Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1489: Escape from birth

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They are so beautiful, and their singing is so beautiful.

They looked towards this side, and their beautiful eyes contained affection.

"I am willing to give my love, I am willing to snuggle in your arms, I am willing to be your woman, I am willing to love you forever ......".

Those beautiful women whispered softly, full of love

"I seem to have found love ...".

"I never thought that one day, there would be such a beautiful woman willing to be with me ...".

"Quick, let's go ..."

Many people said excitedly that they were flying towards the island where the beautiful women were, while controlling the ancient ships in the stars.

Even Lin Feng gave the same order.

He also wanted to see those beautiful women, and no man could resist their temptation.

The four starry sky ancient ships successively sailed towards the island. The starry sky ancient ship that first came to the island was the starry sky ancient ship.

Many beautiful women walked on their starry sky.

The monks embraced the beautiful women they liked, and then lingered as much as possible.

"Quick, I can't wait ...". The monks on the other two ancient ships couldn't wait to cry and never wanted to wait any longer.

They wanted to be like the monk on the ancient ship of Starry Thunder.

Lingering with those beautiful women.

Experience the tenderness of those beautiful women.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Lin Feng always felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Now his ancient star ship, the Supreme Star, also flew to the island.

There are already more than a dozen beautiful women waiting for Lin Feng's empty ancient boat beside the island.

Those beauties, ring fat and thin, have their own strengths, but they are all beautiful and moving.

Now they pose in various temptations to lure Lin Feng to the past.

Even though Lin Feng, accustomed to beauties, also has some hearts and minds at this moment.

Beside, Zuzu waved and shouted, "Beauty, how are you, and your body is awesome, beauty, will you dance? Later, Grandpa will accompany you to dance the old man's cart. listen***……".

The ancient ship is approaching the island, and Lin Feng has even been able to smell the scent of the attractive body from those beautiful women.

If it is a normal man.

Now it is estimated that I want to go to the island to show my own strength.

But Lin Feng said his heart was firm.

Although there were waves in his heart, Lin Feng, who instinctively felt something was wrong, restrained the desire in his heart.


He opened the eyes of the demon snake.


What the demon snake eyes saw made Lin Feng take a breath.

The beauties I saw before were not beauties at all.

But monsters.

Those monsters are like fish bodies.

The head is incomparably huge and gritty.

There are sharp fangs in the big mouth of the blood basin.

"Star fantasy ghosts! These monsters are star fantasy ghosts"!

Lin Feng could not help but take a breath.

He shouted loudly, "Wake up quickly, those beautiful women are starry night demon, everyone is drawn into the fantasy realm by starry night demon"

Lin Feng shouted, and immediately awakened many people.

The monks who had embraced the "beauty" originally opened their eyes.

Only then did I find out, which beauty is she holding?

It is clearly an ugly starry fantasy monster.


The starry night monsters made a sharp and screaming sound, and immediately opened a big mouth of blood basin.


The monk's head in front of him was bit down.

Even Sikong Jinglei from Shenjing didn't escape the disaster.

Sikong thundered all the monks on this starry sky ship.

Lin Feng, Wang Dongchen, and Xue Mingyuan's ships have not reached the island where the Starry Illusory Demon is located, nor have physical contact with the Starry Illusory Demon, so they escaped this disaster.

Where do they dare to stay?

Quickly rushed into the cabin, flying the starry sky ancient ship towards the distance.

"Well ..."

I saw the starry sky magic demon jumped up and jumped directly onto the starry sky ancient ship.

Lin Feng's Supreme Star Starry Sky Boat is two of him and the poison ancestor, so it is easy to enter the cabin.

However, Wang Dongchen and Xue Mingyuan had a large number of people on the ancient void ship, so many people could not enter the cabin, and they were on the deck with the starry sky monster war.

The number of starry fantasy monsters is too much, many people die tragically, and then eaten by starry fantasy monsters.

The ancient ship of Lin Feng's Supreme Starry Sky was also attacked by the starry night demon, but Lin Feng and the poison ancestor and the three venomous puppets united, and the poison ancestors sacrificed various poisons, while Lin Feng and the three venomous puppets were responsible for killing the poison Those starry fantasy monsters.

Divine Realm avatar is maneuvering the starry sky ancient ship toward the distance.

Lin Feng and the poison ancestors, the three puppets of poisonous drama, cooperated very well.

A large number of starry fantasy monsters were killed, but those starry fantasy monsters were also very clever. They found Lin Feng and the poison ancestor hiding in the cabin to attack.

So the dense starry sky magic monster began to attack Lin Feng's Supreme Starry Starry Ancient Ship.

The prohibition of the ancient ship of Supreme Starry Sky is easily torn apart by these starry fantasy monsters.


The hull of the Supreme Star Starry Sky Ship was damaged.

"Click click ...".

The ancient ship of the Supreme Starry sky began to crack, and dense cracks appeared.

The situation is extremely bad.

There are more and more celestial demon gathered from outside, and the ancient ship of Supreme Starry Sky is obviously no longer able to sustain.

Lin Feng shouted in a deep voice, "These starry night demons are so powerful that they must abandon the ship and leave."

He sacrificed the four murderous tripods.

Then, Lin Feng, the poison ancestor, the Divine Reality avatar, and the three puppets of poisonous poison all entered the four murderous tripods.

Together they urged the four murderous tripods.

The four fierce tripods were activated and ran directly towards the starry fantasy monster outside.

Bang Bang Bang ...

All the illusionary stars in the starry sky surrounding the ancient ship were smashed out.

Many starry night demons were directly killed.

At the same time, Wang Dongchen and Xue Mingyuan also led the monks on their ships to abandon the ship and break through. After paying a heavy price, they finally tore a gap and escaped.

The starry night demon did not mean to let Lin Feng, Wang Dongchen, Xue Mingyuan and others leave, a large number of starry night demon quickly chased.

The three forces fled separately.

A large number of starry fantasy monsters have locked the four fierce tripods. These starry fantasy monsters are so fast that they can't get rid of them at all.

And in the distance, there are more starry night magical monsters rushing in. Once entangled by these starry night magical monsters, there may be only one way to die.

"It's just like a ghost ...". Lin Feng looked gloomy. He took out two artifacts and directly detonated them.

Although it is a bit distressing to destroy two artifacts, there is only one way to live.

The power of the artifact's self-detonation is terrifying. The devastating energy devours a large amount of starry fantasy monsters. Many starry fantasy monsters are killed by the energy produced by the artifact's self-detonation.

There are many starry night demon quickly retreat, avoiding this terrible blow.

The artifact exploded and finally blocked the chasing demon.

Lin Feng seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and urged the four murderers to quickly rush towards the distance.

I flew all the way for more than three hours, and found that there was no starry fantasy demon chasing. Only then did I breathe out, finally throwing away the starry fantasy demon.

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