Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1449: Shot

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The reason why Wang Chongming escaped was because he knew that even if the smallpox he said crashed into the Dark God Tower would not let him go.

Diablo Tower is so powerful that not everyone likes to pursue the so-called freedom.

Many people have stayed in the Dark God Tower for many years and have been inseparable from the Dark God Tower.

What's more, can you survive the Dark God Tower?

With the power of Dark God Tower, it is difficult for any betrayal to end well.

So Wang Chongming knew a little clearly.

Those people will never be the same as themselves, betray the Dark God Tower in order to choose freedom.

Therefore, Wang Zhongming said what he just said, and he just wanted to distract their minds, hoping to find a way out.

And Wang Zhongming did find such an opportunity, he rushed out of the encirclement.

But at this time, the void split and a mysterious man stepped out.

A palm shot towards Wang Chongming.


Wang Chongming flew out with a slap, and his body fell towards the ground.

"Deputy landlord ...". Wang Zhongming exclaimed in horror, his face pale.

"Wang Chongming! You are also a disciple with potential. The future is limitless. You even chose to betray the Dark God Tower. Do you know this is a death sentence?". The deputy landlord was called Guan Tianzhen, and his voice was somber, his cold eyes looked at Wang Zhongming.

In order to catch Wang Zhongming, the Dark Lord Tower was even sent out this time.

It can be seen that the Dark God Tower does not seize Wang Zhongming and swears it.

Wang Chongming said, "I just want freedom"!

"Freedom? Hahahaha ... What is freedom? Can freedom let you live in this world?" Guan Tianzhen sneered. "No, only strength can make you live in this world without darkness." Can you live to the present in the chaos of the shelter of the God Tower? Now that your wings are stiff, you even want to be free? ".

Wang Chongming didn't speak, but lowered his head and clenched his fists together.

"I used to be very optimistic about your future, but you let me down, who are you fooled by?". Guan Tianzhen looked coldly and asked Wang Chongming

Wang Zhongming said, "No one confuses me, it is the thought in my own heart."

"Humph……". Guan Tianzhen snorted and said, "Any deep-rooted thought in anyone's heart changes because of something that changed him, and you are no exception."

Wang Chongming's face was uncertain, and finally he bit, and said, "Yes, I was changed by one thing, fighting for interests, fighting for life and death, I can accept these, but I can't accept it, Dark God Tower, To catch a little girl of four or five years old and to bleed every day is too cruel and too utterly ungrateful. "

"Are you qualified to sympathize with others?". Guan Tianzhen said with a sneer.

Wang Zhongming said, "But I am qualified to choose to leave, even if I die, but I breathe the air of the outside world. Only when I am free and away from those evils, I know how beautiful freedom is, even if I am I can only live one day freely, and I do n’t regret it because I used to feel what a free life is like. This is a kind of life that I do n’t want to let go of when I get in touch. This kind of life is the real life. "

"Huh, your second half of life will be thrown into boundless purgatory, life is better than death, to see if you will regret the previous stupid practices."

Guan Tianzhen could not help sneering.

"I would rather die than get you back ...". Wang Chongming raised his right hand and shot it toward his head.

Guan Tianzhen right hand a little.

A mana shot. Shot into Wang Chongming's body.

Suddenly, Wang Chongming couldn't move.

"Want to die? How can you die so easily, take me away!"

Guan Tianzhen waved his hand.

Even though there were two monks in the Dark God Tower walking towards Wang Zhongming.

"Dark Tower, this force should be eradicated ......".

A cold voice came out.


A young monk stepped out.

This person is Lin Feng who is following Wang Zhongming out of the city.

"Who are you?" Guan Tianzhen looked sullenly at Lin Feng, his eyes flashing with intent to kill.

Some people dare to say that the Dark God Tower should be eradicated.

It's just death.

"Last name, name maple."

"Lin ... Feng?"

Many people pronounce the name. Then his face changed suddenly.

Guan Tian shouted in shock, "Are you Lin Feng, the master of Longmen?"

"Exactly"! Lin Feng flicked the sleeves.

Guan Tianzhen felt that things were a bit troublesome.

He also heard of this master of the Longmen domain, although he was young, he was cultivated to become a heaven.

It's simply not something they can compete with.

Perhaps only the landlord can fight against it.

And apparently the master of the Longmen domain has a deep hostility towards their dark **** tower.

As one of the thirty-six deputy landlords of the Dark God Tower, Guan Tianzhen can access many secrets.

He really can't remember when the Dark God Tower offended Lin Feng.

Since I have not offended Lin Feng.

Why is he so hostile to the Dark God Tower?

This is where Guan Tianzhen was puzzled.

Guan Tianzhen said, "Lin Yuzhu, our Dark God Tower seems to have no grudges with you, right?".

Lin Feng said, "Little Yaoyao, who was taken away by you, is my sister! Is this reason enough?".

"Shoot ...".

Hearing Lin Feng's words, Guan Tianzhen didn't want to think about it, and turned and fled towards the distance.

"Hurry up ...".

The rest of the monks of the Dark God Tower did not dare to stay and quickly fled towards the distance.

They finally know why Lin Feng, the Dragon Gate Domain Master, is so hostile to the Dark God Tower.

How can the other party not be angry when the Dark God Tower grabs his sister and bleeds to cultivate the God Tree?

"Frozen worlds ...".

Lin Feng stepped out in one step, and the icy air burst out of his body.

The monks of the Dark God Tower who had fled Fang on all sides were frozen one by one.

Guan Tianzhen was understood to tremble, his body was set in midair.

Lin Feng came to Guan Tianzhen's side and exhibited the Soul Search Dafa. He wanted to search Guan Tianzhen's soul memory and find a clue to the Dark God Tower, but Guan Tianzhen had a prohibition in his mind. When Lin Feng searched for soul, the prohibition was triggered Guan Tianzhen's soul was destroyed instantly.

At this time, Wang Chongming, who was lying on the ground, said: "These souls have prohibitions in their souls. You cannot explore the secrets in their souls. If you want to know where the Dark God Tower is, I can take you."

Lin Feng sacrificed a sky fire to extinguish the ashes of Guan Tianzhen's body.

Then he came to Wang Chongming, raised Wang Chongming, and then walked away.

Several ups and downs.

Disappeared without a trace.

Bang Bang Bang ...

And after Lin Feng left, the bodies of the icy priests of the Dark God Tower instantly shattered.

Hundreds of monks of the Dark God Tower, in a blink of an eye, all died here.

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