Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1455: Blood Vessel Induction

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The Nanhuang Lake is endless and choppy.

It is dangerous here, because there are many powerful beasts living at the bottom of the unfathomable lake.

Some fierce beasts even have the power to destroy the sky.

Especially in the depths of Nanhuang Lake, these terrible creatures often appear.

Today, Lin Feng, Xiao Yaoyao, Poison Ancestor, and Wang Chongming came to Nanhuang Lake.

Lin Feng held Xiao Yaoyao, and the little girl put her arms around Lin Feng's neck and said, "Big Brother, Uncle died in this lake."

Lin Feng rubbed Xiao Yaoyao's head melon, the little girl had a strong memory, and she could see that this was the place she had been to.

As an emperor, there may be some abilities that Lin Feng does not know, and this ability allows Xiao Yaoyao to distinguish many things.

The poisonous ancestor said, "The endless south barren lake, the body fell into it, I am afraid that it has been buried in the belly of the fierce beast."

Lin Feng nodded, sad in his heart.

Zhou Shijun impressed Lin Feng very deeply. This is a person worth making.

But why died here.

"Brother Zhou, may you rest in peace!"

Lin Feng took out a pot of wine and sprinkled it among Nanhuang Lake.

"It seems that those in the Dark God Tower did not know that Taiyin Great Emperor buried him in Nanhuang Lake, otherwise, the people in Dark God Tower would certainly send someone to search for Nanhuang Lake." Said the poisonous ancestor.

Wang Zhongming said, "In the Dark God Tower, no one really talked about Nanhuang Lake. Although Zhou Shijun and the little princess were found here in Nanhuang Lake, the high-level of Dark Dark Tower at that time just thought that Zhou Shijun wanted to escape to the south "Hedging in a desert lake".

"Ok"! Lin Feng nodded.

They went all the way to Nanhuang Lake and found some monks in Nanhuang Lake.

Wang Chongming said, "Nanhuang Lake is very rich in resources, such as a lake bottom vegetation called black vine grass, which has high medicinal value, and many pharmacies have very high purchase prices, so many people venture into the south. Collecting this kind of black vine grass for sale in the barren lake, of course, in addition to the black vine grass, there are many resources at the bottom of the lake, which are worth collecting for adventure! "

The poison ancestor said, "It is a matter of time for people to die for money and birds for food."

"Escape ..." A dozen monks rushed out of the distant lake, and the monks made a terrified cry and fled around.

Just after they rushed out of the lake, a grey dragon rushed out.

The gray dragon was about three hundred meters in length, engulfed everyone in a single bite, then drilled into the lake, and disappeared.

Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh with emotion, saying, "The ordinary monk is really not easy."

The poison ancestor said, "Mortal people have a hard time surviving, but monks have difficulty cultivating. For mortals to seek a meal, monks seek resources for cultivation."

"This may be the life of all kinds"! Lin Feng muttered to himself.

Three days later, Lin Feng and others entered the central area of ​​the lake, and there were very few monks active here. They may not be able to meet other monks after flying for a long time.

Because here is more dangerous than the surrounding area.

Many people will not come here to take risks.

"Roar……". The roar was shaking, and a beast rushed out of the lake.

This evil beast has three heads. The left head is like a lion's head, the right head is like a crocodile head, the left head is like a shark head, and the body is like a python body.

Such a weird beast, Lin Feng saw it for the first time.

This evil beast was very terrible, and the tail suddenly twitched, breaking the void.

And all three heads are capable of squirting various attacks.

A fireball with destructive power spewed out of the lion's head.

Lightning strikes from the crocodile's head.

The shark's head spouted dense water arrows.


"Wow, I'm blessed tonight." After seeing the evil beast, the poison ancestor yelled and rushed towards the evil beast directly.

Although this evil beast is very powerful, it is not the opponent of the poison ancestor, and was killed by the poison ancestor three strokes.

"Don't get your poison, otherwise there is no way to eat it." Lin Feng said.

"Quack, is the son still afraid of being highly toxic?", The poisonous ancestor cried out.

Lin Feng said, "I am not afraid, Xiao Yaoyao and Wang Chongming are afraid."

The poison ancestor said, "Hey, the son does not know, this little girl is not simple, she is the bloodline of the emperor's descendants, and the blood in the body can resolve the highly toxic, so this little girl will not be afraid of poison."

Wang Chongming suddenly wanted to cry without tears, and he said with a bitter smile, "You ancestors do good deeds, and look at the juniors who are dedicated to serving you, don't poison the juniors."

The poisonous ancestor scolded, "Look at your point, you resist this monster, let you try my craft tonight."

When the night was getting late, Lin Feng stopped a few people on an island, and then raised a bonfire. The poisonous ancestor began to take out the scoops and jars in the storage ring, and various condiments were taken out. When did the poison ancestor buy it?

The poison ancestor said, "The monks must treat themselves well, or they should not eat or eat the most delicious things, so the monks should practice good cooking skills."

Lin Feng smiled and said, "What kind of crookedness do you think, some people are like ascetic monks, and even eat Pigudan for cultivation?"

Zuzu said, "This kind of life is really boring."

At night, Lin Feng and others tasted the craftsmanship of the poison ancestors.

This guy's craftsmanship is really good, even Xiao Yaoyao's belly is full of food.

After eating, Lin Feng rested on the branch of a big tree. Xiao Yaoyao lay in Lin Feng's arms and chatted with Lin Feng for a while. The little girl fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, Lin Feng was awakened.

Xiao Yaoyao's body glowed with golden light, and the blood in her body was flowing faster and faster.

"Big brother, Xiao Yaoyao is so hot." Xiao Yaoyao was hot and sweating.

"Poison ancestor, do you see what happened to Xiao Yaoyao?" Lin Feng jumped from the big tree holding Xiao Yaoyao.

The poison ancestor glanced at and said, "This golden light is produced by the operation of the Emperor's blood. If I guess it is good, it must be blood vessel induction."

"Could it be that the emperor's corpse of Taiyin had a bloodline induction?". Lin Feng said in surprise.

Zuzu nodded and said, "Yes! There is indeed a possibility."

"boom……". It was at this time that a rumbling noise came from the depths of Nanhuang Lake.

A huge island phantom appeared.

The endless golden light rushed to the sky.

"God, what is that? An illusory island?". All the monks in Nanhuang Lake were alarmed and saw the huge unreal island in the depths.

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