Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1470: A double emperor

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What the **** is coming? The eyes of countless people are full of curiosity.

Of course, in addition to curiosity, there are also worries. After all, everything is unknown, maybe something terrible will happen.

The rumbling noise rang through the clouds, and finally, everyone saw what it was.

A huge ancient ship flew out of the vortex of time and space.

"An ancient ship in the starry sky ...". The poison ancestor was surprised.

In the past, the poison ancestors had also traveled in the void, so in the world of the void, I saw the ancient ship of the void.

However, because there was no ancient map of the starry sky, the poison ancestor almost fell into the starry sky. After nine deaths, he returned to the world of exile.

And such an ancient starry sky ship is coming, it is obvious that the monks in the ancient starry sky ship have mastered the ancient starry sky map.

These people can navigate the starry sky ship in the starry sky world, which shows that the monks in the starry sky ship are extremely powerful.

You know, sailing in the sky is a dangerous thing.

First of all, we must deal with the storms of time and space, and we must also deal with the powerful beasts in the starry sky world. Without the strength, entering the starry sky and sailing is simply looking for our own way.

The ancient ship in the starry sky stopped at the top of the Black Rock City.

It didn't take long for a 7- or 8-year-old girl to jump out.

The little girl is very aura, wearing a long white dress.

Like a little fairy.

"It's Miss Sister ...". Xiao Yaoyao pointed at the little girl.

Lin Feng was also very surprised at this moment, turned out to be the little fairy seen in the holy mountain.

This little fairy really exists in the world.

This surprised Lin Feng.

Soon, more than a dozen people came out of the starry sky ancient ship, these people are male and female, old and young, but each of them is extraordinary.

The little fairy pointed at Xiao Yaoyao held in Lin Feng's arms and said something to the elders around her.

At this time, a group of people flew down, and an old man looked at Xiao Yaoyao excitedly.

"Is it Princess Yaoyao?". The old man asked, after seeing Xiao Yaoyao, he had burst into tears.

"Should you call Xiao Yaoyao Princess Yaoyao? Are these people the monks of Taiyin Emperor?". Lin Feng's heart moved, and couldn't help thinking.

Taiyin Emperor is not a person who banished the world.

He only went through the world of exile, and couldn't bear to watch the death of countless innocent creatures in the world of exile in the hands of foreign monks. Only then came the world of exile and led the war between the monks of the world and the foreign monks.

This shows that in the outside world, perhaps somewhere in the starry sky world, there should be the clan of Taiyin Emperor.

"Grandpa, who are you? Why do you know me?". Xiao Yaoyao was lying in Lin Feng's arms and looked at the old man in doubt.

The old man said, "Little princess, when you were only one year old, the old slave once held you."

Lin Feng took a breath.

Xiao Yaoyao was sealed in the stone by the Taiyin Emperor in the Archaic era.

The age of the ancient times has now passed hundreds of millions of years.

In front of me, the old man who claimed to be an old slave lived from the ancient times to the present. What is this cultivation?

Giant God? Prospector?

Lin Feng was the first time he saw a strong man at this level.

Xiao Yaoyao thought about it and said, "Yeah, is Grandpa Grandpa Chu?"

Hearing Xiao Yaoyao's words, the old man's tears suddenly shed again.

He choked back, "I didn't expect the little princess to remember the old slave. The old slave finally found the little princess. Even if the old slave died, he would have a face to see the emperor under the sun."

"Dad is dead, and Uncle Zhou who took care of Xiaoyao Yao is also dead, leaving only Xiaoyaoya alone. Later, the big brother found Xiaoyaoyao. Xiaoyaoya had a big brother, and now Xiaoyaoya has another Grandpa Chu and Miss Sister ".

Xiao Yaoyao smiled happily.

"Yaoyao, do you remember sister?" The little fairy asked in surprise.

"Xiao Yaoyao certainly remembers that you are the uncle's daughter, and you are Xiao Yaoyao's younger sister." Xiao Yaoyao said.

Lin Feng was surprised, no wonder that when Xiao Yaoyao saw the little fairy, she called her Miss Sister. It turned out that the little fairy was a child of Xiao Yaoyao's uncle.

These memories should be those inherited from the blood of Xiao Yaoyao.

Including Xiao Yaoyao can recognize this unfathomable old servant, it should also be a memory of blood.

"When Princess Xianyun dreamed, she dreamed of Princess Yaoyao. This may be the connection of the blood. In the dream, Princess Xianyun traveled outside the sky and came to this world. I saw Princess Yaoyao. If it were not Princess Xianyun, we I can't find Princess Yaoyao yet. "

Said the old man.

Lin Feng asked, "Is this fairy princess also sealed in stone?"

The old man nodded, "In that year the emperor deduced Zhou Tian and found that Princess Xianyun had a hard time, so she sealed Princess Xianyun."

"Little Yaoyao who was sealed by the emperor?". Lin Feng was a little dazed. Was Princess Xianyun sealed by Xiaoyao Yao's father Taiyin?

As if the old man knew what Lin Feng thought, he said, "The emperor I am talking about is not Taiyin Emperor, but Sun Emperor. Sun Emperor and Taiyin Emperor are a pair of brothers and a pair of emperors. Occurrences ".

Lin Feng was shocked!

Becoming an emperor is a difficult thing, and Xiao Yaoyao's father has two emperors.

Still a brother.

This is amazing.

The old man continued, "This time I am waiting to come to pick up Princess Yaoyao."

Lin Feng had already guessed the purpose of the old man and others coming.

Although reluctant.

But Lin Feng knew that Xiao Yaoyao followed them away, which was the best choice.

Return to your family.

There are strong asylum.

Can also get the best training.

In the future, when Xiao Yaoyao grows up, her blood will at least reach the realm of giant **** or even quasi-emperor.

If you can prove it, you can even become a generation of empresses.

"No, Xiao Yaoyao will follow his big brother. Xiao Yaoyao will never leave his big brother." Xiao Yaoyao hugged Lin Feng's neck tightly and buried his head in Lin Feng's arms.

"Princess Yaoyao, obedient, we are now back to our own home ...", the old man petted Xiao Yaoyao's head mesmerizingly.

But suddenly, the old man's face became extremely gloomy.

In his eyes, there is endless killing intention.

At that moment, Lin Feng felt like the old man had become a **** of death coming out of hell.

The old man suppressed the sky's anger and asked with a somber look: "The little princess's blood was defeated, who took her emperor's blood?".

Lin Feng said, "A force called the Dark God Tower took Xiao Yaoyao away and took the blood of his emperor to cultivate the **** fruit."

"Dark God Tower"!

The old man roared loudly, a million miles of void, and collapsed instantly.

Lin Feng horrified, this strength is too scary, right?

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