Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1469: Break through again

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The battle with Jinwu Shengjun made Lin Feng have a general understanding of his strength. Although Lin Feng's strength is already very good, there is still a considerable gap between the powerful players in the realm of Shenhuo.

After all, Lin Feng is now only the sixth realm of reincarnation. It is two big realms and 14 small realms away from Shenhuo Realm, and two big realms and 17 small realms are different from Jinwu Shengjun.

The reason why Lin Feng has been fighting Jinwu Shengjun for so long depends mainly on his own magic weapon to take advantage, and then there are three poisonous puppets and undead **** bodies.

"Every realm of Shenhuo differs by one realm, and cultivation is like the difference between heaven and earth. It seems that this sentence is really good!"

Lin Feng frowned slightly.

He activated the Purple Electric Hammer to let Jinwu Shengjun escape, showing how strong Jinwu Shengjun is.

Jinwu Shengjun is comparable to Mo Zixie, and Emperor Tiantian is much more powerful.

Now let Jinwu Shengjun escape, this person must be more cautious, and then want to kill Jinwu Shengjun, it will be even more difficult.

"It seems that we still need to continue to improve our strength. The stronger our own strength, the more powerful the purple electric hammer will play when the purple electric hammer is activated."

Lin Feng muttered to himself.

The escape of Jinwu Shengjun also means that the overall defeat of the monks ’army in Dayiyu has become overwhelming.

The Longmen domain monk army not only occupied the 18 ancient cities originally occupied by the Tianzhou domain monk army.

At the same time, it also occupied 32 ancient cities occupied by the monks of the Great Sun.

In this way, the Longmen domain monk army mastered the 65 ancient cities of the poison domain.

Most of the territory of the poison domain was occupied by the Longmen domain.

Immediately afterwards, all the empires under the 65 ancient cities began to build temples.

By this time Lin Feng had returned to Black Rock City.

Three days later, good news came.

The poison ancestor and the five big families in Tianzhou City should cooperate with each other.

The Tianzhou City ban was broken by the five big families in Tianzhou City, and the monks of Longmen Yu were able to break through Tianzhou City.

The emperor's family was destroyed.

The family of Juntian Emperor who ruled Tianzhou for millions of years became history.

All the territories in the Tianzhou domain are included in the Longmen domain.

Sixty-five ancient cities of the original poison domain were also included in the Longmen domain.


Longmen domain can be described as a substantial increase in strength.

With the expansion of the Longmen region, coupled with the prestige of Lin Feng to cut the two main domain owners and the landlord of the Dark God Tower.

Exiled from the big world, many powerful people came to Lin Feng.

The Longmen domain has become one of the most powerful domains to banish the world.

There were also some domain masters who sent special envoys and brought gifts to the Longmen domain to see Lin Feng.

Lin Feng met the special envoys of these domain owners.

However, it is not clear who these domain owners are sincere and who are hypocritical.

The newly-incorporated sites all began to build temples. As more and more temples were built, more and more belief power was generated, and the strength of the Divine Reality avatars was also continuously improved.

Lin Feng also chose to retreat. He wanted to refine the origin of the gods after the fall of Jun Tiandi and Mo Zixie.

Lin Feng retired for a month, and after completing the customs clearance, he broke through to the eighth heaven of reincarnation.

Seeing a violent breakthrough in the **** realm is not too far away, which makes Lin Feng very excited, he has been looking forward to breaking through the **** realm.

Because only reaching the divine realm will life complete transformation.

After leaving the border, Lin Feng was pleasantly surprised to find that the Divine Realm avatar had broken through to the Nine Heavy Heavens.

Breaking through another level is the tenth heaven of the False God Realm.

Once you reach the tenth heaven of the virtual **** realm, and break through to the **** fire realm, it is also just around the corner.

The breakthrough speed of Divine Realm avatar is faster than Lin Feng imagined. All this is attributed to the massive construction of temples, countless people praying, and the generation of a large amount of power of faith can be absorbed by Divine Realm.

On this day Lin Feng summoned the poison ancestor. He planned to go to the chaotic domain with the poison ancestor and destroy the old nest of the dark **** tower in the chaotic domain.

If it is possible, Lin Feng also wants to conquer the treasure of the Dark God Tower.

This is definitely an extremely terrifying treasure. The power is infinite, and the strength of the spirit is also extremely powerful. If it can be subdued, it will be a great help to Lin Feng in the future.

Lin Feng asked Shenjing to sit in the Longmen domain, and then he and the poison ancestor went to the old nest of the Dark God Tower, but when he came here, he found that this small world was empty.

The poison ancestor said, "It seems that he left after learning that Mo Zixie was beheaded."

Lin Feng nodded and said, "The artifacts of the Dark God Tower can wake up anytime and anywhere. It seems to be different from other artifacts and spirits. Could it be that the so-called instrument repair is not possible?".

The so-called instrument repair is also quite easy to understand, referring to the magic weapon as the "flesh" with the magic weapon itself.

The magic weapon is regarded as the soul.

Use this to practice.

This is the same as the cultivation of human monks, except that the path of cultivation is more difficult than that of human monks.

The poison ancestor touched his chin and said, "It is indeed possible that the spirit of the Dark God Tower is a repair. Now that it wants to hide, we want to find it, which is not an easy thing."

Lin Feng and the poison ancestor finally returned to the Dragon Gate domain.

About two months later, a huge twisted vortex suddenly appeared above Blackstone.

The vortex completely covered a radius of a hundred miles.

Countless people were alarmed and looked at the huge vortex that suddenly appeared in the sky. I don't know why the vortex appeared.

Lin Feng walked out holding Xiao Yaoyao.

"Brother, what is that?". Xiao Yaoyao asked doubtfully.

Lin Feng said, "Big Brother doesn't know now, maybe he will know later."

The poison ancestor said, "This is a vortex of time and space"!

"Vortex of time and space? What stuff?" Lin Feng asked doubtfully.

The poison ancestor said, "The vortex connected to the outer space and time is equivalent to a teleportation array connected to the outer space and time. The extraterrestrial world is afraid that something will come to this world.

Lin Feng's heart shook.

The extraterrestrial world actually refers to the vast expanse of starry sky.

Shenjing, you can travel outside the world.

But it does not mean that if you break through the Divine Realm, you can really travel to the extraterrestrial world.

The extraterrestrial world is a dark and icy world. It is boundless. Once you enter the extraterrestrial world, if there is no ancient picture of the starry sky, you will get lost.

Once lost in the extraterrestrial world, even if it is God, there is only one way to go.

Therefore, Lin Feng can actually travel outside the territory, but he has not left the world to open up the world.

That's because Lin Feng didn't know how to go to Tianwu Continent from the exile world.

He has no ancient pictures of stars and enters the extraterrestrial world.

Rumble ...

Suddenly, there was a huge noise, and there seemed to be something rushing out of that huge vortex of time and space.

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