Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1491: Dafa

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The combination of Lin Feng and the poison ancestor is naturally Lin Feng's most suitable for dealing with the five gods and powerful gods, such as Qian Cang and the son. Ignite Shenhuo, become a powerful person in Shenhuo Realm, and hold a treasure like the Great Waste War Gun.

"Boy, die ...". Qian Cang son saw Lin Feng rushing alone, his face suddenly showed a good look, saw Qian Cang son waved his hand, and the other four powerful gods scattered, together with him, want to join Lin Feng.

Lin Feng sneered out loud, the armor of death covered him, and summoned the Divine Realm avatar and the three puppets of poison.

"not good……".

After seeing the Divine Realm avatar and the three poisonous puppets, the faces of Master Qiancang and the other four Divine Realm monks suddenly fell.

It was not until this time that they knew how amazing Lin Feng's hidden cards were.

Shenjing avatar, holding a big wasteland gun, quickly killed the strongest **** realm monk on the side of Qiancang son.

This strongest **** realm monk is only the ninth heaven of the virtual **** realm, which is one level lower than the **** realm.


More importantly, although the magic weapon in the hands of this sacred monk is an artifact, it is only an artifact of the level of the virtual god, which is too far away from the artifact of the giant **** level of the Great Waste War Gun.

The realm is not as good as the Divine Reality avatar.

The magic weapon was crushed by the Great Desert War Gun.

This battle is completely one-sided.

And Lin Feng's three venomous puppets also haunted the other three powerful gods.

Although the three venomous puppet monks are several ranks lower than the other three magical powerhouses.

But the biggest advantage of the highly toxic puppet is that the whole body of the highly toxic puppet is highly toxic.

Anyone who is hurt by a highly toxic puppet, or even touched by a highly toxic puppet, can get into the body.

So although the cultivation of the three **** monks was higher than that of Lin Feng ’s three venomous puppets, when the real wars were together, the three **** monks took too much care and could not really show their strength.

All three were held back by the highly toxic puppets.

And Lin Feng is the deity that killed the son of Qian Cang.

The son of Qiancang is the cultivation of the five gods of the imaginary **** realm, holding a sword. This sword is called the star breaking moon sword. It is an artifact of the **** level, and it is very powerful.

The son of a thousand swordsmen with one sword can show extremely amazing combat power.

However, for Lin Feng, who is in charge of the imperial soldiers, the son of Qiancang is destined not to be an opponent, unless the son of Qiancang also owns the imperial soldiers.

Otherwise, it is destined to be suppressed by Lin Feng.

Nine Magic Figure was urged by Lin Feng, descended from the sky, and suppressed towards Qian Cang Gongzi.

"Moon Cut"!

The son of Qian Cang sang coldly, holding the Excalibur, and displayed a powerful attack.

I saw Master Qiancang slashing his sword.

The sword gas spitting out of the Excalibur was like a meniscus.

Swept over.

Qian Cang son wanted to fly the Nine Demons, and then killed Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said disdainfully, "Senior Cang Cang, just like you, do you deserve to fight with me? It's just overwhelming."

Lin Feng's words were full of contempt and disdain for Qian Cang son, which made him very angry.

"Then try the deer who will die?". The son of Qiancang roared with a roar, chopping for ten consecutive months.

Clang clang ...

The dazzling sword gas condensed from the Moon Slash continued to kill the Nine Demon Figures, but it was not able to shake the Nine Demon Figures.

The Nine Demons shook in the void, but instead disturbed the attack from the son of Qian Cang.

Then the Nine Magic Figure continued to sweep the son of Qiancang.

Soon, Qian Qiang son was impulsive.

With a bang.

This blow directly threw the son of Qian Cang out.

"Wow……". The son of Qian Cang vomited blood, and his face was very pale.

"Too weak, just like your ants, dare to provoke Lao Tzu? Really something I do not know."

Lin Feng continued to manipulate the Nine Magic Figure to suppress the son of Qian Cang.

"Young son be careful."

The **** monk who was fighting with a poisonous puppet saw the son Qian Qiang was in danger, his face suddenly changed, and after pushing back the **** avatar, he quickly rushed towards the son Qian Qian, and he showed a trick The magical power called the billions of stars.

This magical power has evolved into a world of billions of stars, which separates them from the Nine Demons.

Just when the powerful **** of realm breathed a little bit of relief, the Nine Magic Figure tore the hundreds of millions of stars and rushed to the **** of the realm of the god.

Nine Magic Figures suppressed.


This blow bombarded the **** monk's body. Suddenly, the **** monk's flesh shattered and died on the spot.

Qian Cang's face changed greatly, and he quickly backed away, pulling away from the Nine Magic Figure.

"Hurry up"! Qian Cang shouted loudly.

The sons of Qian Cang also saw that they were not Lin Feng's opponents at all, and they fought only to die.

Qian Cang son fled towards the distance, Lin Feng was in charge of the nine demon figure chased and went away.

Qian Cang son roared, "Boy! If it were not for you to master the imperial soldiers, this son would be able to kill you."

Lin Feng snorted, "Even if you don't use the imperial soldiers to deal with waste like you, it's a piece of cake."

Lin Feng directly displayed the sky-burning fury, offering a tri-color flame light ball.


Then the three-color flame light ball exploded, and the son of Qian Cang was blown out, and half of his body was blown up, **** and terrible.

"Why is this? You haven't even broken through the Divine Realm, how could it be so powerful?". Qian Cang growled in disbelief.

"Reversing the Immortal God, for me, it's just a matter of a snap."

Lin Feng sneered out loud, slashing towards the son of Qian Cang.

"Boy, die!"

At this time, the strong man of Divine Realm who was in a battle with Divine Realm rushed towards Lin Feng, and the phantom magic knife in his hand swept towards Lin Feng.

This person's attack can be much stronger than the son of Qian Cang.

Taking advantage of Lin Feng's chance of being dragged, Qian Cang and the stars tore out of the sky.

Seeing the son of Qian Cang running away, Lin Feng's face suddenly plummeted, and he urged the Nine Demons to sweep towards the Nine Heavy Heavenly Power who attacked him.


The phantom magic knife in his hand was slashed on the Nine Demon Figure, and was blocked by the Nine Demon Figure. The person wanted to withdraw and leave, but it was too late. Lin Feng ran five seats to devour the Martial Soul.

The five swallowed martial souls united to form a devoured black hole, which enveloped this powerful **** and imprisoned his body. Although it was impossible to imprison him completely, the speed of this person also decreased sharply. The avatar was shot by the Great Desolation War, and the face of the **** of power suddenly changed, and he swept the phantom magic knife towards the **** of avatar.

His Phantom Magic Knife collided with the Divine Realm's Dahuang Battle Gun, but at this time, Lin Feng came behind the Shenjing Powerhouse and punched him, slamming loud noise came out, Lin Feng's horror 'S fist bombarded the strong body of the Nine Heavy Heavens of the False God Realm, and his flesh exploded directly, destroying both form and spirit.

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