Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1484: Evil Eye Clan Powerful in Exotic World

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"That's how the foreign monk died?". Lin Feng's stunned expression.

The poison ancestor was also surprised.

What kind of horrible existence does the foreign monk have? Powerful enough to make people desperate.

Today, it just fell.

It's unbelievable.

Lin Feng naturally knew that this was because of the Ancient Lord of the Rings. This piece of the devil's treasure was too strange.

Even the life force of the foreign monk was swallowed up by it.

"what is the problem?". The poisonous ancestor looked at Lin Feng doubtfully. He still doesn't know the reason why the foreign monk died.

Lin Feng said, "It's because of a baby called the Ancient Lord of the Rings. This baby is extremely strange to me. It was just that the Ancient Lord of the Rings devoured the vitality of the foreign monk, and he turned into a pair of bones in an instant.

"Ancient Lord of the Rings? One of the five treasures of the demon world", the poison ancestor took a breath.

Lin Feng was surprised, but did not expect that the ancient Lord of the Rings had such a large origin. No wonder that before he could devour the life force of a foreign monk, it turned out to be one of the five treasures of the demon world.

What are the five greatest treasures in the Devil Realm Lin Feng is not clear, and it is not the time to ask.

The urgent task now is to quickly break the ban and leave this ancient ship.

This ancient ship is too evil. Does the ghost know if there are more powerful foreign monks?

Lin Feng was about to crack the ban on the ancient ship, but at this time, the sound of dong dong came from the ancient ship again.

When he heard that voice, Lin Feng's face changed suddenly.

The poisonous ancestor's face also became unusually difficult to look at.

Obviously, another foreign monk came out.

Without much convention, the second exotic monk came out. This exotic monk is very similar to human beings.

He is very handsome and naked. His upper body is naked.

On him, nine strange eyes were born.

This is the "family of evil eyes" among foreign monks. The eyes born on them are extremely scary and strange.

Those nine eyes are said to be able to penetrate the Three Realms and Six Ways.

The body of this evil eye clan monk is also extremely thin, but compared to the previously killed exotic monk, the skin of the evil eye clan monk has not dried up.

Obviously, this evil-eye monk is much stronger than the exotic monk who just died.

"Wulihan, this waste, will actually die in the hands of you lowly creatures, and it has really lost the face of our exotic world." The evil-eye monk cursed in a low voice.

The foreign monk who died before was obviously what he called "Ulihan".

Lin Feng said, "It seems that you are also a foreign monk cursed by the emperor's corpse. You are not staying in the foreign world well, but you have come to the 3,000 world. If you have the present end, you really deserve it."

"Ok?". The foreign monk's eyebrows suddenly picked up suddenly, and there was a burst of beauty in his eyes.

A ants dare to provoke his majesty.

Isn't this death?

"If in the Xiangu era, your humble creatures were not even qualified to speak to this seat."

The evil-eye monk said coldly, leaning towards Lin Feng, full of contempt and contempt.

"The existence of the ancient times?". The poison ancestor was surprised.

Xiangu, far before Taikoo, this was a prosperous era before Taikoo.

However, many things about the Xiangu era have become secrets, buried in the long river of history, and cannot be explored.

No one knows what happened in the Xiangu era, what happened, or even the end of the Xiangu era.

Because the age is too old.

and so.

Everything in the Xiangu era has become a secret.

Now, the words of the powerful Evil Eye clan reveal the time he was in.


That dazzling era, but it was buried by history.

Lin Feng has heard of the Xiangu era, but it is only limited to knowing the name. Everything else in the Xiangu era is strange to Lin Feng.

It is really unbelievable to see the strong man who survived in the Xiangu era.

"It's not an age of immortality now. You should have been buried by time and turned into a pile of bones. It's so embarrassing to be so arrogant? Believe it or not, I'll cut your head off and kick it. Lin Feng pouted.

The corners of the evil eye monks twitched violently.

He had never seen such an arrogant human monk.

In the Xiangu era, the human race was weak. Although there were strong men, it was difficult to support the great task of reviving the human race.

Several great emperors were born, and none of them could revive the human race.

It is like Jun Moxiao who was beheaded and killed by the Supreme Master of Three Exotic Worlds.

He wanted the people to restore the prosperity of the Celestial Age, but the result was a tragic death in the hands of the three exotic supreme masters.

Therefore, in the Xiangu era, the status of the human race is very low.

Evil-eye monks naturally look down on the human race.

Lin Feng is a human race. He looks down on Lin Feng and it is a normal thing.

But the point is, Lin Feng, who is indistinguishable from ants in his eyes, dare to be so arrogant in front of him.

This made the evil-eye monks feel that their dignity was provoked.

He raised his right hand and grabbed Lin Feng.

The breath of terror spread out.

The whole world seems to be frozen.

The evil eye clan monk is really terrible.

Far from being comparable to the previous Ulihan.

In such a dangerous situation, Lin Feng did not dare to be a little negligent, he quickly hurled mana into the ancient ring, and activated the ancient ring.

This ancient Lord of the Rings was infused with Lin Feng's mana and escaped with more powerful energy.

The Ancient Lord of the Rings was clearly interested in devouring foreign monks.

Otherwise, the Ancient Lord of the Rings that has been silent for so long will never take the initiative.

Lin Feng speculates that the life force of the foreign monk may be very special, and it is extremely beneficial to the ancient ring.

Now the ancient Lord of the Rings emits a lot of black mist to the evil eye clan monks.

"Ancient Lord of the Rings ... It has always been rumored that this monster has been damaged, it seems that the rumors are not true."

The evil-eye monk sneered. Nine eyes on his body shot nine **** rays of light.

The nine rays of blood are very strange and extremely powerful.

Instantly penetrated the black mist that escaped from the ancient Lord of the Rings, and then penetrated towards Lin Feng's body.

Lin Feng was horrified, this evil eye clan monk was too powerful, wouldn't the ancient Lord of the Rings also resist the attack of this squint monk?

If you can't resist it, wouldn't you die in the hands of the squinting monk.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's face was extremely ugly.

Seeing that the evil eye monk's attack was about to penetrate Lin Feng's body.


The ancient Lord of the Rings pattern on Lin Feng's left arm suddenly escaped a surprising wave of fluctuations.


The ancient Lord of the Rings pattern turned into a real ancient Lord of the Rings. I saw the Ancient Lord of the Rings suspended in front of Lin Feng.

An ancient demon world appeared, and went directly towards the evil eye clan monks.

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