Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1454: Taiyin Emperor Sword

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The great reincarnation technique is indeed worthy of the fourth-ranked Taoist law among the three thousand avenues.

Summoning the wheel of reincarnation is the supreme mystery of the great reincarnation technique, but Lin Feng ’s cultivation is not enough. He can only communicate with the wheel of reincarnation by burning Shouyuan, and then summon the wheel of reincarnation.

Moreover, after all, Lin Feng only practiced half of the reincarnation technique, so he could only summon a ghost image of the reincarnation disk.

However, even so, the power of the wheel of reincarnation is so powerful that Lin Feng is a bit incredible.

"What the **** is this, can it be so powerful."

Emperor Juntian and others cried in horror.

"Quick, follow me into the magic lotus, as long as you enter the magic lotus, the mysterious roulette can't hurt us."

Mo Sheng Tian Zun shouted loudly.

Swish swish ...

Immediately afterwards, all six of them rushed into Molian.

The wheel of reincarnation rotates again.

A devastating force bombarded Molian.

Molian was shot and flew out.

But the wheel of reincarnation has not been able to break through the magic lotus defense.

This magic lotus is very strange, with extremely powerful attack and defense, so it is difficult to break the defense of the magic lotus.

The wheel of reincarnation, rotating again, tore the void, Lin Feng caught everyone, entered the cracked void, and left quickly.

The rebellious existence of the wheel of reincarnation is too severe for mana consumption.

Therefore, Lin Feng can only manipulate three or four times at most, and the mana will be exhausted.

It is too difficult to kill the demon Saint Tianzun and others hiding in the magic lotus through the wheel of reincarnation.

The cracked void closed instantly, and Lin Feng and others had disappeared without a trace.

At this time, the six demon gods flew out of the magic lotus, but their faces were pale.

Everyone suffered a lot of injuries.

"I didn't expect him to have such a means to make me fall short. It's really annoying me." Mo Sheng Tianzun's expression is very gloomy.

Emperor Juntian said, "This sub-cultivation did not reach the **** realm. He had such a great strength. It is really incredible. I feel that his life yuan should be around 50,000 years. It has just burned 30,000 years. Therefore, he has no way to show that magical power, as long as he can block him again, this son will definitely die "!

Mo Zixie said, "We each mobilize our own strength to find Lin Feng's whereabouts, especially when we return to the Longmen domain, we must arrange more people."

"Ok……". Emperor Jun Tian, ​​Mu Qianzong and others nodded.

Mo Zixie looked at the artifacts of the Dark God Tower and said, "There are cracks in the space, and repairs should be completed as much as possible during this time."

The spirit of the Dark God Tower cannot leave the Dark God Tower, and naturally it is impossible to follow Lin Feng together.

However, the spirit of the Dark God Tower has the power of the gods, and it can already repair the broken space.

"Relax, I will restore the space crack as soon as possible, and there will definitely be no more Xiaoxiao to enter the small world at will."

Diao Shen Lou Qi Ling said.

Immediately after this group of people dispersed quickly, they each sent troops to send soldiers to find Lin Feng's whereabouts.


Three hundred miles away, in a cave.

Lin Feng sat on his knees, quickly turned the sky fire, and burned the cursing power pouring into his body.

Although he lost 30,000 years of life, Lin Feng did not feel distressed because Lin Feng knew that once he broke into the Divine Realm, he would have millions or even tens of millions of life yuan.

Thirty thousand years old is worthless.

Now he only cares about the power of the curse in his body.

The power of these curses is very strange, just like the tarsal maggot, it is difficult to remove.

Even if the sky fire is burning, it is difficult to refine these cursing powers.

"What a curse technique is really strange and silent attack. I don't even know how Mo Zixie hurt me?".

Lin Feng pondered while burning the power of the curse in his body.

He applied all three types of skyfire, and it took ten days to fully refine these cursing powers.

Until this time, Lin Feng took a breath.

"Big brother……". Just waking up, Lin Feng heard Xiao Yaoyao's voice.

Lin Feng opened his eyes and saw Xiao Yaoyao standing beside him.

The little girl's face was still very pale, which was caused by the collapse of qi and blood.

Lin Feng held Xiao Yaoyao in her arms and said, "Girl, it's okay, there is a big brother, no one can bully you in the future."

Xiao Yaoyao nodded heavily, but then tears fell down.

"What's wrong girl? Why did you cry?". Lin Feng asked distressedly.

"Uncle is dead and killed by them, Xiao Yaoyao will never see Uncle again." Xiao Yaoyao said sadly.

Although Xiao Yaoyao is naive, she is different from ordinary children, because she is the daughter of Taiyin Emperor, so although she is young, she is very intelligent and understands many things.

Lin Feng wiped away Xiao Yaoyao's tears and said, "Even if Uncle passed away, he must hope that Xiao Yaoyao can live happily. Xiaoyao Yao must be happy, you know?".

Xiao Yaoyao nestled in Lin Feng's arms, slightly nodding her head.

Lin Feng asked, "Do you know where Uncle died?"

"The lake, a very big lake, uncle said, father has been there, lived there for a while." Xiao Yaoyao said.

The little girl's body was weak, and she quickly rolled back and fell asleep in Lin Feng's arms.

Lin Feng took the Huashen fruit out.

Then Lin Feng completely refined Huashen Fruit, and all the energy was injected into Xiao Yaoyao's body.

Lin Feng's current body began to be transformed by the power of luck, and in the future Lin Feng will break through to the realm very smoothly.

I don't need this magical fruit.

However, Huashenguo is very important to Xiaoyao Yao. The inherent energy contained in it can quickly restore Xiaoyao Yao.

After absorbing these sources of energy, Xiao Yaoyao's pale complexion finally recovered some blood.

"Poison Ancestor, what do you think about what Xiao Yaoyao just said?". Lin Feng asked.

Zu Dao said, "The lake that the little girl said is probably Nanhuang Lake? It was the only lake in the world that was exiled. As for the Taiyin Emperor who lived there for a while, this seems not right. The Taiyin Great Emperor conquered that year, how could there be time to live in Nanhuang Lake, unless Taiyin Great Emperor fell to Nanhuang Lake, and then buried himself in Nanhuang Lake? "

Lin Feng was surprised. "If this is the case, does it mean that somewhere in Nanhuang Lake, while embedding Taiyin the Great, also buried a great heritage of the Great?"

The poison ancestor nodded and said, "There is indeed a possibility. If it is true, then Nanhuang Lake is worth a visit. If you can find the place where Taiyin Emperor buried himself, it will be rich. Taiyin Emperor's soldier Taiyin Emperor's sword, This is the most top-level imperial soldier. Even if the Nine Demon Figures are not divided into nine, it is not necessarily the power of the Taiyin Emperor Sword. If you can get the Taiyin Emperor Sword and cut the Buddha, it is just a matter of fingertips. Even Molian, it is estimated that the Taiyin Emperor Sword can be forcibly torn apart. "

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