Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1471: Dark God Tower destroyed

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This old man was called Chu Wannian. In his old days, he took care of the Taiyin Great Emperor when he was a boy.

Chu Lao's feelings for Taiyin Great Emperor or Xiao Yaoyao are very deep. Now, seeing Xiao Yaoyao being robbed, his heart is full of anger for nine days.

Lin Feng murmured in his heart that the Dark God Tower was suffering this time. With this person's strength, there must be a way to find the Dark God Tower.

"This Dark God Tower should not continue to exist in the world."

Some of Yaoyao's people said angrily.

What kind of glory do they have in this vein, a double emperor?

Now, the daughter of the emperor was caught by someone to take his blood and cultivate the **** fruit.

How can they endure such anger?

This is no longer a pure anger, but also a distress to Xiao Yaoyao, and a sense of shame.

Some people dared to poison the emperor, this is to provoke their family.


"Where is the Dark God Tower?". Said a young son.

This is a god, unusually powerful, with the blood of the emperor. He is the descendant of the sun emperor. He is also the most outstanding young generation leader. He was called Chu Fei. He was originally glorious and gloomy.

"Originally there were three strongholds in the Dark God Tower. I used to go to the stronghold where Xiao Yaoyao was imprisoned some time ago. I wanted to destroy this stronghold, but someone has already gone to the empty building. The other two strongholds were unknown.

Lin Feng said.

"Dark God Tower will be destroyed". Chu Lao's voice revealed a cold killing intent.

He personally shot and came to all domains.

Chu Lao's breath did not converge at all. Those closed retreats felt the terrifying breath and endless killing intentions. The whole body was trembling. It was really too powerful. It is difficult to imagine what level of strong men came. Even if they As a god, after feeling this breath, I still feel weak like ants.

"Where is the Dark God Tower? Those who provide clues live, those without clues die!"

Chu Lao looked indifferent, his voice was cold, and there was endless murderous intention.

The masters of your domain are shaking, who is this person? Even looking for the Dark God Tower, it is obvious that this terrifying strong man has deep grievances for the Dark God Tower.

Could it be?

The clan of Taiyin Emperor?

These domain owners have also become elite figures, and they have thought of a certain possibility.

The Dark God Tower imprisoned the emperor.

If Lin Feng had rescued the emperor, now the emperor might have died in the Dark God Tower.

Was it the Taiyin emperor's tribe who found the world in exile?

If so, everything is easy to explain.

These domain masters told Chu Lao all the information they knew, and dared not conceal anything, because Chu Lao was really too powerful, and they did not want to seek their own way.

In the end, Chu Lao found two strongholds of the Dark God Tower.

He forcibly tore the void, instantly came to the first stronghold, and then raised his right hand, tearing the crystal wall of this small world.

"Who dares to destroy my small world of Dark God Tower?". The roar came, and countless powerful people rushed out.

Chu Lao looked indifferent, his big hand waved, and the monstrous mana surged out.

The small world where the stronghold of Dark God Tower is located has been refined by Chu Lao and has become the size of a slap. Inside is the monk of Dark God Tower.

Chu Lao smashed this small world with a slap. Chu Lao's cultivation practice was too horrible, so powerful that it made people desperate.

Chu Lao tears the void again and comes to another small world. He tears the crystal wall of the world and enters this small world.

"Please ancestors ...".

The monks of this small world knew that a strong man had committed it, and could not help but roar.

They moved out a stone.

This is the essence of the Dark God Tower.

There are two great backgrounds in the Dark Tower, the first one is the treasure of Dark Tower, and the name of the forces of Dark Tower is also named after the treasure of Dark Tower.

The second most important thing is this self-styled stone.

This is the existence of a real god.

Ancient and powerful, he sealed himself in stone and lived to the present.

"Who are you? Dare to break into the small world of My Dark God Tower?"! The creature opening himself in the stone.

"Such a force dares to hurt the little princess, and your sins are unforgivable." Chu Lao's voice was cold, and he slapped towards the true **** strongman who was self-styled in stone.

"you……". The real **** strong man felt something was wrong when Chu Lao shot, it was too horrible, he couldn't fight at all, he turned around and fled.

However, he was slapped to death by Chu Lao's slap, and he couldn't resist Chu Lao's attack at all.

"Ancestor is dead ...". Countless people shouted in horror.

The Treasure of the Dark God Tower was originally closed and repairing the building because of the damage, but now it is shocked to get out of the gate, turning into a black gas and trying to escape, but how can he escape from the eyes of Chu Lao?

In the end, Dark God Tower was smashed by Chu Lao.

This treasure is destroyed.

Later, Chu Lao stomped gently, the whole small world shattered, no one could escape, and all the monks in the Dark God Tower fell.

From the destruction of the first stronghold, to the time and space spanning hundreds of millions of miles, and the destruction of the second stronghold, the time before and after did not reach half an hour. The cultivation practice of Chu Lao was really a public parameter.

The Dark God Tower was destroyed in this way, and this event caused an uproar in the exile of the world.

Now many domain owners are extremely worried, because they worry that the mysterious old man will shoot them again.

Perhaps the most frightened is the Jinwu Shengjun, who has grieved with Lin Feng, and now those strong men are in the Longmen domain.

Jinwu Shengjun was almost scared.

Chu Lao returned to the Longmen area. Xiao Yaoyao did not want to leave with Chu Lao and others. Chu Lao and others temporarily lived in Blackstone City.

But Xiao Yaoyao still likes to play with little fairies.

Chu Lao looked at Xiao Yaoyao playing with the little fairy in the distance, and showed a kind expression. It is difficult to imagine that this kind old man only extinguished the Dark God Tower not long ago.

"You also need to persuade the princess Yaoyao". Chu Lao said.

"The juniors will do their best." Lin Feng said.

Chu Lao said, "You have kindness to Princess Yaoyao, what do you want? Magical power? Magic weapon, wealth, although you can make your own demands."

Lin Feng said, "Everything I do for Yaoyao is not something for seniors."

Chu Lao said, "I naturally know this, so the old man really appreciates you."

Lin Feng hesitated and said, "Since the predecessors said so, then the juniors want an ancient starry sky."

"Where do you want to go?" Chu Lao asked.

"Have seniors ever heard of Tianwu Continent?". Lin Feng asked.

"So you are going here". Chu Lao nodded and said, "At night, I will let someone send you the ancient starry sky."

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