Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1490: Qian Cang Zi

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"Don't you know that Wang Dongchen and Xue Mingyuan have escaped?" Lin Feng couldn't help whispering.

"The ancestor said," These people still have some skill in navigating the starry sky all the year round. "

Lin Feng nodded and said, "This starry night demon is really amazing. The created illusion, even you and I have been confused, it is really incredible."

The poison ancestor thought that the starry night monsters still have a feeling of coldness in the back. He said, "Yes ... there are indeed many terrible races in this starry sky world, and even many races that are stronger than the starry night fantasy monsters."

The starry sky is vast.

It is indeed a crisis.

For this dangerous starry sky world, Lin Feng has already been surprised.

He will not make any fuss about any terrible creature appearing in the starry sky world.

Now that there is no starry sky ship, it can only temporarily urge the four fierce tripods to fly.

But after all, Si Xingding is not an ancient ship in the starry sky, and there is no way to compare the speed with the ancient ship in the starry sky.

So Lin Feng intends to go to the "Lan Ruoxing" as Wang Dongchen and others said to buy an ancient starry ship.

He guessed that the Lan Ruoxing should be the central main star of the surrounding star field.

It is also a trade center.

Starry sky travelers like Wang Dongchen, who find babies in the starry sky, or hunt down precious starry beasts, will go to a central master star like Lan Ruoxing to trade.

There was no stop on the way, and Si Xingding quickly walked forward along the ancient Xingkong Road.

but! !

What Lin Feng did not expect was that they were attacked.

When passing by a star without any breath of life, the dense star cannons on that star bombed toward the four fierce tripods flying over the stars, and the four fierce tripods were exploded by the exploding star stones.

Lin Feng and the poison ancestor were very angry. Although they were not injured, they were extremely annoyed. Anyone who was attacked in plain and unexplained mood was absolutely depressed.

Lin Feng and the poison ancestor flew out of the four fierce tripods, and they saw that in this star, there were more than 20 ancient ships in the stars.

"Grass, which grandson dare to attack the uncle?". The poison ancestors shouted immediately.

"It's hard to die, but it's not dead? It seems that the mouth is a powerful baby"!

A monk stepped out, narrowed his eyes, and looked at Lin Feng and the poison ancestor.

The monk looked quite young, and looking at his appearance, in his twenties, Lin Feng felt the breath of his life.

This person was found to have been practicing for more than three thousand years.

This person's cultivation behavior has also broken through to the **** realm.

"Grandson, by the name, uncle will not kill the unknown ...". The poison ancestor shouted.

"Huh? So arrogant? It's really interesting that someone dares to be so arrogant in front of my son.

The monk sneered and waved his hand. All of a sudden, more than twenty ancient ships in the sky all flew into the air.


These starry sky ancient ships raised their flags.

"Star Pirate ...".

After seeing the flag painted with a skeleton frame, Lin Feng raised his brow slightly.

In fact, in the world of Tianwu Continent, many ships hang pirate flags, and the ships become pirate ships.

But if the pirate flag is taken off and transformed, it is a merchant ship.

Obviously, these starry sky ancient ships are very similar to those ships in the sea area of ​​Tianwu mainland.

Raising the star pirate flag, these people are star pirates.

Lower the star pirate flag, these people are star travelers.

Qian Cang son looked coldly at Lin Feng and the poison ancestor, and Leng Sensen said, "The two of you are now kneeling in front of the son and swearing allegiance to the son, the son will spare your life, if you don't know If you lift it up, let this starry sky world become your burial ground. "

Lin Feng scolded, "Dare you like him, dare to let us allegiance to you? Believe it or not, I can kill you with one hand?".

After hearing Lin Feng's words, the son of Qian Cang was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden rage.

Originally, Qian Cangzi thought that the poisonous ancestor was already arrogant enough.

He did not expect Lin Feng to be more arrogant than the poison ancestor.

Qian Cang's young age mastered such a huge fleet.

Obviously this person has an extraordinary background.

Has always been a tall person.

Nowadays they are despised again and again.

This makes the son of Qian Cang unusually suffocated and annoyed.

"Very good ... very good ... Now that you have no chance to become a slave to your son, your son wants your dogs to kill them."

Qian Cang son drank coldly.

He waved his right hand.


The star stone cannons of more than twenty old starry sky ships all aimed the muzzle at Lin Feng and the poison ancestor.

"The young man just didn't have an ancient ship in the sky, and today he robbed your fleet"!

Lin Feng sneered.

"act recklessly……". Qian Cang son sneered again and again.


next moment.

In the muzzle, dense stars and stones spewed out, exploded in the void, and the destructive power flooded Lin Feng and the poison ancestor.

The power of the starry sky cannon is extremely terrifying, and it was attacked by more than 20 starry sky cannons on the ancient starry sky ship.

Therefore, the resulting lethality is even more powerful. Lin Feng and the poison ancestor can contend in a short time, but if the time is long, they will inevitably be unable to resist the attack of the star cannon.

So this star cannon does have the possibility of killing Lin Feng and the poison ancestor.

Lin Feng directly exhibited the Sky Spell to avoid the attack of the Star Cannon.

Then came to the ancient ship with the poison ancestor.

Although there are many ancient ships in this fleet, the longest of these ancient ships is only about 100 meters.

Compared with the other thousand-meter-long starry sky ancient ship that Lin Feng had seen before, it was too far away.

Although the starry sky pirate group that Lin Feng had seen before had only ten starry sky ancient ships, those starry sky ancient ships were too powerful, and they were all extremely advanced starry sky ancient ships.

And the master among the starry pirate group is like a cloud.

In front of this fleet of sons of the Cangcang, the ancient starry ship can only be regarded as an ordinary ancient starry ship.

There are only five strong gods, and the strongest one seems to have only Nine Chongtian in the virtual **** realm, and it is simply impossible to be the opponent of Lin Feng and the poison ancestor.

Lin Feng guessed that 80% of this son of Qian Cang was a starry sky traveler, and his fleet was probably a merchant ship.

Not a professional star pirate group.

Just like the merchant ships in the mainland waters of the Tianwu Continent, the fleet of the son of Qian Cang was hung with a pirate flag, which is the starry sky pirate ship. This fleet of merchants and pirates is like a feather in the starry world.

"Very toxic world, devour ...". The poison ancestors screamed and condensed a highly toxic world. In an instant, all the starry sky ancient ships were shrouded in the highly toxic world.

The poison is pervasive, pouring directly into more than 20 ancient ships in the starry sky.

But not everyone can resist the poisonous poison like Lin Feng.


Soon, the screams of tremendous screaming came from the ancient ships in the starry sky.

Many people were poisoned directly.

"Poison repair ...".

Qian Cangzi's expression became somber.

"Follow me to kill them", the son of Qiancang rose to the sky, and then, four other powerful gods followed him, and came to fight.

"Hahahaha, your opponent is me ..." Lin Feng laughed and sacrificed the Divine Realm avatar and the three poisonous puppets, killing Qian Cang and his son.

The poison ancestor continued to urge highly toxic drugs, poisoning the starry sky pirates on more than 20 ancient starry ships.

If these starry sky pirates activate the ban on more than 20 starry sky ancient ships, Lin Feng and the poison ancestors will be in trouble.

The two knew this, so their division of labor was clear, and one dealt with the starry pirates on the starry sky.

One person is to deal with the five great gods and powerful people such as Qian Cang son, Lin Feng and the poison ancestor cooperate very well.

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