Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1485: "Domineering"

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In that ancient Demon Realm, countless demons appeared, including the Tianmo and Linmo that the Lin Feng knew, but also the Demon that Lin Feng did not know.

For example, there is a kind of demon, all of which is dark green, with a pair of huge wings, and dense runes imprinted on his body.

As another example, there is another kind of demons who even had four feet and eight heads, roared in the sky, and the mountains and rivers collapsed.

These are extremely powerful demons, and there are too many demons in the demon world in front of them.

It's so dazzling.

Now this demon world is suppressing the monks of the evil eye clan. The power of the demon world is very powerful and terrifying, and the void splits like a world.

"The Ancient Lord of the Rings was indeed evil. When the great battles between the heavens were used, the masters of the demon world used the five treasures of the demon world to gain some status for the demon world in the melee. Otherwise, how can the demon world be related to the three realms and the exotic world Than? But the ancient Lord of the Rings is no longer the ancient Lord of the Rings, and today I will destroy the ancient Lord of the Rings and let this monster be completely destroyed. "

The evil-eye monk looked indifferent. This man was too powerful. Although he was suppressed by the ancient magic ring, he soon broke the oppression formed by the ancient magic ring.

The evil eye clan monks stepped forward and punched the ancient demon world condensed from the treasure of the ancient magic ring with one punch after another.

The demon world was shaken by the evil eye clan monks.


Lin Feng found that the head was not quite right, and directly sacrificed the Nine Demon Figures towards the evil eye clan monks.

If the evil eye clan monks were allowed to show their power, then the ancient magic ring could not resist the evil eye clan monks' attacks.

The poison ancestors and the three gods avatars help Lin Feng to mobilize the Nine Demons.

The powerful power of the Nine Demons is revealed, and a devastating force is surging out.

Nine Magic Figure swept the void.

I saw the surrounding voids began to crack.

Seeing that the Nine Demon Figures were bombarded, the Evil Eye Clan monks were powerful, but they did not dare to neglect. In any case, the Nine Demon Figures were also an imperial soldier.

The evil eye clan monk was so powerful that his left hand slashed towards the Nine Demons.

The right hand bombarded the demon world.

With one enemy and two, there is more ease.

Lin Feng took a deep breath, is this guy too powerful?

"The humble ants are still doing useless resistance. Soon you will know how stupid you are doing. No matter how hard the ants struggle, they will not be able to escape from the dragon."

The evil-eye monks sneered again and again.

In his view, he has mastered everything.

Lin Feng's expression was gloomy, and the current situation is indeed very bad. If this continues, it will be a dead end sooner or later.

"Across the ages of ancient times, looking at the battlefield of life and death, even though there is no life in ten deaths, although we have no regrets, only to protect the future of the human race ..."

Suddenly, a deep voice came out.

Light intertwined.

The Emperor Stone flew out.

At this moment the Holy Emperor Stone exudes a strong wave.

In the past, the Holy Emperor Stone dyed the blood of Saint Han Feizi.

This is the ancient holy emperor of the human race.

He bloodied the extraterrestrial world.

The blood of the Emperor Yuanyuan was scattered on the Tianwai meteorite, and finally this Tianmei meteorite became a holy emperor stone.

At the beginning of the funeral valley in the ancient battlefield of gods and deities, Lin Feng almost fell after nine deaths. Fortunately, the Holy Emperor Stone showed its power to protect him.

But in that war, the consumption of the Holy Emperor Stone was very large. For many years after that, the Holy Emperor Stone could hardly show its dignity and seemed to be in a state of silence and recovery.


Holy Emperor Stone sensed the breath of a foreign monk and recovered again.

Whether it is the Holy Emperor Stone or the Ancient Lord of the Rings, it seems to be manifested by the power of the foreign monk.


What happened in the past?

Why did the Ancient Lord of the Rings and the Holy Emperor Stone have so much hostility to the foreign monks?

This is not known to Lin Feng, but he knows well, that is, Holy Emperor Stone can help him now.

The Holy Emperor Stone swept a holy light and bombarded the evil eye clan monks.


This blow swept the body of the evil eye clan monk, and immediately flew away the evil eye clan monk.

The look of the evil eye clan monk was extremely gloomy, because this blow wounded him, the holy light was terrible, and even penetrated the body of the evil eye clan monk.

At that moment, Lin Feng clearly felt that the combat power of the evil eye clan monks seemed to have dropped to a greater extent.

Lin Feng's spirit was shocked.

The evil eye clan monk is not without weakness. His nine eyes are very powerful, and the attack power shot by him is endless.

However, the nine eyes on him seemed to be his weakness, and it was an extremely fatal weakness.

Lin Feng manipulated the Nine Demon Figures, and also drove towards the eyes of the evil eye clan monks.


This attack bombarded the eyes of the evil eye clan monks, and the nine eyes were bled.

"I am so angry"!

The evil-eye clan monks roared, "If it was in the Xiangu era, you would be wiped out with your fingertips."

"Don't indulge in the past, it is up to us to destroy you today." Lin Feng sneered and continued with the poisonous ancestors, the three poisonous avatars manipulated the nine demons to bombard the eyes of the evil eye clan monk.

The Holy Emperor Stone also showed great dignity, intertwined with the Holy Light, and after the Holy Light, swept towards the evil eye clan monk.

The demon world condensed by the ancient Lord of the Rings becomes more and more real, just like the immortal demon world is to appear in the world, with endless power.

It's so horrible that it makes people's souls tremble.

The three parties joined forces to kill the evil-eye clan monks. Although the evil-eye clan monks are in a deep state, they are now in great trouble.

"boom……". He was blasted out.

Nine eyes are about to burst.

He suffered huge damage, his breath was weakening rapidly, and his combat power was also declining.


The evil-eye clan monks roared, and three thousand black hairs danced violently. Among his eyes, there was an endless killing intention.

"You completely angered me ...".

His voice was like ice, he did not flinch, but walked towards Lin Feng and others step by step.

"Kill him with all my strength"! Lin Feng shouted, and mana poured into the Nine Demons in a crazy way. He wanted to seize this rare opportunity to kill the evil eye clan monks.

Holy Emperor Stone and Ancient Lord of the Rings also released a more powerful attack.

But at this time, the evil-eye monks shouted loudly, "Today I will let you taste the domineering power."


The voice fell.

A terrible breath came out of the body of the evil eye clan monk.

This breath.

It is the rumored "domineering".

The domineering people in the heavens and the world are too rare, even though the emperor may not be able to domineering.

The evil-eye clan monk even released his domineering. It can be seen that this person has an extremely extraordinary identity in the exotic world.

Flutter, flutter.

Lin Feng felt as if he had been deprived of the strength of his body, and he fell directly to the ground.

The poison ancestor, the three venomous avatars are no exception.

Under the dominance, they lost control of their bodies and fell to the ground.

The ancient ring and holy emperor stone suspended in mid-air also fell to the ground.

This is domineering and horrible!

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