Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1477: Ancient ship pulling coffin

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The cyan sarcophagus is extraordinary. Lin Feng and the poison ancestors have already seen the cyan sarcophagus in the depths of the Holy Mountain in exile.


This is the second cyan sarcophagus seen.

The blue sarcophagus where the emperor was buried has many secrets.

Today, the ancient ship is pulling the coffin. Is this cyan sarcophagus empty?

Or buried an emperor?

"Who's on this ancient ship? It wasn't that they found a cyan sarcophagus in the extraterrestrial sky world? Then they wanted to pull it back to their clan." The poison ancestor murmured.

Lin Feng touched his chin and felt that the ancestor's claim was still very possible.

Zu Zu continued, "What shall we do now? Should we go up and say hello?".

Lin Feng said, "Maybe we have already been found?"

The poison ancestor said, "Then go up and explore the bottom of these people. This undead star sea is really strange. Our old starry sky ship is too small, so it is more difficult to resist various evil things. The road is also the reason, if you can follow this ancient ship to leave the undead star sea, the probability of successfully leaving the undead star sea is greater. "

Lin Feng nodded, he also agreed with the poison ancestors.

Although now they have escaped from the ancient starry sky road to the underworld.


There is still no way to leave the undead star sea.

The undead star sea is in danger, and perhaps even more terrible crisis is waiting, and it is the best way to leave by this huge ancient starry sky ship.

Lin Feng and they got closer and found the flag above the starry ship.

This ancient ship is called "Guxie", which is a strange name.

I don't know if there is any moral.

Lin Feng's old starry sky ship was originally called Feiyun. It is estimated to be the name of Chu Laoqi. Now Lin Feng has changed it to the Supreme.

Of course, Lin Feng's supreme ship can't be compared with the ancient evil ship in front of him.

The captain of this ancient evil starry sky is thousands of meters in height and three to four hundred meters high.

Lin Feng's supreme number is only 15 meters in length.

It is too small.

When Lin Feng's Supreme Starry Sky Ship gradually approached this ancient evil Starry Sky Ship.


The ancient ship Xing Xingkong disappeared and disappeared.

"No, change course and go away ..." Lin Feng's face changed slightly.

I do n’t know if the people on the ancient ship Xingxing Starry Sky are willing to let Lin Feng ’s Supreme Starry Skyfellow ship follow, so the course that was changed only has to be changed.

Lin Feng chased a few times, but failed to chase the ancient starry sky ship.

"The speed is too fast, running without a trace"! Lin Feng said helplessly.

The poisonous ancestor said, "That ancient starry ship is very advanced at first glance. It is too normal for our little broken ship to catch up."

Any ancient ship in the starry sky is extremely precious.

Even Lin Feng ’s ‘little broken ship’ is worthless.

Of course, the Supreme number is relatively small, but it is not broken.

The poisonous ancestor called it a small broken ship, meaning self-ridicule.

The Sovereign continued to fly in the sea of ​​death star, another three days passed, and still could not fly away from the sea of ​​death star.

Lin Feng sat in the cabin and studied the ancient pictures of the stars.

The poison ancestor said, "I have been unable to leave for a long time. It seems that we are really in trouble and will not be trapped here forever."

This is what Lin Feng is worried about.

But now.

Lin Feng did not find a way to leave the star sea of ​​death.

The rumbling noise came from the front, Lin Feng and the poison ancestor were alarmed, and they rushed out of the cabin.

Arriving on the deck, the two looked towards the distance, and they saw that the ancient starship and ancient ship that had disappeared once again appeared.

"This ancient ship is really strange. It disappeared before. It seems to be deliberately avoiding us. Now it appears again. What is the monk on the ancient ship of the ancient evil star?", The poison ancestor murmured.

The ancestor of the poisonous ancestor is usually out of control.

But in fact, he is very cautious.

It was suppressed in the past.

Almost fell.

Finally, the poison ancestor cherished his life very much.

Lin Feng said, "The monks on this ancient ship did not directly attack us, indicating that they did not want to attack us. As for why they left and appeared, it is not easy to guess. Let's go and see."

The poison ancestor nodded.

Lin Feng urged the speed of the Supreme to the fastest, and finally caught up with the "Old Evil".

"Can Dao friends on board be able to carry us for a ride? There must be good rewards". Lin Feng shouted loudly.

But there was no movement on the ancient ship.

"It's quite arrogant, even ignore us, let me call", said Du Zu.

Lin Feng simply let the poison ancestors to speak.

"The people on the Guxie will listen to me. We will take your boat and come out to meet us quickly." Shouted the poisonous ancestor.

The ancestor's scream came with some arrogance, but this also conformed to the character of the ancestor.

However, no one on the Guxie answered them.

"This ancient ship is not right." Lin Feng now feels that this ancient ship is very wrong.

The ancient ship pulled the coffin ... and it was still the most mysterious cyan sarcophagus, which was too devilish.

Plus, this place is still the death star sea.

Suddenly, Lin Feng thought of a certain possibility, but he dared not confirm the credibility of this guess.

He looked at the poison ancestor and said, "Don't you say that the dead Xinghai ruined a great emperor?"

The poison ancestor nodded and said, "Yeah, this is a legend passed down from old to old."

Lin Feng pointed his finger at the blue sarcophagus bound by the thirty-six chains at the stern of the ancient ship Xingkong.

The poison ancestor took a breath and said, "Do you suspect that the cyan sarcophagus buried the legendary emperor?".

Lin Feng said, "It is not without this possibility."

"We have been unable to leave the sea of ​​death stars for a long time, and now we encounter this ancient evil ship indeed revealing many strange places, so your words, I think it is still very possible.

The poison ancestor said after a moment.

"Is the Guxie really the same as we guessed, just look up and you will know." Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the huge starry ancient ship.

Now I feel more and more that this ancient evil starship is very wrong, but there is something wrong, Lin Feng can't say it, this is a very strange feeling.

The poisonous ancestor also agreed to explore.

Lin Feng let Shenjing avatar control the ancient ship of Supreme Starry Star followed.

And he flew with the poison ancestor onto the ancient ship Xingxing.

A cold breath came from the cabin of the ancient ship Xingxing Starry Sky.

Lin Feng and the poison ancestor looked towards the cabin of the ancient ship Xingxing Starry Sky, where it was completely dark, like a black hole devouring life.

Exudes an eerie breath.

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