Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1476: It ’s all dead, only me alive ...

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"It has been more than a month, and I still cannot leave this undead star sea. Is the area of ​​the undead star sea too large?". Lin Feng frowned slightly.

The undead star sea is full of strange places. The longer you stay in this place, the more you can feel the evil of the undead star sea.

"The poisonous ancestor said," We will not lose our course? "

Lin Feng's right hand was a little in the void, followed by an ancient starry sky image formed by the power of starlight suspended in midair.

This ancient picture of the starry sky is exactly the ancient picture of the starry sky in the undead star sea.

"We have always been moving in this direction, and there should be no problems."

Lin Feng holds a starry compass in his hand. This is a starry compass, which can be distinguished in all directions from southeast to northwest in the boundless starry sky.

Of course, if you don't use the starry sky compass, you can also look at the stars in the starry sky world.

A star field like the undead star sea is just a relatively small star field.

The real big star fields, such as the Hunter Star Field, the Little Bear Star Field, and the Big Dipper Star Field, these star fields are extremely large in size. Therefore, whether on the planet or in the starry sky, these huge star fields can be seen shining brightly Light.

This is also one of the ways to identify the direction.

For example, the direction of the Big Dipper field is north.

For example, the hunter constellation directs to the southeast and so on.

The poison ancestor said, "The course is correct, will you not encounter the magnetic field? Are we trapped here?".

"Crow mouth ...". Lin Feng rolled his eyes.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems not unreasonable.

Lin Feng said, "I can only continue to sail for a while and watch while walking. Hopefully, I am not caught in the magnetic field of the star sea of ​​death. Otherwise, we will be in big trouble."

The poison ancestor nodded, his expression also dignified.

Five days later, Lin Feng saw a dense light appearing in the black death star sea outside.

This made him feel very surprised.

He walked out of the cabin and came to the deck, looking towards the distance.

Zuzu also walked out with him.

Those light spots gradually chased from behind.

Soon, Lin Feng saw what the light spots were.

It turned out to be a small boat.

There was a man sitting on each boat, lighting an oil lamp, and the boat fluttered in the sea of ​​death stars.

"How come there are so many people?".

Lin Feng was surprised.

The poisonous ancestor numb his scalp, he said, "That's not a person, it's an undead, they are all monks who died in the starry sky, turned into undead, now they are riding a boat to the underworld"

Hearing the words of the poison ancestor, Lin Feng felt cold in his back, "We are living people, they are dead souls, how can we go the same way? We will not go to the underworld too? We lost our way?"

The poisonous ancestor nodded bitterly and said, "Perhaps it is. We unconsciously lost our way and entered the ancient road to the starry sky to the underworld."

Lin Feng's mood is abnormally bad. The Underworld is where the dead will go. If he and the poison ancestor really went to the Underworld, it means that he and the poison ancestor will be transformed into undead.

But now, Lin Feng does not know how to change the course.

"It's all dead, only I'm alive ...".


A faint voice resounded between heaven and earth.

Listen carefully, it seems to be a woman's voice.

"Who is speaking?". Lin Feng wondered.

"No one speaks." The poison ancestor murmured.

"Did you hear the voice?". Lin Feng looked at the poison ancestor in surprise.

Zuzu nodded and said, "Did not hear it!"

Lin Feng murmured, "Is it because I heard it wrong?"

Lin Feng returned to the cabin to study the ancient maps of the stars, hoping to find a way to leave soon.

You must return to the right ancient road as soon as possible.

Otherwise, Lin Feng is really worried that, like these ancient ships of the undead, when they enter the underworld, they will really be lost.

"It's all dead, only I'm alive ...".

The voice came again.

It is much clearer than before.

Lin Feng suddenly jumped from the ground.

Tu Zu shouted, "Are you okay? Didn't you find a way to escape and got mad?".

"Dogs bark"!

Lin Feng rolled his eyes and kicked the poison ancestor away.

The poisonous ancestor grinned, and then got up from the ground.

Lin Feng said, "I heard that voice again."

"What the **** is that?". The poisonous ancestor asked doubtfully.

"It's all dead, only I'm alive ...". Lin Feng said.

At this time, the poisonous ancestor also felt something wrong. He swallowed a spit and said, "This undead star sea is really too weird. I'm afraid we have encountered something more strange now."

Lin Feng nodded and said, "I want to calm down and try to communicate with the existence."

He sat cross-legged, trying to calm himself.


Lin Feng heard the voice again.

"It's all dead, only I'm alive ...".

This time it was much clearer than before.

Gradually, if Lin Feng saw a place far away, there was a woman.

She is walking alone in the starry sky world.

She is full of sadness.

Back to Lin Feng.

Repeat a sentence constantly.

She seemed to be abandoned by the world.

From the back view, it should be an extremely beautiful woman, she has a perfect body.

Her dark hair fell to her waist, and a white long skirt set her off like a goddess of nine days.

"Who is she? Why walk alone in the starry sky world?".

Lin Feng wondered, the appearance of such a woman was really surprising.

Many doubts appeared in his heart.

Lin Feng sensed the woman's position, then he changed course and chased towards the woman.

I don't know how long it took.

Suddenly, the ancient ship in the starry sky shook violently, as if hitting something, and like a rebellious starry sky raging through a starry sky storm.

In the end, the ancient ship in the starry sky rushed out of the area where the undead ship was located.

The voice disappeared.

Lin Feng can no longer sense the mysterious woman.

"Return to the correct course". Tu Zu shouted excitedly.

Lin Feng also took a breath and finally found the correct course.

As for the mysterious woman.

She may exist in the world.

Or maybe.

It's just a mark of time.

Lin Feng no longer guessed the woman's identity.

The ancient ship in the sky continues to sail.

About a day later.

Lin Feng saw a huge ancient ship appear in front.

"An old ship with such a big starry sky? I'm afraid it's a giant ship with a giant starry sky." Said the poisonous ancestor.

They accelerated to catch up.

But after approaching the huge starry ancient ship, Lin Feng suddenly took a breath.

Thirty-six chains were tied behind the huge starry sky ancient ship.

And the thirty-six black and thick chains were wrapped around a cyan sarcophagus.

Cyan sarcophagus.

The sarcophagus where the emperor was buried.

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