion gold coins."

"Who is a lover with you, shameless shame." The poisonous rose could not help humming.

"That's a saving of 2 million Need for Spirit Stone, and now it should give you 8 million." Lin Feng Road.

"No, you just said it to ten million, the man's big husband, he shouldn't say anything." The poisonous rose hummed.

"Then you mean lover price." Lin Feng looked at Poison Rose with a smile, and thundered and kissed the pink lips of Poison Rose. The taste was really pretty good.

"You bastard". The poisonous rose's blush almost dripped, kicking Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said after hiding, "It's not too much to ask for a kiss with two million spirit stones?".

Poisonous Rose gritted his teeth, but he could only endure Lin Feng temporarily.

Seeing that the poisonous rose did not soar, Lin Feng hurriedly handed over the space porcelain bottle containing ten million top grade spirit stones to the poisonous rose.


Poisonous rose snorted and threw the space porcelain bottle containing gold coins to Lin Feng.

The beautiful eyes glared at Lin Feng fiercely, and then moved her slender straight beauty. The legs went out.

"With these 80 million gold coins, many people can be saved." Lin Feng showed a smile, and put away the space porcelain jars containing 80 million gold coins.

Days pass by day by day.

Lin Feng ’s Divine Reality avatar was broken through once again, from the Four Heavens of the False God Realm to the Five Heavens of the False God Realm.

This made Lin Feng very happy.

Drawing on the power of faith in the temple, this cultivation breakthrough was too fast.

"We should still expand our territory, build more temples, and develop believers. The more temples, the more believers, the more power of faith, and the faster the cultivation breakthrough.

Lin Feng muttered to himself.


Ten days later.

Poisonous Rose came to Lin Feng's room and said, "The news came from the auction house. The man has arrived. The man is wearing a green robe and lets you go quickly."


Lin Feng disappeared without a trace, and left in the empty space.

This is the night, and it is better to hide yourself.

The monk who consigned the fruit of the **** came to collect his commission more than ten days after the auction ended. Obviously, this person's character was extremely cautious.

"Out……". Suddenly, Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and saw a green robe monk, with a hat, quickly walked out.

After he came out, he never stopped and walked outside the chaotic ancient city.

Lin Feng followed silently behind the green robe monk.

After the green robe monk left the ancient city, a man in black looted from the forest and surrounded the green robe monk.

"Wang Chongming, you dared to betray the Dark God Tower, and stole a sacred fruit. The Dark Hunting Order has been issued. The Dark God Tower will be wanted by the entire world in exile. I finally found you today. How do you die ".

A head man in black came out.

"Hum ... I broke the prohibition placed in my mind by the Dark God Tower. I have never felt so free. As long as you let me go, I will tell you the way to break the prohibition, and you can also get it. How about freedom? ".

Said the green robe monk.

"What? You broke the ban, no wonder you can escape alive." Many people exclaimed.


At this time, Wang Chongming seized the opportunity and shot away in the distance. He wanted to escape while the monks of the Dark God Tower distracted.

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