Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1486: Domineering is emerging: the supreme purple domineering

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A rumored ability.

Domineering has countless magical functions, attack, defense, deterrence ... and so on.

Domineering can be practiced.

However, I want to practice domineering.

It is a very difficult thing.

It is said that I want to cultivate domineering the day after tomorrow.

You need to learn nine "potentials" first.

For example, Lin Feng has now learned the fighting trend, Xingtian war intention, and White Tiger killing intention.

Although only three "potentials" have been learned.

But among monks it is already extremely rare.

The comprehension of "potential" is extremely difficult. Every time one comprehends a "potential".

I want to understand the new "potential" again.

It will be more difficult.

And there is one more point.

Even if you can really understand nine kinds of "potentials". But I want to integrate nine kinds of "potentials" into a domineering one.

This is also a difficult thing.

Therefore, since ancient times, there are too few people who can understand domineering.

Perhaps it is because there are too few domineering people.

So far, few monks will believe in the existence of "domineering", many monks think this is just a rumor that they must be indifferent.

Before this, Lin Feng even thought that "domineering" was just a legend, but today, he saw domineering.

The domineering exhibited by the evil-eye monks was acquired by the domineering and acquired by the day after tomorrow.

But in addition to the acquired domineering.

There is also a domineering, that is innate domineering.

A person with innate domineering is born with domineering in his body.

Only, if there is no chance.

This domineering may not be released in a lifetime, let alone trying to manipulate this domineering.

And such congenitally domineering people are even rarer.

Either it is racial inheritance, or it is the favor of God.

Domineering is divided into nine colors.

The transparent color, that is, you can't see it, but you can sense it. This is the domineering of the first level.

Then there are white domineering, red domineering, orange domineering, yellow domineering, green domineering, cyan domineering, blue domineering.

And the supreme purple domineering.

Different domineering power is naturally different, high-level domineering, often able to restrain low-level domineering.

and so.

There is a repressive relationship between various domineering.

For example, once the supreme purple domineering is released, any domineering must be suppressed, it is difficult to show the domineering power.

At this moment, I saw the evil eye clan monks exhibiting domineering.

The poison ancestor was almost completely frightened.

"You turned out to be a domineering person"!

The poisonous ancestor cried in horror.

He knew what domineering represented.

Throughout the ages, how many arrogant heroes, how many emperors and emperors.

People who can have a domineering presence are also rare.

So, I want to see someone who has domineering.

That is extremely difficult.

If it is placed in the immortal age, the ancient age is so dazzling.

Domineering people are even rarer than the emperor.

Visible, how difficult it is to want to have domineering.

The poisonous ancestor knew how terrifying a domineering monk was.

Faced with this existence, there is simply no way to confront it.

"Humble ants, now know the gap between you and me?".

The monk of the evil eye clan said condescendingly that he came step by step, domineering the world, Lin Feng and the poison ancestor could not resist.

Even the Holy Emperor Stone and the Ancient Lord of the Rings are now suppressed.

"Is it really going to die here?".

Lin Feng was extremely unwilling in his heart.

He has too much to do.

In the depths of the starry sky, rescue the mother who was suppressed by Jiu Tian's funeral coffin.

Lin's family members were taken away by the cover of Tiantian's big hands, and the whereabouts are unknown. Lin Feng still has to find his relatives.

Father entered the starry sky, I don't know how he is now?

Uncle was killed that year.

Where is the enemy?

"I can't die"! Lin Feng gritted his teeth, and he controlled the blood of the emperor.

A dominating force surging out.

At this time, an amazing scene happened.

The transparent color domineering released by the evil eye monk was actually absorbed by the blood of the emperor Lin Feng.

Then the absorbed transparent domineering part poured into the deepest part of Lin Feng Danhai's five swallowing martial souls.

In the deepest part of the five swallowing Wuhun, it seems that a force is dormant.

Now the transparent color domineering stimulated the dormant power.


Lin Feng roared, and he got up from the ground.


Immediately afterwards, Lin Feng's body escaped a purple domineering.

Domineering by nature!

The supreme purple domineering.

"how come……". The evil eye monk made a terrified cry.

"God, the purple domineering rumors, he turned out to be the innate domineering owner!"

Cried the poisonous ancestor.

When the purple domineering came out, the ancient ships were all shattered, shrouded by the prohibition of the ancient ships, and instantly shattered.

Purple domineering instantly broke the transparent color domineering of evil eye clan monks.

Then, the purple domineering bombarded the evil eye clan monks.

"Unexpectedly, in my life, I was able to see the rumored purple domineering"!

The evil-eye monks murmured.


At the next moment, his flesh could not bear the purple domineering exuded from Lin Feng's body, so it shattered directly.

With a thump.

Lin Feng couldn't hold it anymore, fell to the ground, and was unconscious.

Nine Magic Figure! Ancient Lord of the Rings! Holy Emperor Stone! The three highly venomous avatars all turned into streamers into Lin Feng's body.

"Purple domineering, who is it? Have purple domineering?". At this time, a deep voice came from the depths of the ancient ship.

There are more powerful exotic world creatures waking up.

"go……". The poisonous ancestor climbed up from the ground, carried Lin Feng up, returned to the ancient ship of the Supreme Star, and fled towards the distance.


At this time, the breath of terror spread out, and three foreign world monks came out of the ancient ship.

"Where to go?"

One of the foreign world monks opened his hand and wanted to capture the ancient ship of the Supreme Starry Sky.

"Ah, it's finished ...", the poison ancestor yelled in horror.

"Buried in the starry sky, forgotten, long companion star universe, this is my home ..."

At this time, a mysterious voice resounded on the ancient ship Xingxing.

I saw the sarcophagus where Mo Xiao, the emperor's emperor, was slightly shocked.

A cursed force swept the three foreign monks.

The three foreign monks seemed to be drained of all their strength, and their bodies collapsed on the deck.

"Jun Mo laughs, you are counting us until death, we hate ...".

Three unusually powerful foreign world monks roared angrily.

The poison ancestor quickly seized this opportunity, changed the course, and quickly moved away from the ancient ship of the ancient evil starry sky.

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